Chapter 1
"I heard that someone died again in Jinyang City. There was a big hole in the chest of the deceased, and all internal organs were gone!"

"If you want me to say, blame Ji Qingyou, if she hadn't let go of those monsters in the Wuwang Pagoda, the world wouldn't have become so chaotic!"

"Who says it's not! If she doesn't go on the right path, she has to work with evil spirits!"

"I heard that she was miserable when she died. She was trapped in the soul-eliminating circle by the head of Gui Yuanzong and tortured to death by Wan Jian."

"That's what she deserves! She deserves it!"

Ji Qingyou has been dead for three years.

But every time she is mentioned, the common people will still grit their teeth with hatred, even the beggars on the side of the road can't help but spit on her a few times.

"Hey, isn't that the little stutterer of the Su family? What is he doing in Li's residence?"

"You haven't heard yet, his sister has been spotted by the master of the Li family."

"With Mrs. Li's jealous temperament, that little girl should not be skinned?"

"It's more than just skinning... I heard that a good face has a scar from being scalded by a branding iron. Now it's locked in the private prison of Li's residence. People don't know whether it's dead or alive!"

The ancestors of the Li family were salt merchants, but in Li Wanjiang's generation, they have already become profiteers.

There is a private prison in his mansion, and all the servants who have committed mistakes are detained in the prison. The person who guards these servants is a distant cousin of Mrs. Li. He asked the Su family to raise money to receive the girl just after he tortured the girl of the Su family. people.

"Just this little money, I'm ashamed to redeem someone!"

"Li, Steward Li, my house, my house is only, only this..."

"Okay, if you stutter like this, it's better not to talk! Take the person away while I'm in a good mood..."

"I, I will, I will go."

The cell door creaked and opened.

"Second, Second Sister!"

Ji Qingyou lifted her eyelids slightly, and saw a seven or eight-year-old boy walking up to her with tears in her eyes, stuttering while speaking.

"Second sister, why did they beat you like this, your face..."

"Second sister, wait, when I grow up, I will definitely avenge you."

Quite ambitious!
Although Ji Qingyou had no memory of the original owner, she also guessed the identity of the little boy.

She got up from the ground and kicked, the wet haystack instantly covered the blood talisman on the ground.

In her previous life, she was the closed disciple of Elder Feng Yuan. She was plotted against by her most trusted senior brother just after breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm.

It stands to reason that she died in the soul-elimination array, and her soul should return to the earth after death.

Just when she was wondering, several wooden fish knocking sounds suddenly sounded in her ears.


[Congratulations to the host, successfully binding the Ascension Ascending Immortal System, as long as the host accumulates virtue and does good deeds, and fills up the merit box, the host can get random rewards from the system. 】

[The novice reward has been dropped, the host please check it. 】

As soon as the sound of the wooden fish fell, an immature child's voice followed. At the same time, a boxy file appeared in Ji Qingyou's mind.

The button in the upper right corner of the file keeps flashing.

With a thought in Ji Qingyou's mind, a few more spiritual roots appeared in the system backpack, plus some spiritual stones, spiritual herbs, and spiritual energy.

Spirit root is not abundant.

It is far from her previous fusion spirit root, and it is quite strenuous to cultivate.

But something is better than nothing.

"Second, Second Sister, we have to hurry up and get out of here..."

"Wait a moment."

Ji Qingyou's eyes were very soothing, Su Jieyuan did not urge her anymore, but squatted aside obediently, waiting for her quietly.

She sits on the ground, cross-legged in a meditation posture, with her hands naturally folded, forming a samadhi.


In less than a moment, she purified and absorbed all the elixirs, herbs, and aura in the backpack.

The pain on my body also eased a lot.

"Second Sister, do you have a spirit, a spirit root in your body? Were you cultivating just now?"

Ji Qingyou slowly opened her eyes, and squinted at the little guy next to her. Seeing that his eyes were wide open, she satisfied his curiosity.


"Second sister, I, do we belong to this, a blessing in disguise?"

"That's it."

Ji Qingyou got up from the ground, stroked her tattered clothes, stepped out of the cell, hesitated for a few breaths, and then took out the only spiritual weapon from the system backpack - a powerful hammer!

As soon as the hammer fell, the iron lock on the prison door was separated from the iron chain!
Many of the servants in the cell have already been tortured and are half dead, but survival is a human instinct, and if you have this opportunity, if you don’t run, you are a fool.

But they didn't make it.

Butler Liu didn't leave. After hearing the movement, he brought a few servants in. When he saw the hammer in Ji Qingyou's hand, his eyebrows almost stood up.

"I kindly let you go, but you are so ignorant! You tied him up and threw him into the well in the backyard!"

Ji Qingyou's starry eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of sternness flashed through them.

She easily lifted the hammer weighing hundreds of catties, and she hammered the several strong men who came up to her to the ground in the blink of an eye.

Butler Liu, who was arrogant one moment, was cowardly the next.

He wanted to run away.


two steps...

Before he could take the third step, the sledgehammer drew an arc in the air and landed precisely on his back.


Ji Qingyou walked slowly in front of Butler Liu, lightly raised her right foot, and stepped on his terrified face.

"Please, please, please let me go..."

Ji Qingyou directly shifted her foot and stepped on his neck instead.

The next second, Butler Liu stared and swallowed.

To occupy a human body, you have to help people fulfill their last wishes.

I just don't know if this beast who abused the original owner was the obsession of the original owner before his death.

After coming out of Li's house, Ji Qingyou went back to Su's house directly.

Mother Su was timid and fearful. When she heard that she had offended the Li family, she immediately ran to the latrine in fright.

Father Su remained silent for a long time before he limped into the house, and when he came out again, he had two extra bundles in his hand.

"Run, you can run as far as you can!"

"We're not running!"


"Father, mother! Why, why, you don't believe it! The second sister is very, very powerful now! She has a big, sledgehammer..."

Ji Qingyou didn't listen to them any more.

She went around Su's house.

A small courtyard, three tile-roofed houses, is really a bare house.

There was a bronze mirror in the original owner's room. She stepped forward and looked at the person in the mirror, her eyebrows slightly raised.

"This face has been scalded like this, how can I get married in the future."

Ji Qingyou looked back at the sound, and saw Mother Su walking in with a brown medicine bottle.

"But that's okay, too many troubles have happened to your face."

"Father and mother are incapable of protecting you. With this scar, those rich people will stop thinking about you."

During the conversation with Su's mother, Ji Qingyou learned that the original owner was the maid of Li's house, but she was taken by the master of Li's house. She almost lost her virginity, and was even disfigured by the jealous wife.

In this way, the original owner's obsession is likely to be Li Wanjiang and his wife.

The giver should not have too much greed, she can only choose the one that she thinks is the most important from among the many last wishes, and let the person attached to her fulfill it.

If the giver's obsession disappears, the black lotus in her heart will disappear.

And if the person possessing her body fails to fulfill her last wish within the specified time limit, her soul will be scattered.

She didn't know how long the original owner set for her, and she didn't know what the original owner's obsession was. Anyway, this life was picked up, and she earned it if she could live another day.

After Su's mother left, Ji Qingyou locked the door behind her.

The system merit box is full.

It seems that those imprisoned servants have escaped from the private prison of the Li Mansion.

She glanced at the system backpack, there are quite a lot of mission rewards.

[Spiritual Root]: Fire Spiritual Root (Intermediate) 4/10;

[Spiritual weapon]: peach wood sword (low level) 1/10; powerful hammer (low level) 1/10;

[Spiritual Grass]: low-level spiritual grass 10/100;

[Lingdan]: Low-level elixirs 10/100;

[Spiritual Stone]: low-level spiritual stone 40/100;

[Aura]: 4 days;
But these rewards are more useful than aura.

Ji Qingyou didn't have time to think about it. The most urgent thing now was to form the alchemy as soon as possible. If she couldn't form the alchemy, she would not be able to return to the Nascent Soul Realm, and revenge would be far away.

When the abundant spiritual energy surged in from the window, she immediately meditated, adjusted her breath, and then let strands of spiritual energy enter from the Niwan Palace above her head, and then quickly descend to her dantian.

After the pure spiritual energy was purified by Dantian, it was transmitted to her limbs along her meridians and blood vessels.

Six days later, there was a sudden thunder outside the house.

Ji Qingyou broke through the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Thunder Tribulation is here.

As a cultivator, every time his realm rises, he will attract thunder disasters. If he can overcome it, he will be one step closer to becoming a fairy.

After coming out of Su's house, Ji Qingyou ran directly towards the woods in the mountain stream outside the town.

In fact, this kind of tribulation was nothing to her at all.

After a while, the lightning and thunder stopped, and the dense dark clouds dispersed, revealing the few stars in the sky.

Although Ji Qingyou survived the thunder disaster, she was also hit by several lightning bolts.

Just as she was sitting on the ground and was about to heal herself, a little demon suddenly jumped out and slapped her.

"It's true that when you're thirsty, someone gives you water, and when you're hungry, someone gives you food!"

Ji Qingyou's spiritual power is extremely weak, but the little monster in front of him has already practiced Taoism for hundreds of years.

His palm directly made her fly two feet away.

A mouthful of fishy sweetness flowed upstream, overflowing from her mouth, dirtying half of the skirt.

With red eyes, she looked at the little demon approaching her, she had just been reborn...

It shouldn't be so back!
(End of this chapter)

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