Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 672 The daughter who even lost the plot 36

Chapter 672 The daughter who even lost the plot 36
Whether a person lives energetically or not depends entirely on whether he/she has desires in his/her heart.

Wanting to eat delicious food, wanting to have fun, wanting to wear beautiful clothes, wanting to make money, wanting to study well, all kinds of thoughts are all desires.

Ever since Li Si had a goal to strive for, his whole person seemed to be alive again.

Maybe it was because the enemy who killed her father was brought to justice, so she thought about it.

All in all, my mentality has become much more positive and sunny.

The two children also worked very hard. Although they did not skip a grade and studied step by step, they began to blend in with the crowd.

Occasionally, I can take a few classmates home to play, and my behavior becomes more and more age-appropriate.

No longer live like a big child, be childish when you should be.

The junior high school here is different from the one at Blue Star. It lasts for five years, so they will not move up to the middle school until they are 15 years old.

Early in the morning the day after her 13th birthday, Lan Yinyin, accompanied by Li Si, went to the gene bank of the Federal Hospital to apply for re-entering her genes.

In a situation like this, after paying the fine and confirming that it is the person you are, you can change it.

Yes, there are fines, large fines that most people cannot afford to pay.

Why are there doubts about the entered genes? It's because they were tricked when they were entered, so the federation will impose correction penalties in this case.

If I didn't catch you in the first place, then I'll let you make up for the punishment after you regret it. That's probably what it means.

However, none of this matters.

After the correction, Lan Yinyin purchased a gene pool match.

After a while of nervousness, I finally saw the result I had been waiting for for many years.

Yunfei, who was staying at home, had already guessed what the mother and daughter were going to do today, so he also made a purchase after about a while.

In the gene column of the parent and child, I still saw two names.

Daughter: Lan Yinyin.

Son: Lan Zhen.

The request to change his surname was made by Bai Zhen himself. In his heart, he had nothing to do with the person named Bai.

And at the beginning, Bai Chacha basically used the method of selling his son to seek glory, and handed Bai Zhen over to Yunfei.

Now she is hiding on some planet because of the scandal.

He didn't want anyone to find out about his mother-son relationship with her. He didn't give birth to him and raise him, so getting a reward for nothing was already an advantage to her.

That's why he doesn't want his surname to be Bai. As for his surname, the only father he can identify with currently is Lan.

After confirming, Yunfei's eyes showed a smile as expected.

His intuition cannot be said to be 100% accurate, but there is always a sense of fatalism that is accurate.

He felt that he and Lan Yinyin should be father and daughter, even if they were not related by blood.

As for this feeling being correct, the other feeling is most likely correct as well.

No wonder she has been a little girl since she was a child. I heard that she was also a model worker when she was doing the work.


Although there was no barrier in the first place, Lan Yinyin obviously knows how to act coquettishly since the genetic match.

Well, occasionally there will be some unreasonable little fuss.

But he understands the awkwardness of little girls, making trouble with their parents to feel that preference.

Although he didn't have the opportunity to feel this unscrupulous when he was a child, there were several children who had behaved like this.

As year after year passes, everyone's personality and thoughts will change to some extent with age.

Only Lan Zhen looks the same from childhood to adulthood.

He is always calm and calm, not a calm personality, but a kind of self-confidence that he can do anything.

So he never panics, and he won't let anyone or anything disrupt his rhythm.After the two children went to the high school dormitory, Li Si fell in love.

But she decided not to let Lan Yinyin know first. Although she thought her daughter wouldn't mind, she was still afraid of what might happen.

The college entrance examination is a very important moment in life even in the world.

This is an exam that determines the future direction.

There is no room for any surprises, and the children must maintain their peak state to cope with them so that they will not leave any regrets.

After the exam was over, Li Si introduced her boyfriend to them.

The man was a member of the Shangguan family, the nephew of Professor Shangguan, and her boss, and she was now his assistant.

The two often stay in the research institute, doing research day and night. Sometimes, they don't even come out for several months.

After getting along for a long time, they gradually fell in love with each other and came together naturally.

In the future, we can still do research together, and we don’t have to worry about whether my partner will be lonely living alone while doing research on my own.

The marriage rate of researchers is really low because they have no time to spend with their families and cannot participate in the growth of their children.

So generally when choosing, if there is no emotional basis, no one will really choose them.

It was obvious that Mr. Shangguan was very happy and surprised to be with Li Si...

He also has a simple mind and treats Lan Yinyin like a daughter, without any emotion of being unable to accept his stepdaughter.

But even if you can't accept it, it doesn't matter. After all, Lan Yinyin lives in the Lan family most of the time.

Li Si only occasionally had time to pick her up when he was on vacation.

What left Yunfei speechless the most was that there were only two adult women in their family, and they actually entered Shangguan's house.

Yes, Lan Yameng is also in love, and the person is also her boss...

General Shangguan, the guy whose family spiritual body is a black python.

However, they are not planning to get married yet because they don’t have time to raise children, so they will fall in love first and leave their genes when they are almost the same age.

After you retire, you can raise children...

Those friends of the original person are now married, and their children, the oldest is three years old this year, and the youngest has not yet been raised.

Each and every one of them is talking about envying his children every day who have grown up and are free again.

Yunfei didn't feel free or unfree. After his children lived in school, he felt a little bored, so he simply chose a few new-generation singers to collaborate.

Give newcomers more opportunities!

After finishing the song, I started writing a novel again. Of course, I couldn't write about the boss, because there were already so many bosses in the empire.

There is no place for him to operate anymore, so I just write about cultivating immortals.

The comments below are also very interesting.

Lanlan Yun: "Brother Lan, I want to ask, where is Dantian?"

"Forget it, I meditated all night last night and gained nothing but dark circles under my eyes."

"Um...I also meditated all night, but fell asleep in the middle of the night."

"Hahaha, I am the chosen one. Last night I clearly felt a coldness in my body from the inside out. Is it possible that I have ice spiritual roots?"

"Is it possible that you are just cold..."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Just wait until I introduce the energy into my body, and I will impress you."

"Uuuu~~ Brother Lan, I apologize to you. When I learned that you came to write a novel, I said bad things about you. After all, the music world is still waiting for you to conquer!
Now I think, in fact, it’s okay for another person to conquer the music world. Let’s win the novel first. Will we update it with [-] words tonight? "

Yunfei:...T_T? ? ?

Lan Yayi: "I'm sorry, I haven't been to school and I can't read."

(End of this chapter)

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