Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 640 The daughter who even lost the plot 4

After chatting for a while, they started fighting monsters. Yunfei was a little unfamiliar at first, but he became more and more proficient at fighting monsters, and at least he maintained the character of the original owner.

After it was over, he privately messaged Haejun.

The Hai family is the leader in the technology industry on the main star. As a Hai family member, no matter how marginalized he is, he should still have some understanding.

Lan Yayi: "Brother, I want to ask you, is there any person-finding software that can find unrecorded planets?"

Haejun quickly responded to the message.

"There are currently no planets that don't even have star network signals. Let's not talk about whether they have optical brains. Even if they do, there is no signal connection."

In this technologically advanced world, places without the Internet are undoubtedly backward and barren.

What Haijun said was also the difficulty encountered by the previous hosts.

When a person-finding app encounters a planet without internet, it’s just air.

In fact, Yunfei didn't have much hope. He was just wondering if there would be any new technology after decades had passed since the last mission.

The results are obvious, there is progress but not in this direction.

The star network still cannot cover all known and unknown planets, unless the signal is specially built.

There are tens of thousands of asteroids, excluding the known ones and only counting wild stars, junk stars and planets to be discovered, there are at least 1.

It is unrealistic to go one by one. There are 365 days in a year. If you go to one every day, it will be a waste of your life, let alone if you can't go to one every day.

You have to wait for flights to remote planets. Some planets don’t have spaceships to reach them, so you have to buy your own private spaceship.

It is definitely impossible to do it on your own. The previous host also thought about this. It seems that someone has become a mercenary and issued a mission to search for the planet.

However, many people were crippled and failed to achieve their goals.

Hiss, why is it hidden so deep?

This host of the rebellious child system is a good person. He has forgotten everything and will try his best to protect himself after being reincarnated many times.

Well versed in the ways of dogma.

Yunfei is so messed up that he can't fall asleep after sleeping all day, so he might as well watch the live broadcast on Xingwang.

Many of the current Star Network live broadcasts are about exploring wild planets.

The interstellar people love to watch this kind of excitement.

I clicked on a random one and found that the anchor was foaming at the mouth and lying motionless on the ground.


However, from the barrage, he knew the truth.

Boring person: "Anchor, don't die, the rescue team is already on the way!"

Xingguang: "Oh, that's why I hate people who seek attention the most, people who don't understand but want to commit suicide, and waste social resources."

"It's just that when dealing with bugs and alien beasts, so many people die every year, but they still don't believe in evil and insist on going alone. If something goes wrong, search and rescue personnel will take risks to save people."

"You dare to eat anything in the wild, you are stupid."

"Stop talking, the anchor doesn't want it either. He just wants to find more edible ingredients for humans."

"It's not like you can't eat nutrient solutions. Didn't Dr. Ji hundreds of years ago compile a plant encyclopedia to popularize it?"

"If you ask me, there is no need to save people who want to die. The lives of the search and rescue team soldiers also matter."

It turns out that this anchor tried to eat unknown plants on a wild planet.

Fortunately, this planet is not too remote. There is a D-class planet nearby. A search and rescue team has been sent there and will arrive in about two or three hours.

But everyone thought it was a waste of resources, because the anchor had just struggled to drink the antidote but it didn't work.

This shows that the poison is unusual, and he probably won't be able to wait until he is rescued.Sure enough, as time gradually passed, the person in the video had already fallen into a coma, and his body was gradually getting colder.

By the time the rescue team arrived, no one was there.

Through the live broadcast, they once again emphasized to the interstellar people that plants that are not recorded in the plant encyclopedia should not be easily tried.

Hazy Night: "Oh, I don't blame the anchor for this. It's all a problem of the times."

"Yes, it has been hundreds of years since Dr. Ji cultivated plants, and now the land has been polluted again, and no one is helping to purify it."

"Nowadays, there is only a patch of plants left on the research star, but the purifier that has been running for a long time is not a small sum of money every year."

"We haven't eaten it anyway. We have been drinking the nutrient solution. Whether it can be preserved or not has little to do with us."

"I also think that natural plants are said to be delicious and good for the body, but who of the ordinary people have ever eaten them? Instead, they have to pay a large amount of taxes every year to maintain them."

"Isn't the tax used to maintain the purifier? Doesn't it cost the front line?"

"That's right, if it weren't for the frontline soldiers holding the line of defense, we would have been trampled by the alien beasts and Zerg."

"Okay, okay, stop arguing. Everyone is dead. There is no need to argue about whether it is right or wrong."

After the rescue team took away the anchor's body, the live broadcast room was also closed.

Yunfei never expected that when he watched the live broadcast for the first time, he would lose his mind T_T, his fate was so sudden.

But when it comes to natural plants, he also has some knowledge.

The systems are different, and the abilities of the hosts here are also different.

Dr. Ji from the timeline hundreds of years ago is one of them, and his specialty should be related to planting.

She compiled an encyclopedia of plants on Ancient Blue Star, and also compiled an encyclopedia of planting.

He also took out a large amount of potions that could purify the land and purified the land of an experimental star.

Later, the role of mutated plants and animals was studied, using some of their parts as components of nutrient solutions.

Nowadays, what everyone drinks is an improved nutrient solution.

There are enough ingredients to make it. Although it is not delicious, it is not particularly unpleasant. The high-end ones are just tasteless.

But they work, are filling and convenient, and provide the cooperative nutrients your body needs.

If natural plants did not have such a purifying effect on the spiritual body, they would have been abandoned by the interstellar people long ago.

But now we are not far away from giving up. The supply is too low and is controlled by those in power.

The allocation takes a long time every year.

Yunfei, who had no idea where to start, simply decided to grab it with a few hands.

First of all, he must be well-known, just in case his poor kid is able to access the Internet one day.

Then the economy must be affluent, there is no doubt about this.

How could he afford someone to help him find out information if he had no money?

The inheritance is only enough for him to have enough food and clothing for a lifetime, but it cannot support his lavish spending.

As for rights, there are definitely better ones, but no matter how capable a person is, he cannot be perfect in every field.

On the contrary, the original sister was quite good. If she hadn't been killed after transforming into a beast, she should still be able to climb up.

Her mental body is very brave, and she has become a captain in the federal armed forces.

You know, she has only graduated two years ago, which means she has only been in the army for two years and she has already stood out.

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