Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 664 The daughter who even lost the plot 28

Chapter 664 The daughter who even lost the plot 28
Lan Yinyin knows her own affairs. If she is fake, then her brother in the family is probably the real one.

How could she be qualified to exclude others or refuse to accept them? She was even more worried about whether she would be exposed.

After waiting home, the two little guys met.

They have the same blue hair, and their facial features are somewhat similar.

Lan Yinyin is curious + guilty, while Bai Zhen is indifferent and doesn't seem to care about her existence.

After all, this child is someone's biological daughter. Why should he care about a fake? Besides, he is not a real child and he is still trying to compete for favor.

So the first meeting ended cautiously and calmly.

The meal prepared by Yunfei catered for both people's appetites.

Because he had some doubts about Bai Zhen and felt that his illness was too pitiful, he took this method and used things from flower pots.

Currently, there are six flower pots at home, all of which are planted with different crops.

They are: pure fruits, chrysanthemums, two pots of lilies, tomatoes, and Chinese cabbage.

The lily is fragrant, and Yunfei is ready to give it to Lan Yameng and Lan Yinyin after the buds grow.

Others are just for eating.

So dinner is vegetable and lean meat porridge, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and baked egg tarts that Yin Yin likes to eat.

Both children are eating obediently. Even Yin Yin no longer needs to be fed by anyone. Occasionally, the little rabbit feeds her when needed.

The newly purchased robot, Bai Zhen, has been activated and named Xiaobai...

The robot's appearance has not changed, it still has the original round head shape, because Bai Zhen doesn't like the cute and cute mode of a cub.

After the meal, the robot was cleaning the kitchen, Yunfei went to take a shower, and there were only two children left in the living room.

Lan Yinyin approached the new brother hesitantly and whispered: "Brother, have I seen you before?"

I always feel like I have seen him before, but I have never seen the little brother with blue hair in my memory.

Bai Zhen only glanced at her lightly, "Really? Maybe it's in the mirror."

"..." Lan Yinyin always felt that her father's baby was fooling her.

How can I see my brother in the mirror?

When she was still about to say something, Bai Zhen was already going back to her room.

Seeing him walking slowly, as if he had just learned how to walk, Lan Yinyin felt a little uncomfortable.

Her father said that her brother seemed to be seriously ill, but asked her not to tell her face to face, and not to pay too much attention to her brother because of the illness, so as not to make him sad.

She suddenly blamed herself. Her brother was miserable and sick, and she had given half of her father to whom she had just met.

My brother must be very sad. After suffering so much, he found out that he still has a doted sister at home.

Thinking of this, she ran back to the room, recalled what she had learned recently, and dismantled some toys.

Then he assembled a small robot and ran to the door of Bai Zhen's room, knocking on the door carefully.

After the door opened, she handed him the toy version of the mecha with a flushed face and said, "Brother, this is a toy I made for you. I hope you like it."

Bai Zhen was stunned for a moment and said: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, brother, please go to bed early. Good night."

After returning to the house, Lan Yinyin cheered herself up. Now that her father's baby had been found, she would study seriously in the future.

It's not enough to just study step by step. You have to work harder and finish kindergarten quickly, and then learn other things.

Lan Yinyin didn't dare to be lazy when she had a goal to chase.

After taking a shower, I lay on the bed and memorized the book again before turning off the lights and going to sleep.


After sending Lan Yinyin to school early, Yunfei was a little embarrassed when he returned home and saw a bored Bai Zhen sitting on the sofa.

With Bai Zhen's current physical condition, if he went to school, the play among the children would probably cost him half of his life.

But if you don’t go to school and stay at home, then...

"Are you bored at home? Dad will take you out for a walk?" "Yes." Bai Zhen's voice is always subtle, mixed with a sense of weakness.

There are really not many places to play in interstellar cities, and they are not even as interesting as the holographic mode on the interstellar network.

But Yunfei still took him out.

Being bored at home and surfing the Internet every day is not good for the physical and mental development of children.

What's more, children have limited time to surf the Internet, and that time is just enough for class.

Looking at the children's playground in front of him, Bai Zhen regretted a little. He should have refused. Why did he pretend to be a child? !

This is a holy place for many families raising children. As soon as the children are released, they can play with their brains.

There are many toys suitable for children, including many children under the age of three.

Because most of the three-year-olds go to kindergarten.

In other words, some of the children inside can’t even walk yet and can only sit and play.

Bai Zhen, who was wearing autumn clothes to keep warm, was sitting in the bobo ball pool in a daze, speechless, with several babies crawling on the floor playing next to him.

only he...

After sitting bored for a while, he started throwing the ball.

There was a brown-haired child who saw him throwing a ball. He thought he was playing with him, so he threw the ball back and hit him in the face.

Bai Zhen didn't care at first. He couldn't beat the cub.

Until...he felt something flowing down under his nose...

"Brother, it's bleeding." The brown-haired boy shouted loudly.

Yunfei had already seen it, and quickly slipped in and picked up Bai Zhen to go to the hospital.

He really didn't expect that Bai Zhen would get a nosebleed from just being hit by a few flimsy balls.

Looking back at the surprised expressions of the people around me, everyone probably thought it was outrageous.

You must know that the interstellar people have fused the genes of beasts, and their bodies are several times stronger than those of the blue star people.

But the cubs of the Blue Stars will not be hurt by the Bobo Ball.

After seeing the doctor, the advice I got was still the same, "Be pampered..."

Yunfei responded repeatedly, and Bai Zhen next to him looked expressionless and world-weary, which made his heart twitch.

"It's okay, let's not play bobo ball next time, let's play clouds..."

The clouds are fake cloud toys made by Interstellar. They are a bit like marshmallows, soft and white.

You can let your children lie down on it and shape the surrounding clouds into various shapes.

This shouldn't hurt, right?

Bai Zhen...Okay, as boring as Bobo Ball.

Forget it, he'd better fight for it himself, "I want to go to school with my sister."

Go to the kindergarten and be in a daze, so as not to be in a daze at home. This sudden father is worried and wants to take him to play with Milkman.

At least the kindergarten can be kept away from the eyes of adults.

"I have to discuss this with your mother and give you an answer tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah." Bai Zhen responded nonchalantly.

On the one hand, he needed to discuss it with Bai Chacha, but more importantly, he was worried.

Wouldn’t it really scare the teachers to death if they hit a child with a nosebleed with a bobo ball in kindergarten?

No matter how carefully you take care of it, it’s probably bound to get bumped and bumped, right?

But if you refuse, it will probably break your child's heart, and you still have to think of a way to go back and find some space.

 One more update, take a day off.

(End of this chapter)

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