Chapter 2

[Duk-duk-duk! 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully entering the Foundation Establishment Realm! 】

[The upgrade reward has been dropped, please check it immediately! 】

The reward came just in time!

Ji Qingyou reacted very quickly. After the reward entered the system backpack, she immediately picked out a useful treasure.

Wan Dao Pao!
A mid-level ten thousand dao gown is made of ten thousand dao pure spiritual energy and ten thousand mid-level spirit stones supplemented with silk. Wearing it can resist the demon cultivators under the demon infant realm.

And the little monster in front of him obviously doesn't have that high cultivation.

With Ji Qingyou's thought in mind, Wan Daopao immediately got on her body, and at the same time, Xiao Yao's second palm directly hit her.

"Clown girl, I'm sorry, you are unlucky to meet me today!"

The wind of palm struck, Ji Qingyou remained motionless.

"Why are you... Wan Dao Pao!"

The little demon still had some knowledge. After knowing that the clothes on Ji Qingyou's body were Wan Dao robes, she wanted to run away quickly.

How could Ji Qingyou let him escape successfully?

The system was very generous this time, and not only gave her a Wan Dao robe, but also a dragon binding rope.

After the little demon is bound by the dragon rope, it is very easy to play around with the wind.

"Little monk, have mercy!"

"This is also the first time for me to kill someone, and it ended up being planted!"

"As long as you don't kill me, I will definitely do my best for you in the future..."

"To shut up!"

After Ji Qingyou yelled softly, she sat down on the spot and began to heal her injuries with luck.

A few hours later, she breathed out lightly, and Ying Jie's injuries this time had already healed.

And the little demon who was trapped by the dragon rope saw that she had finished healing her wounds, so she knelt down to her flatteringly.

"Little monk, please spare my life, I will be a saddle and a horse in the future..."

"What monster?"

Only then did Ji Qingyou have the time to carefully look at the little demon at her feet. The gray-brown robe and gray-white hair looked like a tree at first glance.

"My hub."

Ji Qingyou took back the dragon-binding rope, and threw a panacea directly to the other party.

"Promise me two conditions, and I will allow you to work by my side."

"Master, let alone two conditions, even a hundred conditions, I am willing to serve my master!"

Ji Qingyou doesn't like flattering people very much, but she is now in the midst of employing people, so she endures it.

"First, you can only practice the right path in the future; second, don't betray me! Violate one of them, and I will let you never be reborn forever!"

"Thank you, master, for taking me in."

Mi Zhu had a lot of thieves carefully, he held the elixir, hesitantly refused to swallow it.

"Master, what is this?"

Ji Qingyou is not good at lying, so when answering the other party's question, her eyes fell on him.

"Xiaoyaowan, I will give you one every month, as long as you obey, you will be fine."

"No, what will happen if you don't eat?"

"If it is light, your cultivation base will be completely destroyed, and if it is serious, your soul will be scattered."

Ji Qingyou is very guarded now, she doesn't trust anyone, and she doesn't trust this glib little demon in front of her.

Seeing Mihu Jing reluctantly swallowed the elixir, she gave him an order.

"Go and check Li Wanjiang and his wife for me."
After Mihu Jing took the order to leave, Ji Qingyou went down the mountain to go home refreshed, but she felt something was wrong as soon as she stepped into the house.

The door was wide open.

The buckets in the yard were lying on the ground like that, and the spilled water hadn't completely dried up.

And the house was empty.

Ji Qingyou frowned, turned her footsteps, and walked directly in the direction of Li's residence.

"Where is the ugly monster, get out of here, get out of here! What a bad luck!"

"Huh? Isn't this...Su, Su Jieyi?"

After recognizing Ji Qingyou, the two watchdogs of Li's mansion were so frightened that their faces changed drastically.

Ji Qingyou didn't talk nonsense with them, she directly grabbed one of them by the neck, and asked while striding into the mansion.

"Where are my parents!"

People are afraid of death, so there is no need for her to go through the maze. A timid person stepped forward to guide her, and then led her to a corner of the backyard of the mansion.

"It's, it's inside."

She stepped forward quickly, raised her foot and kicked, and the door of the firewood room burst open.

"Little hoof, you dare to come back! The gate of Li's house is not for you to enter and exit whenever you want!"

Ji Qingyou turned her head when she heard the sound, and saw the luxurious Mrs. Li stepping squarely into the small courtyard, followed by two Taoist priests, who looked very powerful, but turned out to be two embroidered pillows.

They were wearing all the outfits on their backs, and they were blown away by her palm before they got close to her.

Seeing the two Taoist priests running away in despair, Mrs. Li had a sense of crisis.

"You, what kind of enchantment did you use!"

Ji Qingyou was too lazy to argue with her, so she directly pulled out the other party's silver hairpin.

The other party was so frightened that his knees gave up and he knelt and sat on the ground.

"We have something to talk about. I can give you money. Is 100 taels enough? No, 500 taels... ah!"

After a scream, Ji Qingyou threw the silver hairpin that was still dripping blood on the ground.

The expression is extremely disgusting.

Ji Qingyou left the Li Mansion with the three members of the Su family in such a grand manner, and returned to the Su family.

Su's mother was very timid, afraid that the Li family would come to make trouble again, so she packed her bags and prepared to run for her life.

"Not urgent."

Go, you must go.

But before leaving Nanxian Town, she had to get rid of the original owner's obsession.

Ji Qingyou was about to go out to 'do a mission' when the Mihu Jing suddenly appeared, and he smiled obsequiously and begged her for credit.

"... Li Wanjiang invited many Taoist priests to exorcise evil spirits in the mansion, and even sent someone to Guiyuanzong, but I have already dealt with the person he sent."

Ji Qingyou stood with her hands behind her back, with a pensive expression, and asked the little demon after a long while.

"Is there any place in the town that needs to do good deeds?"

Mihu Jing was stunned for a moment, those gray eyes were ghostly.

"Returning to the master, the price of salt in the town is very high recently, it is ridiculously high, and the common people can no longer afford it."

"Also, a new group of refugees has arrived in Linzhen, and the mayor seems to have accepted them, but he doesn't care about them at all."

"...Well, there is a monster in Jinyang City, 1200 kilometers away from here. It is said that it is a mouse monster. It has eaten many people, but she has [-] years of Taoism, but she doesn't know about you, master..."

Ji Qingyou glanced at the little demon in front of her, and seeing his eyes flicker, she guessed something.

"You have a grudge against that mouse demon?"

The hub spirit sneered and replied.

"Hate, I can't talk about it, it's just that if you don't deal with it, you can still hide it if you can't provoke me."

Ji Qingyou directly threw some spirit stones to the other party.

"Go and exchange some money, buy some rice, build a shed outside the town, and give free porridge to those refugees for three days."

"Go find some little demons again, and empty out all the salt in the Li family's salt storehouse, so as to help the people in the town."

"After all these things are done, the rat monster in Jinyang City... I will help you solve it."

Mizhu Jing was overjoyed, flattered her horse, and came as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Master, you must be the reincarnation of a good god in this life. Those mortals are simply lucky to meet you, master..."


"Okay, let's get out."

Mihujing is still very efficient in doing things. In less than a day, Ji Qingyou's little merit box was full three times.

She entered the system backpack, looked at the dropped rewards, and raised her eyebrows in satisfaction.

Both the escape talisman and the body talisman can save lives. As for the middle-level Wan Dao robe, it is actually not much different from the Wan Dao robe, except that the Wan Dao robe is like a night clothes, with its own mask.

It suits her right now.

And if you collect ten middle-level fire spirit roots, you can exchange for one high-level fire spirit root.

The spiritual root is abundant, the spiritual energy is abundant, and the cultivation is naturally unimpeded.

Ji Qingyou hid in the mountains for more than half a month, and finally ushered in her second thunder disaster.


[Congratulations to the host for entering the alchemy realm, the rewards have been distributed to the system backpack, please pay attention to check! 】

Upgrade rewards are much richer than mission rewards.

Ji Qingyou glanced at the things in her backpack. Apart from half a month of abundant aura, her favorite thing was the pair of sound transmission mirrors.

"Take it."

After returning to Su's house, she gave Su Jieyuan the sound transmission mirror.

"I have to go out, and the date of return is uncertain. If you need me urgently, just talk to the mirror, and I can hear you even thousands of miles away."

Su Jieyuan nodded vigorously, holding the mirror in his arms, the baby is amazing.

After Ji Qingyou left Nanxian Town, she went directly to Jinyang City.

Several tragedies have occurred in Jinyang City recently.

Those who died were all young men.

When the body was found, the heart had been dug out.

For this reason, the city lord of Jinyang City specially sent someone to visit Yuanzong, and invited Elder Ding Hua of Guiyuanzong down the mountain. Along with her was the only daughter Chang Xuejiao.

"Uncle, you don't need to do anything later, it's just a thousand-year-old rat demon, I can handle it by myself."

"Xuejiao, don't act recklessly."

"What are you afraid of? I have already entered the realm of spiritual solitude, and I am afraid that she will fail as a little demon!"

"That's right, Master Uncle, with so many of us, most of us are above the Alchemy Realm, if we can't handle even a little demon, then all these years of cultivation will be in vain."

Several Guiyuanzong disciples, before seeing the rat demon, their cowhide was almost blown to the sky.

In the end, he was severely slapped in the face by the rat demon.

It stands to reason that with a few disciples above the Alchemy Realm, plus Elder Ding Hua who is at the Nascent Soul Realm, it shouldn't be too difficult to deal with a little demon at the Spiritual Realm, but this fight took three sticks. Fragrant time.

Seeing that the situation was not good for him, the rat demon ran away.

As the saying goes, don't chase after the poor, the rat demon is very familiar with this mountain, who knows if it will set any traps, but Chang Xuejiao just followed the rat demon without listening to Elder Ding Hua's dissuasion.

"Xuejiao, it's dangerous, come back quickly!"

Silent night, sporadic.

Ji Qingyou was wearing Wan Dao clothes, hiding in the woods, and she was integrated into the night. She did not participate in the battle between the two sides, but just watched the excitement from a high position.

After they all fell into the mouse monster's hole, she jumped in without haste.

And below the entrance of the cave is the formation that the Rat Demon has arranged in advance.

A particularly evil demon array!

(End of this chapter)

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