As the Chinese New Year was approaching, Jiang Tangtang also gave Aunt Chen a month's leave in advance and would not return to work until the tenth day of the Lunar New Year.

So recently she has been living in a small courtyard.

Her family called her back and asked her when she would go home for the New Year, but she didn't want to go back because of what happened last time.

Her mother's words and deeds were all about introductions. Anyone who wanted her was a good man.

Jiang Tangtang sometimes really doubts, is she really the biological child of the family?
When I was a child, I never received any praise for my good grades. My relatives angrily said that it was useless for girls to read so many books.

I am already in my twenties after graduating from college. I will get married and have children soon. How can I have money to support my parents? It is better to have a son who will be by my side for the rest of my life.

The parents agreed with approval and urged the eldest and second brothers, who did not like to study, to study.

As for her, it is enough to complete nine years of compulsory education.

Originally, the high school was not going to let her go, and they had already made an appointment with her uncle's family to take her there to work.

But she is lucky!

In desperation, she won over 10,000 in the lottery she bought. She was beaten to death, but she didn't even take it out. She waited until school started to take the money with her to report.

After that, I stayed in the dormitory and went home once a month. Later I went to college and worked part-time whenever I had time to save money.

To be honest, with 100 million plus the continuous payment in the past two years, she felt that she was worthy of the gift of childbirth in this life.

If it wasn't for her parents, she wouldn't be so indifferent to marriage.

Having seen all kinds of weird blind dates, how could she have expectations for the future?
Thinking of this, she quickly stroked the fur of the babies around her to comfort herself.

At first, I didn’t want to wander in a foreign country, nor did I want to be too far away from my parents, so I chose to return to a small county to start a business. Maybe it was a mistake.

No matter how much she tried to escape, on the 29th day of the year, she still arranged the small courtyard early and took a taxi home.

"Er Bao, Mommy will put enough dog food for you for a few days. You have to watch Xiaobai and your two sons not to be too greedy."

However, this is just habitual nagging. Dogs will basically not eat when they are full, and it is rare for cats to eat to death.

Especially her second child is even more reassuring.

How could a dog that knows how to train its puppies not to be deceived by dog ​​thieves' poisonous meat be unable to control its appetite?
Not only can he control himself, but he can also control his wife and children.

With it, Ginger Tangtang is particularly at ease.

Although the dogs couldn't understand, she still talked about arranging their independent life for the past few days.

"Mama will try to come back early on the third day of the Lunar New Year. You should be careful at home and hide away from bad guys when you go out to play.

Run to the mountains and wait for the bad guys to leave before going home. Otherwise, they will know that you are living here and no one is around, and they will have bad thoughts later. "

"You are the father of the cubs and Xiaobai's husband. You must take good care of them."

"Dabao is too stupid. Mom, take him away and don't let him bother you here."

A few buckets of water were left in the kitchen, a few basins of dog food, and a basin of duck necks and other snacks were left specially for Yunfei to distribute.

After all the arrangements were made, Jiang Tangtang took Dabao and got on the ride from Didi and left.

It takes about 10 to [-] minutes by car to get back to her home in the county seat, which is quite close.


As soon as she left, Yunfei stood up, holding snacks in his mouth, called three dogs, gave each dog a hair, and then closed the kitchen door.

From today on, it will be the one responsible for cooking in the kitchen!
No dog can eat enough.

After eating, take them back to the heated room to sleep. What fun is there in this cold weather.As for Jiang Tangtang, the experience of taking Dabao home for the New Year was not good.

After arriving home, what greeted her was not the smiles and concerns of her parents, but two straight faces. Her father smoked a pipe without saying a word, and her mother came into the house with a bowl and saw her. She didn't say anything and went straight into the house.

The aunt next door greeted her, "Hey, Tangtang is back? Why is it so late this year?"

It was indeed too late. In previous years, she would come back early in the year and then clean up the house.

Her parents didn't pay much attention to cleanliness. They only swept the first floor throughout the year and put away debris and other things when they had time.

Just tidying up and cleaning inside and out took two or three days, and I also had to buy all kinds of missing things for the house.

But this year she didn't come back to help clean up, and I don't know who did it.

After Jiang Tangtang chatted with the aunt next door for a few words, she carried her luggage and led Dabao into the house.

Her parents were eating at the table and ignored her.

Several nieces and nephews actually called out, "Auntie."

The two brothers and the two sisters-in-law didn't see it. "Mom, where are the eldest brother, the second brother and the sister-in-law?"

As expected, no one answered.

Jiang Tangtang understood that her mother was making trouble and was waiting for her to coax her, and it would be time to start preaching after a while.

But this time she didn't give in. She no longer cared what they thought, just as they didn't care about her.

So she simply asked several children, "Haohao, where are your parents?"

"They're not going home for the New Year this year," the eldest boy replied.

"Huh? Why don't you come back? Isn't it a holiday?"

With the money she gave, her parents built a building for the eldest brother and the second brother, so now their family is divided.

My parents lived with my eldest brother in this three-story building built on the site of the old house.

The second brother built a two-story building on another piece of land.

Both brothers work in other provinces, and the children stay at home with their parents.

Haohao shook his head and said he didn't know. He was also disappointed that his parents wouldn't come back for the New Year.

Jiang Tangtang didn't know what to say, so she simply took out the gifts for her nephews and gave them to them to make them happy.

Of course, there were also ones for her parents, but her mother still didn't talk to her.

Instead, her father said, "I'm back. When I'm in the third year of junior high school, I'll go with your old lady to meet a young man from Fushi Village.

The conditions there are pretty good, and my family has built a house. I heard that over there in Zhejiang Province, I work in steel and other fields, and the salary is high. I heard that I can earn [-] yuan a month, but I don't look very good.

But in this life, looking good is the most useless thing. Life is easy only if you have money. "

She tried to force a smile but failed. Jiang Tangtang simply smiled bitterly and said: "I returned to the county in the third year of junior high school, so I won't go."

This one is just a bit uglier, but it must have moisture.

However, just such a sentence made Jiang's mother throw away her chopsticks in anger, "Are you so unwilling to see each other?
It doesn’t matter how old you are. You are no longer 20, you are almost 40. Do you know what everyone says about you?ah?

She said that you were an old aunt who couldn't get married. She was hurt by doing dirty work in the city. She couldn't get pregnant and no man wanted her.

Don’t you feel so embarrassed, and don’t you think about whether your dad, me, your brother, sister-in-law, nephews, or I have the nerve to go out to meet people? "

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