It's not happiness.

It is already a kind of luck that there is no one missing in the family of three.

Don't look at Zhuang Berry who is only six years old, because in the past three years, following her into the game, her mentality has grown very fast.

She knows a lot.

That is, she is the only child in the family, and she is a little envious of other brothers and sisters.

But she knew that such a dangerous life was not suitable for having children, so she didn't mention it.

Going to school alone every day is also very boring.

"Dad, I'm going to be on vacation soon, why don't I follow you into the game?"

"Okay, let's go to that game in the playground, and I can take you to the playground to play by the way."


"Puff..." Zhuang Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing.

I always feel that these games have become less scary at this moment.

Why didn't she think of it before.

Yes, places like amusement parks no longer exist in reality, but they exist in games.

With children, they will not go to new games, they usually go to old games. This kind of game can basically pass the level without casualties, so there is no need to worry about safety.

It is indeed possible to have a play.


Soon the holidays will come.

The school dates are the same now as they were before the game came.

There are also summer and winter vacations.

The requirement of this game is to kill the clown.

Because the clown is a perverted killer, he is about to die, and decided to drag many children to his back.

So he sneaked into the amusement park and planned a massacre.

First of all, he hid, like a cat catching a mouse, and damaged several amusement park facilities,
For example, in the rattlesnake channel, a blade is installed.

There are also seats that have destroyed some high-altitude facilities.

The most cruel thing was in the haunted house, where several people were dismembered and mixed into props.

The entire amusement park, on that day, was covered in blood.

But they have strategies.

For the players who came in this time, Yunfei was paid.

He leads the team and is responsible for customs clearance, while they are responsible for taking the children to play.

Among the bounty hunters in the imperial capital, Yuan Shen's name was reputable.

Who knows, this person covered in talismans, after entering the game, basically the beginning is the end.

Unless it's a new game, you need to find clues and information, and you can't rush to pass the level violently.

"Then you guys go play first, I'll get the clown under control.

Which facilities have not been tampered with, everyone should know, right? "

The crowd nodded.

Yunfei took out the talisman paper, and issued a Vajra Talisman to each of them.

They are all customers who have spent money, so we should be more cautious and responsible.

Soon, within 10 minutes, Yunfei dragged the clown out from the haunted house.

The clown stayed aggrieved in the prisoner's talisman, unable even to go berserk.

Because this talisman is strengthened by absorbing ghost energy, the more mad he is, the stronger the talisman will be.

And his ghost energy will never be able to accumulate enough violent amount.

The clown collapsed helplessly to the ground.

boring game.

In the beginning, their ghosts could still have the upper hand, but now their taboos have been understood by humans, and they can no longer threaten them.

For those who came before, he can still do one or two.

With this wave of people who came today, he has no room to fight back.

Can only admit.


Yunfei and Zhuang Yuanyuan played with Zhuang Berry on the carousel and the mug.

There are also facilities such as bumper cars.

It wasn't until everyone had a good time that he used a talisman to kill the clown, and then cleared the level and left.

When you want to take your children to read books, choose Crazy Bookstore.

If you want to take your children to the beach for camping, then choose the island to survive.

In short, this summer vacation, Zhuang Berry had a very colorful life.

After school started, she continued her studies.

Yunfei and Zhuang Yuanyuan usually staggered into the game, after all someone has to stay at home to take care of Berry.

They are more and more like comrades-in-arms with tacit understanding, lovers who love each other, and relatives who support each other.

Handsome, capable, caring and responsible, and most importantly, dedicated.

Whoever stays with this kind of man will be tempted.

Zhuang Yuanyuan is just an ordinary person who yearns for love and family.

So she was tempted.

In the social circle, many people envy her. She has a lovely daughter, a strong and excellent husband, and she is not bad. She is simply a winner in life.

Yes, except that my mother left her, after having Yuanshen, everything is better.

Thinking of this, she can't wait to see him. When she goes back, she should surprise him.

The bouquets of props that everyone got in the past wished they could hide them as family heirlooms.

Now, bouquets are just flowers.

Many people regard it as an ordinary gift.

For example, there are all kinds of flowers in Zhuang Yuanyuan's package.

They were all sent by Yunfei in various days.

"Yuanyuan, it's done, we can go back."

"Haha, I've played three games in a row recently, and I'm a little tired. Let's make an appointment to relax?"

The two girls who spoke were Zhuang Yuanyuan's long-term teammates.

The girls support each other, and they have come to this day.

At the beginning, everyone was not good, but they did not give up, and evenly hired an instructor to teach them.

From being slow at the beginning to running without panting now.

Girls' athletic cells are mostly weaker than men's, and coupled with their natural strength, many men don't like to team up with female players.

Even, if you want to form a team, some transactions will be involved.

This kind of private and voluntary negotiation cannot be controlled by the state.

As a result, many male players with some strength began to swell.

They have a kind of confidence that they can hug each other and build a harem.

Even now, you can use the interval of days to ask someone to bring the game, there are still many people who live by relying on others.

But more, it is to start to break through the self.

More and more occupations appear, giving people a lot of choices.

And finally free to talk about love.

Fang Jiaqi in the team was excited when she heard that she was going to play, "Okay, okay, I haven't drunk the wine I got from doing the task before, and I'm waiting to taste it with you."

Zhuang Yuanyuan also wanted to relax, and said, "Come to my house, we can barbecue."

"Hey, then you have to ask brother-in-law to prepare more delicious food, we don't know how greedy he is for his craftsmanship."

"I'll get the fruit. I got a fruit basket last time. There are many kinds."

"Ah, I'm so looking forward to it!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and finish the task."

"Is the goddaughter here? I haven't seen the little baby for many days."

"Haha, those who didn't know thought you would talk about it for years."

One of the girls said playfully: "I like children so much, I will give birth to one myself, so I don't need to be greedy for sister Yuanyuan."

"I think too, it's not that I haven't met the right one!
So I can only love the little baby Berry of Sister Yuanyuan's family. She is the only one among us who is married and has children. "

Zhuang Yuanyuan couldn't help but smile.

She had no friends since she was a child, and it seemed that she was born with little popularity.

It wasn't until I met them that I really understood what a close friend was like.

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