Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 665 The daughter who even lost the plot 29

In the end, Bai Zhen got his wish and went to kindergarten.

The clothes he was wearing were a bit novel to him. According to his father, they were actually more useful than protective clothing.

Indeed, when he put this strange-looking dress on, he felt something extraordinary about it.

Commoner appearance, gold and jade lining.

When wrestling, a wisp of breeze would blow over his body and lift him up.

If something hits you, a transparent shield will rise.

It can be seen that this father is really serious about finding such a treasure for him. He is much better than the so-called father he once had.

That little girl is lucky.

Lan Yinyin came over wearing a small antique dress similar to the Tang Dynasty and holding a water glass.

"Brother, it's time to drink water."

"...I'm not thirsty now."

"You need to drink even if you are not thirsty. Dad said you should drink more water. The water in here is still warm, not ice."

Bai Zhen "..."

Good luck does not hinder her brain.

Drinking more water does not mean drinking water at regular intervals every 10 minutes, okay?

However, the other party was not prepared to reason with him at all. He only repeated various daddy saying this and daddy saying that, just like a daddy's daughter.

In fact, he doesn't know that Lan Yinyin does have all kinds of mother thoughts in her heart, so she is still a mother's girl...

Refusing to no avail, he still drank some water, and then a pair of small hands massaged him gently.

Since I entered kindergarten, it has indeed been more interesting than playing with Milkman.

But there is also a little pestering spirit beside him.

Other children were playing games outside, and he was drinking sugar water in the classroom. Next to him was a Juan child holding a book and carrying it crazily.

Juan Wa is obsessed with studying, but he will never forget to be reminded to drink water every 10 minutes and massage his legs and feet every hour.

It made Bai Zhen think that he was disabled.

But he was still very happy, because Lan Yinyin read the books by himself, and the books he read were not kindergarten books, so he could read other books openly.

Isn’t this much better than watching historical documentaries about warriors fighting alien beasts every day?

After half a month, Bai Chacha returned to the main star.

At this time, online speech has been controlled.

Yunfei was not a fool, he was just too busy to care about it at first, but when he saw the scandal later, he immediately clarified it.

What is sent is the marital status of personal information.

Caption: Children are an unexpected surprise, two are a double surprise.

Anyone who is his fan will understand that these two children came from the same situation.

Lanlan Feng: "So the gene bank is only for me, Brother Lan? How many archives have been lost?"

"It's funny and angry at the same time. Brother Lan should check it out carefully to avoid the tragedy of lovers turning into siblings in the future."

"Suddenly I felt so scared. I wanted to do a genetic match, but I was afraid that several children would suddenly appear."

"What's even more amazing is Bai Chacha. Has she been hinting that she and Brother Lan are already a couple?"

"It's fake at first glance. I didn't realize that we have a real relationship. Have you already gotten Brother Lan's third song?

As for Bai Cha Cha, come on, there isn’t even one song. I previously said that I would ask Brother Lan to compose the music, but hasn’t it been done yet? "

"Forget it, you don't need to care about these private lives. I care more about what the next song will be."

"The playlist is rotated every day, and I feel like my bellicose genes have calmed down a lot recently."

After the clarification, Yunfei stopped caring about online comments.As a man worth over one billion, you don’t care about making money at all, okay?

So just play a few songs every month to enrich the music library for the interstellar people.

Recently, his son has been in school, and he has become obsessed with writing novels. After all, he is really free every day, so he occasionally invests in it, responds to missing persons and inquiries, and downloads copies with his friends.

It's like retiring early.

In fact, although he cared about the origins and truth of the two children, he didn't care too much.

After all, the children were already in front of him, and he still wanted to check, just to give the children a result.

And Lan Yinyin's mother, whether she abandoned her child or had some reason for it, he had to know the truth to avoid any accidents that would make the child sad when he grows up.

However, there is no news yet. Many people were sent to investigate the planet where Yin Yin was found. The news returned was that no one had seen their mother and daughter.

Even the children only appeared on the streets for those two days.

Within two days, he was taken away and taken care of by two girls, and the next day he was hurriedly sent to the main star.

There is no news about their mother and daughter in the spaceship registration office.

Those who checked the information speculated that someone smuggled the child there.

As for the people who smuggled in, they had no news, but Lan Yameng found several spacecrafts that had been smuggled into the country in the past few days.

Two of them were interstellar pirates, and several were stowaways from Wild Star.

People who have come into contact with these spacecraft have been controlled, and the places they have been have been checked.

It is not known why the pirates went there, but the purpose of stealing was found out.

I went out for shopping, purchased a large amount of materials, and also purchased a large amount of experimental supplies. I also received a batch of express delivery on that planet.

It was probably ordered through illegal channels.

There are too many planets in the interstellar world, and the two major forces cannot guarantee that they know all their subordinate planets.

There will always be some people below who will start to be greedy or start to be lazy.

As long as there is no big mistake, the higher-ups above will not pay attention to these low-level planets.

Therefore, many people will choose to plot transactions on some small planets.


After school in the afternoon, Yunfei came outside the kindergarten to pick up the children on time.

Behind the children who ran out happily, there would be two slow children walking leisurely behind every day.

One was too weak to walk away, and the other was trying to protect his brother and took advantage of the opportunity to endorse him, walking as if he was distracted.

The two children seemed a little out of tune with the other children.

Besides personality and clothes.

The blue-haired little boy was wearing a robe-like garment, embroidered with various complicated patterns.

His face was pale, and with these clothes and his frail body, he always felt like he was about to become a monk at any time.

However, there is no such thing as a monk among Stars, so he looks like a noble son of a retro family.

Many children did not dare to play with him and only dared to look at him secretly.

The little blue-haired girl next to her was also wearing this kind of little skirt embroidered with ancient patterns.

She didn't talk much in kindergarten and was always reading books, like a nerd.

But she is more popular than her brother because no matter who talks to her, she will respond with a smile.

Although he is dull, he is easy to talk to, charming and well-behaved.

The children like her very much, but they rarely disturb her study.

The brother and sister are like older children blending into a group of children.

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