Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 641 The daughter who even lost the plot 5

Although it was a bit shy to say this, Yunfei still wanted to say that he was going to start filling the cup.

Thanks to the hosts who came before, they did the task very carefully and did not have much time to transform the interstellar.

Maybe it's because they are already veterans and will choose more efficient methods to complete tasks.

So I was not in the mood to activate any branch achievements or the like, so I left him some room.

Yunfei went to Xingwang and searched again, "How to become famous quickly", and a bunch of entries popped up.

[Variety show: "I Am a Composer" is recruiting outstanding composers, and No. 1 will be rewarded with 100 million star coins. 】

[Kuaiyin platform recruits various types of anchors. If you are interested, please contact xxxx. 】

[I have nutrient solution, do you have a story?Talk in detail +xxxx. 】


There are many more to come, recruiting talented people from various entertainment industries.

Among them, in terms of exposure and value, that variety show stands out the most.

Yun Fei is familiar with music and knows how to play several musical instruments, but when it comes to composing, he has never tried it, but there is a high probability that he will not be able to compose any amazing music. After all, there are specialties in the art, and he has the foundation there.

Thinking of this, he quickly searched the names of popular songs on Star Network.

"Nocturne" search.

The result showed none, and after searching several times, none of them showed up, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Very good, the seniors who are doing the mission have left him a way to go in the entertainment industry.

He wiped his face, he was going to be shameless, anyway, it was not his face...

If you don’t want to take the path of failure that others have taken before you, then you can only take a path that others have not taken.

Those past classics should not be buried in the long river of time.

Well, no reason can overcome his need. Well, when Yun Ling comes back, let him contact his colleagues on Earth and transfer the copyright fees into the accounts of teachers.

After signing up, Yunfei stopped caring. He took out his tablet and started practicing various songs.

If you want to use it, you need to feel at ease with it. You need to understand the artistic conception of the music and so on. You also need to practice it until practice makes perfect.

If he plays the guqin live on live broadcast, he should be able to become popular, but it is not as popular as a variety show like this across the federation.

And at the end of this variety show, it’s not just about the federation.

In the original plot, I heard about this variety show. Because of this variety show, the Federation was humiliated in front of the empire.

Yes, the first season is the Federation's own competition, but the second season is against the Empire.

The result was that the Federation lost.

The two empires disliked each other and would not easily fight.

So these little fights have become a way to ruthlessly laugh at each other.

It’s not a trivial matter, both empires attach great importance to culture, and entertainment is a top priority.

Entertainment can make people happy physically and mentally. When people are in a good mood, their mental body will naturally be happy as well.

Currently, the Empire's TV and movies are ahead of the Federation's.

Because there was a Ms. Yuan there 200 years ago.

Yes, that should be the task host of version 8.0. He has won many awards in the entertainment industry in the empire.

However, she didn't touch singing, and the script she came up with was not one of those familiar TV series on earth.

Don't know where she is from.

Her appearance has caused all kinds of bully behavior of the domineering president, which is very common in the empire.

There are even many real bosses who imitate various plots personally because they are fascinated by movies and TV shows.

For example... a young assistant who graduated from college was placed in the tea room with a smile on his face, a smile on his face, a cool look on his face, and a nonchalant expression of the boss's speech.The result was fighting against the family, marrying an assistant, and giving birth to children with extremely mediocre blood.

It was only then that people in the empire began to wake up.

Damn it, other people's infatuation only brings harm to their whole life, but they are different. If they fall in love for a while, it brings harm to their children, grandchildren, and all future generations!
The empire's genes are different. They have not mixed with the genes of other planets, including the ancient Blue Star people.

Therefore, their mate selection criteria must be pure imperial genes, with no trace of impurities allowed.

The nobles who were obsessed with commoner girls woke up one after another and ushered in a backlash.

They hate the lower class civilians even more.

After Ms. Yuan left, the script of this world has repeatedly been dominated by the boss x the inspirational secretary.

Boss x sells himself to pay off his debts.

Boss x runs away with his fiancée with the ball.

Boss x......

The people of the two empires almost collapsed when they saw the hegemony-type themes.

If you watch it more, the plot will be more or less the same.

Nowadays, they would rather watch mechas fighting alien beasts. It used to be boring and disgusting, but now compared with Boss Ba, it can be used as a course.

Yunfei: ...

He suspected that Ms. Yuan was a relative of 001, otherwise why would they have the same hobbies?
I don’t know if it’s because she’s only good at boss-type scripts, or if it’s just a hobby.

Anyway, it was her in that life that made the whole star go crazy for this new type of theme. After her death, later generations derived countless different versions from the themes she wrote.

From the freshness and excitement at the beginning to the boredom and numbness later on, I guessed it from the beginning to the end.

Apart from Overlord, she has only appeared in interstellar movies about mechas and female warriors.

After becoming famous, he established various foundations and searched for his missing fiancé.

In the end, I couldn't find it, I was depressed, and passed away early, which is regrettable.

[Ding dong, you have a new email]

Yunfei came back to his senses and quickly opened it to check. It turned out to be an email that approved the registration. It said that the first round of preliminary competition will be held on the main star in one month.

Huh?Just don't have to leave the house anymore.

This time was probably set because of the celebration. The program team probably wanted to wait until after the celebration to start broadcasting the game.

That's right, this variety show adopts the mode of public live broadcast of the entire interstellar competition, not the kind of recorded broadcast.

Speaking of celebrations, the original sister, Lan Yameng, is probably coming back soon.

Unknowingly, the night passed, and Yunfei stayed up all night.

He applied a facial mask produced by Xingxing before going to bed. He really stayed up the latest night and applied the most expensive facial mask!
Before going to bed, I left a message to Haijun, asking him to help me make software for a salary.

Make a software suitable for children to learn.

When the time comes, he will upload some more children's animations, children's songs and the like, and he will become famous as a teacher.

Maybe it will attract some parents to register accounts for their children, and then it will be a place where children's information can be collected.


This time, I slept until it was dark.

Yunfei was completely autistic. On the first day he came to Interstellar, he learned to reverse his day and night routine...

After replying to some of Guang Nao's friends, he started playing the game again and became a tool maker.

In the brain of the original owner, there was a person who was specially concerned about him and left a message for him.

Lan Yameng: "Go home in half a month."

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