Ten years later.

The 16-year-old Zhuang Berry has also become a well-known bounty hunter.

The daughter of Yuan Tianshi's family, a well-known eldest lady in the imperial capital.

Both parents are excellent bounty hunters.

Every time a new game comes out, even the country invites the couple to open up wasteland.

After all, they have all kinds of professional tools to deal with ghosts, which can greatly reduce casualties.

Now that the population has plummeted, retaining the number of survivors means retaining strength.

This broken game has now added a competitive category.

That is the annual global game, everyone is forced to enter, even newborns, have to be bound by one of their parents to enter.

And this game is about countries and camps.

Although we are all human beings, when it comes to competition, of course it is towards our own country.

So it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a life-and-death struggle.

A large number of survivors is an advantage.

Of course, the excellent physical fitness of foreigners is also an advantage.

The ghosts in Huaguo can be dealt with by means of spells, Maoshan spells and so on.

Foreign countries also have means to deal with ghosts.

The games on their side naturally use foreign ghosts.

There are also capable people in the West who are proficient in their ancient spells, secret methods and other things to deal with their ghosts.

Therefore, the global competition every year is very fierce.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten.

No matter what dynasty or environment, it is the same.


This year's global battle is about to begin again.

For the sake of the country, Yunfei never hides his selfishness. The method of cultivating profound energy and the encyclopedia of spells that he has learned have already been written down and promoted throughout the country.

Of course, the country's father didn't lose him in terms of treatment.

In addition to Lee also gave the name.

Although it can be said that there is no one in a million people with metaphysics talent, but one more meeting, one more hope of survival.

So most people are grateful for Yunfei's selflessness.

Secret techniques like this are generally something passed down from the ancestors.

There will definitely be many rules, such as passing on the male and not the female, only passing on the blood of one's own blood and so on.

But Yunfei, he made it public.

What a selflessness.

His patriotism is admired by all.

You know, things like the records of those ancient families in foreign countries are still in their hands and not passed on to the outside world.

If they want to survive, they can only spend a lot of money to support those people.

Not to mention how miserable it is.

"Berry, if you go in and get separated from us, you must be careful.

Don't stand out in everything, and those people with ulterior motives, don't contact them stupidly. "

Even after hearing these words many times, Zhuang Berry still listened carefully and never interrupted her mother's careful exhortations.

As for Yunfei, he was stuffing the storage talismans of a family of three.

Afraid of losing the storage talisman, he now folds it up and hangs it around everyone's necks.

In case of loss, there is another one, which is sewn in the pocket.

Although the Encyclopedia of Talismans has been made public, there are very few people who can draw advanced talismans such as storage talismans.

All of them are old people who have practiced Taoism or Buddhism for many years.

Moreover, the storage talisman drawn is not as spacious as Yunfei's.

It's a bit like the hierarchy of inheritors.

Yunfei is a system skill, so it is perfectly inherited, and if he passes it on, it is already an indirect inheritance, and there is also a marginal inheritance.

"Dad, don't stuff me so much. Most people in Huaguo know you, and they will take care of me when they see me."

Hearing this sentence, Yunfei became even more frightened.

He is not RMB, how can he be liked by everyone?
What if there are so many strange brain circuits?

So he warned: "Then you should put on the ugly talisman as before.

If you pretend to be yourself, your parents are not sure if you have enemies. "

After all, people who hate you always have a reason.

The villain is difficult.

Zhuang Berry is also obedient, even if she uses up this talisman every time, she will be ugly for seven days.

After stuffing my daughter's, I started stuffing my wife's again.

The large piles of talisman papers were all marked and packed in separate grids.

The name and function of the talisman paper are marked on the label, as well as the spell used.

After all, there are so many talismans, except for the life-saving ones that are kept firmly on the body, it would take too much brains to memorize all the other talismans.

Although Zhuang Yuanyuan was almost forty, she still couldn't help her face getting hot after being put on the tip of her heart by her husband.

Men in their 40s, in the eyes of others, have already begun to grow old.

But in her eyes, her husband is still in his prime.

The older you get, the more gentle and refined your face becomes.

Every move made her feel respected.

He is different from other men.

After getting along for many years, she has never given her anger, and she will reason with her when encountering disagreements. Of course, she has never given him anger.

Because there is such a husband, I can't get angry at all.

Who can say no to someone, even in the middle of the night, it’s not too troublesome to get up and use firewood to light a fire, busy for half a day, just for a bowl of red ginger candy to warm up.

Generally, men will avoid suspicion, and the fight between women and women will be resolved by women themselves.

But he is not.

Whether it is a man or a woman, if you bully her, you will get it back for her.

Even if that woman was his admirer, she didn't soften her heart at all.

Many people have also said that he, a big man, is a bit ungentlemanly when he mixes with women's hair.

But Yunfei said: "I respect ladies very much, but I cherish my wife even more.

These ladies make it difficult for my wife. It is my reason. It may be that I did not let you see my firmness, so there is an illusion that I will be shaken. "

"People's hearts are biased, and I'm not a saint or a celebrity, so I don't need to do superficial tricks.

I made it clear that my heart was biased, and it was toward my wife and children.

If you want to bully them, you will have a chance unless I die. "

In this new era where the social order is still in chaos, it is normal for powerful people to attract countless bees and butterflies.

Yunfei will not let Zhuang Yuanyuan deal with it by herself.

She can, but it's easier for him to come.

Many people think that men like young and beautiful men, or men who can stand shoulder to shoulder with them.

In fact, there are indeed many people who no longer follow the marriage law after the society is in chaos.

But there are many exceptions.

Emphasis on feelings is not about ability, but character.

Yunfei is very firm. After being a man for so many lives, maybe his psychology will start to change, but he is still steadfast in being the original self.

If he must have a wife, it can only be the child's biological mother.

Otherwise, raise your own children.

Even if the child likes it, he will not follow the child's wishes to choose a stepmother for him/her.

Respecting the wishes of children does not mean that children can control the lives of their parents.

Loving children doesn't necessarily mean giving and receiving.

So every life, if the child's mother is gone when he arrives, he will choose to raise the child alone.

Instead of looking for a good candidate to give the child a perfect home.

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