Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 673 The daughter who even lost the plot 37

It's enough to copy a few songs occasionally to enrich the interstellar entertainment. How can writing novels be so practical?

Yunfei is active in the novel world every day, writing one novel after another, covering all genres.

Especially in the detective genre, the copyrights of several books have been sold.

Interstellar viewing is much easier than Blue Star. All you need to do is create a holographic game world.

Then the whole crew went into the set to shoot in a closed environment, no one disturbed them, and the progress was fast.

Like some group performances by passers-by, template NPCs are directly used, which is both real and convenient.

Yunfei did not wear a vest and applied for the contract with his own certification number, so there were many people, even in reality, urging him to change.

For example, Lan Yinyin...

For example, Lan Zhen......

It's outrageous. My son, who seemed to have no desires and desires, suddenly became addicted to novels. He coughed non-stop in the middle of the night, which was scary.

When asked why, he said weakly: "I thought about many possibilities for the foreshadowing of the last chapter.

The more I thought about it, the more impatient I became, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong, so I couldn't sleep. "

And with his body, if he stayed up late, he would have to go to the hospital...

What can Yunfei say?Empty the manuscript box.

Although he often doubted that his son was playing him, this would not happen when he didn't save the script.

And once there are manuscripts saved, whether Lan Zhen is at home or staying at school, he can always find a reason to clear them.

If he were not sure that his draft box was not hacked, he would suspect that it had been peeped.

In fact, Lan Zhen roughly predicted it based on his understanding of him.

Moreover, his daily greetings to his father are not just small talk.

Today my dad is going to Star Network to watch the crew filming, so there is a high probability that this will be a guaranteed update.

There's nothing going on today. My dad's games are all online, which means I'm very busy. Well, there's a high chance that there will be more than two chapters saved.

After gathering together about ten chapters, you can stay up at night because of scratching your heart and lungs...

The trick doesn't have to be bad, just that it's easy to use.

However, my father has recently become obsessed with game scene construction. Since the last book was completed, he has not started a new one.

Lan Zhen, who has no spiritual food, said that he has no inspiration to even do research...

I really want to borrow my father's brain.

Why don't you do some research and use your mental body to enter other people's minds?

After thinking about the structure of the brain, Lan Zhen, who had some influence on appetite, felt that this kind of research was not necessary.

It is more reliable to ask his father to start a class and teach a few apprentices.

And as a somewhat lazy man who also has money and no shortage of food and drink, who would be willing to take the trouble to teach?

That must be only the descendants!
Let's forget about the brains of myself and my sister. One is stupid at reading, and the other is too smart.

That's right, the one who was stupid at reading was his sister, but the one who was too smart was himself.

He couldn't write a novel that obviously had no logic and relied entirely on fantasy.

If he was talking about writing a textbook, he could explain human anatomy in a minute, but this kind of thing that relied on imagination would not work.

Then we can only think about the next generation.

My sister has no romantic partner and is out of luck for the time being.

And he...

Although I don’t have a romantic partner, it’s not impossible to have one.

So one afternoon, he made an appointment with a beautiful senior sister to meet on the playground.

"Xiao Zhenzhen, have you figured it out and think that senior sister is indeed a perfect match?"

The girl has a beautiful and majestic face, fiery red hair, as warm as the sun, and a tall figure of about 1.78cm. No matter where she stands, she looks like a goddess that attracts attention.But she just fell in love with the frail junior who was only a sophomore...

The contrast between the two is like water and fire, and everyone is surprised by the girl's pursuit of Lan Zhen.

Although Lan Zhen is indeed very handsome, in Mu Qiang's world, most girls would not choose such a... fragile boy.

Weak but not feminine, he has a sense of elegant melancholy. In addition, his clothes are all from the interstellar version of the robes refined by Yunfei, which is retro and noble.

Because the fabrics are all obtained in space, the slippery protective clothing fabrics in the interstellar are not suitable, so the clothes the brother and sister grew up in were all custom-made by their old father.

This makes people who don't know why, always think that the two brothers and sisters are some kind of reclusive aristocratic children.

Yunfei did not reveal their faces to the public. Everyone in Xingxing knew that he had a son and a daughter, but they didn't know who they were.

There are quite a lot of people named Lan on the main star.

Lan Zhen has become accustomed to this senior's teasing language.

It’s just that in the past, I refused with a faint smile, but today I nodded with a faint smile...

"Well, I'm quite satisfied with my senior sister. If possible, I hope to get married as soon as possible and raise two more children."

Zhuge Yue was silent...

"Junior, tell me how much time you have. I will definitely let you leave descendants!"

The girl said firmly, her face full of regret, such a good-looking boy would be gone at the last word.

But this gene must not be wasted!
Zhuge Yue said decisively: "How about we apply for marriage now, and then apply for children."

Anyway, you can choose not to use the mother's body to conceive, and it won't delay her going to school.

Lan Zhen coughed weakly, stopping her from turning on her optical brain.

"Senior sister, I know that my body is weak, and it does seem that my life is not long, but you don't have to send me away in such a hurry."

If there are no accidents, he should be able to live longer than many people.

Unless there is an accident.

"Hey, junior, you don't have to lie to me, you are so anxious to stay..." If this wasn't the case, how could someone who usually rejects her take such initiative?

Lan Zhen: .... Or forget it. He has no confidence in the offspring of himself and his senior sister.


The relationship between the two came like a tornado, and Yunfei was stunned.

The holiday at the end of this month is shocking to the Lan family.

Because, just now, Lan Zhen took a very beautiful girl home, and then the two solemnly announced that they were married and had a child...

Just... very bald.

Even Lan Yinyin was dumbfounded, "Senior Zhuge...you actually chased my brother?"

"Ahem, the main reason is that your brother has good taste..." Zhuge Yue was a little shy.

She didn't expect that the first time she chased a boy, she would skip dating and get married.

Compared to the calmness of the young couple, Yunfei was no longer calm.

He asked seriously: "Zhenzhen, have you met Yue'er's parents? Did you get their consent?"

Lan Zhen:…………

It's over, my father is going to go crazy.

It wasn't that he didn't want to follow what his father said, three matchmakers and six hires, but his senior sister misunderstood and applied for marriage with him that day.


Well, he's also a bit hot-headed.

(End of this chapter)

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