Chapter 628 Stray Dog Family 15
Yunfei didn't lift his eyelids.

Even if it knew earlier, it would still train the cubs.

After all, what they learn are some basic survival skills, to prevent them from harming humans, and to prevent humans from harming them.

There are also basic life skills, such as loving bathing, not being afraid of water, not messing with peeing, and so on.

Soon, Xu Yuerong went back with the glutinous rice balls in her arms, and asked Jiang Tangtang to borrow a leash to lead her away.

There was no resistance to the glutinous rice balls, probably because I was familiar with her.

After all, they have been fed a lot recently.

After returning home, Xu's parents were a little puzzled when they saw that she brought back a not-so-small puppy.

"What are you doing here with a little bitch in your arms? Whose family does it belong to?"

Xu Yuerong held Tangyuan's paw and said hello: "Tangyuan, this is grandma and grandpa, say hello to them."

I didn't understand anything else, but Tangyuan understood the meaning of greeting, so she let out a "bark" to save face.

"Dad, Mom, this is glutinous rice balls. From now on, she will be my daughter. Treat it like you treat me."

Mother Xu's eyes widened in shock, then she looked around and said, "Old Xu, where's my feather duster? I'm going to clean the house today!"

"Treat it like it treats you. When you were young, you were beaten three times a day. Do I have to beat it three times a day?"

"I asked you to go on a blind date. You said you were not free. If you are not free, then you are not free. Who told you to be a busy person!

The results of it?You don't have time, you go out and pick up a pup and come back to be a girl, what's the matter, can it still give you a pension? "

"I've rebelled against you, and I have to deal with you today!"

Xu Yuerong was so frightened that she shrank her neck from this huge pile of crackling.

"Cough, mom, don't be angry, pay attention to your body, I'll carry my daughter upstairs first, let's talk about things later, bye~"

After she finished speaking, she quickly ran away holding the glutinous rice balls.

Xu Yuerong was afraid that her family would be worried, so she didn't tell her family what happened a few days ago.

In the past few days, I have been pretending to be nothing, wandering around at home and in the courtyard.

In the eyes of the elders of the Xu family, isn't it just a panic of idleness!
It happened that the relatives asked about their daughter's marriage, and said that there was a nice guy, and they wanted to introduce her to her, so they could meet sometime.

Xu's mother agreed on her own initiative, because although her daughter didn't want to go on a blind date before, she still agreed to go and see it every time for her sake.

She thought there would be no exception this time, but she was resolutely rejected.

With that attitude, it seemed that if she forced her further, Xu Yuerong would die for her to see.

She was so scared that she quickly apologized to the aunt of Xu's family and rejected him.

As a result, my daughter came back with a dog today and said it was her granddaughter, and it was thanks to her good health that she didn't get mad.

As for the dog, if you raise it, you will raise it. It’s also a pastoral dog. It’s not those expensive pet dogs on the Internet.

When eating at night, it was really... Xu's parents didn't even notice.

I saw Xu Yuerong on the table eating, picked up a piece of chicken wing, soaked it in the water next to it, and put it in the dog bowl under the table when it was tasteless.

"Are we glutinous rice balls waiting to eat chicken wings? Mommy will help you wash off the seasonings. Eat quickly."

This is not over yet, after that, several kinds of food were washed in succession, and the fish was checked for thorns before being given to the little black dog.

Mother Xu couldn't bear it and said angrily: "If you don't want to eat, get out of here."

"Mom, don't be jealous, didn't I pick fish bones for you and Dad?

The fish is quite fresh today, please eat more. "

In the eyes of Xu's mother, the daughter's smiling face has become a belated rebellious period!For so many years, she has felt that her eldest son is a heart-wrenching char siu and her daughter is a caring little padded jacket.

Now I feel that the padded jacket is right, but it is a summer padded jacket, and you will get angry when you wear it.

"What do you think? Mom doesn't mean to force you to go on a blind date, so if you have the ability to meet someone of the opposite sex yourself, I'm not that unenlightened person.

But take a look, can you recognize it yourself?Colleagues and classmates are not of the opposite sex.

A blind date doesn't mean you have to marry him, it's just like getting to know a friend and getting along with him. If you can do it, you can do it. If you can't, you can pull him down. "

In the past, I was worried about my daughter's early love and went astray, but now I am worried about my child's old age and no one to accompany me. It really breaks my heart.

Xu Yuerong was also very upset. After all, her parents had never been out of this county in their entire life. They felt that raising children was all about arranging them to do things at any age.

Living step by step, once a small goal is not achieved, I start to worry, thinking that the parents have not fixed the child well.

This deep-rooted concept cannot be changed overnight.

Alas, "Don't worry, Mom, I know it well, and I will go home when I find the right one."

Besides, my brother and his future sister-in-law have such a good relationship, you will soon have a grandson to hug you. "

My surname is not Xu.

Xu Yuerong could only say this quietly in her heart, otherwise she would have to get slapped with a feather duster again.


It's snowing, and Jiang Tangtang took a rare time today, and brought Dabao to play with all the dogs in the courtyard.

When she came, she saw that Zhima and Baozi were rolling snowballs, and then rushed over with her strength, lowered her head, and flew the snowballs out with her mouth.

Get up and see that the dog can play snowballs!

Samoyed is not interested in sesame, but smells the steamed stuffed bun and plays around it all the time.

Jiang Tangtang is not worried. Her eldest daughter has already entered the palace, so there is no way to destroy the flower.

"Dabao, you go play with your nephew and niece. Mom, look where your brother has gone."

Dabao: ...This is probably the feeling of relatives in the Tianxiang family.

My half-brother, who has been missing for many years, finally returned home, and he has a wife and children T_T.

However, facing the wind and snow, it hadn't been depressed for three seconds, and happily followed it to play in the snow.

It's just a little silly, it doesn't know how to roll snowballs with its paws, it only knows how to shave snow, which makes Sesame and Baozi very disgusted.

After a while, Xiaobai also came, and the four dogs started rolling in the snow.

If not everyone was wearing sweaters to protect themselves, they would probably be shivering from the cold.

After playing for a long time, Jiang Tangtang drove him into the kitchen and lit a fire to keep the five dogs warm.

He held Dabao with his left hand and Erbao rested on his lap. The firewood in the stove was burning, and occasionally there was a crackling sound.

There is also the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes filling the air.

Other dogs don't know if Yunfei is greedy or not, but he is quite greedy anyway.

It's so cold today, it can't wait to stay in the nest, and it doesn't understand the behavior of those fools running to play in the snow.

The room on the right side of the main house, Ginger Tangtang, had already been tidied up, with the floor laid, wallpaper pasted, and a bed and some furniture bought.

Occasionally she would choose to spend the night here.

Of course, the conditions are not as good as those at home, but she is not the kind of owner who can't bear a little bit of hardship, so she is quite used to living there.

(End of this chapter)

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