Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 666 The daughter who even lost the plot 30

Yunfei didn't expect that Bai Chacha actually found his address privately and went to the door directly.

It's just lunch time.

The two children are slowly spooning their own rice. They eat natural food every day and have learned to eat without feeding.

When Bai Chacha came in, she saw a table of sumptuous meals and her eyes turned red.

Although she doesn't have to go to the battlefield, her mental body will gradually be infected as she breathes in the air!

With her current fame and income, she is not even qualified to buy natural plants.

So when I saw two little cubs eating, I felt unbalanced.

Sure enough, the Lan family is worthy of being a military family. Even Lan Yayi, a non-core disciple, is qualified to eat natural plants.

As for the Bai family, they are said to be artists, but in fact they have no actual rights at all.

Except for attending some federal events, performing dancing and singing, I usually have no contact with high-level officials.

In fact, in the eyes of many people, the only difference between them and ordinary celebrities is that they have a system.

Everything else is the same.

"Yayi, have you just eaten? It's just right. Let me help you feed the child. You eat quickly."

After Bai Chacha entered the house, he acted very familiar.

The bag was casually placed on the sofa. If I hadn't found the extra slippers, I would have put them on.

"Is Miss Bai coming to see Zhenzhen?"

"Yes, I have been worried about Zhenzhen during this period of work, and now I feel relieved to see that he is doing well.

It is better for boys to be taken care of by their father. "

Yunfei didn't want to expose her, so he left her for nearly 20 days and didn't even ask about Zhenzhen five times.

Every time, I use greetings to play tricks with him.

For the sake of the child, he did not dismantle her, but only let her sit for a while and wait for Zhenzhen to finish eating before chatting with her.

Bai Zhen didn't look at her mother since she arrived and ate her meal slowly.

It's not his mother, well, even if it is his mother, she can't stop him from eating.

You know, since he entered kindergarten, he has only eaten dinner during the day.

I drank infant nutrition solution in the kindergarten during the day. It had no taste but felt full, as if I had eaten air or drank the northwest wind.

Regarding Yunfei's behavior of not inviting her to dinner, Bai Chacha was a little unhappy but understood.

After all, they are natural plants. The ones on the table are worth tens of millions, and they are not something you can buy if you have money.

As for eating it every day, I'm sorry she hasn't thought about it.

Even the chief wouldn’t dare to eat like this!

The output on the experimental star requires so many soldiers, which is simply a drop in the bucket.

Only resource tilt can be selected.


Finally, when they finished eating, Bai Chacha was able to develop a mother-son relationship with Bai Zhen.

Seeing the hypocritical acting skills, Bai Zhen felt no fluctuation in his heart.

This body was cultivated by him personally and was mixed with several types of spiritual body genes.

The maternal gene is nothing more than the mermaid spirit body extracted from a poor experimental subject.

As for the father's genes, he understood it the moment he saw his silly sister.

Because he also extracted her genes.

There is nothing good for no reason, it's just about being kind to your own guinea pigs.

What’s interesting is that if the blood relationships of other groups of genes also match the genes, will they also match him?
So how many parents does his body have to have?

So she was just the provider of one of the inferior genes, how could he regard her as his mother.

"Zhenzhen, did you hear what mother said?" "Yes." Bai Zhen responded perfunctorily.

That indifferent attitude made Bai Chacha very dissatisfied, "Don't think mom is trying to scare you. Without mom here, your dad's heart will gradually turn towards your sister.

She is in good health and you are in poor health. If he marries another stepmother, will he still be able to tolerate you?
Listen to mom, as long as you help mom marry your dad, we can live happily together as a family of three in the future.

That sister, it’s good to raise her up. It’s absolutely impossible for her to surpass your position in your father’s heart. "

Well, yes, yes... Bai Zhen thought with dull eyes, when will this woman leave.

He still has to do kindergarten homework, take a bath and watch anime, and drink milk and go to bed early...

Yunfei did not disturb the mother-son conversation and stayed with Lan Yinyin doing her homework in her room.

Suddenly he asked: "Yinyin, do you still remember mom?"

Lan Yinyin didn't know how to answer, she was so confused.

A child who lies is not a good child, and his mother cannot tell the truth. No one will help a child who is not related by blood.

If she is exposed, not only will she not be able to be saved, she will also be thrown into a kindergarten and become a poor orphan.

But she feels that her father is not like this...

But my aunt said that my father was very weak and could not fight with others. He had to tell her about fighting.

If she confessed to her aunt, she would probably be sent away even if her mother couldn't be saved.

Auntie loves her just because she is daddy's baby.

And dad...

Suddenly Lan Yinyin felt a little sad. Yes, her father loved his baby too.

Not mommy’s baby.

No one likes other people's babies, and no one would take risks for someone who is not related by blood.

Mom has only her to rely on.

After thinking about it, Lan Yinyin bit her lip and shook her head, tears glistening in her eyes.

Yunfei didn't ask any further questions, and just comforted: "It doesn't matter. It's okay if you don't want to say it. Let's just be happy. If we want to say it, we can say it. If we don't want to say it, just forget it."

He thought it was because her mother was so hurtful to her child that she kept silent and felt sad when she mentioned it.

I have also considered whether he has passed away, but passing away is not something that cannot be said.

Since he has not passed away, and the child once again never mentioned that he wanted to find his mother, people have to think about it.

"Don't cry, daddy will do a magic trick for you."

Saying this, it really caught Lan Yinyin's attention.

I saw that Yunfei's hands were empty, and then after closing his hands, a flower appeared.

Throwing the flower into the sky, a lollipop appeared in his hand.

Lan Yinyin, who has already learned about nanospace...

There are still tears in my eyes, so I have to pretend to be stupid and coax my childish father.

"Well, dad is so awesome..."

"Haha, that's awesome. Two candies, one for you and one for your brother."

Yunfei rubbed her head and smiled happily. Who can refuse a little cotton-padded jacket who is willing to pretend to be stupid and coax you.

He couldn't refuse anyway.


When he took the time to leave the living room, Bai Chacha was in a stalemate with Bai Zhen.

The reason was that she wanted Bai Zhen to speak and leave her here overnight, but Bai Zhen was unwilling and just said lightly: "There is no empty room at home."

How could Bai Chacha believe this? She had seen it all. There were only three of them in the layout of four bedrooms and one living room, so why didn't they have any room?
"That belongs to my aunt. He won't let anyone live in it."

But Bai Chacha didn't believe it. She just felt that this kid was not close to her, so she was unwilling to help her mother.

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