Chapter 3 The Revenge of Tu Gu
"What kind of demon formation is this! My spiritual power is disappearing!"

"It's a spiritual formation! No one can leave this formation alive!"

"Escape technique doesn't work!"

All the people trapped in the formation changed their faces, and Chang Xuejiao was also very frightened, but she was still domineering when she was about to die.

"My father is Chang Hai, head of the Guiyuan Sect! He is now at the Leaving Aperture Realm!"

"If you dare to touch a hair of my hair, believe it or not, he will kill all your children and grandchildren!"

Different from the panic and fear of others, Ji Qingyou is much calmer, after all, she has died once.

Her indifferent eyes fell on the rat demon.

The mouse demon was quite beautiful, her body seemed to have no bones, she lay down on the stone bed, and looked at the people in the formation with winking eyes.

"Leaving the Aperture Realm? Your father is at the Transcendence Tribulation Realm, and he can't get out after entering this formation! Hahahaha..."

Ji Qingyou felt that the spiritual power in her body was about to disappear.

She glanced at the escape talisman in the system's backpack, but she didn't know if it would work in the spirit-absorbing circle.

With one thought, in the next second, she was behind the mouse demon.

It works!
The mouse demon's slightly narrowed almond eyes widened suddenly, and she sat up straight. Seeing that everyone in the formation was looking behind her, she turned her head subconsciously.

"Who are you!"

The mouse demon's eyes showed fear, and when his body was bound by the dragon rope, his voice trembled.

"You didn't come here for those lechers, did you?"

"What do you want? Mysterious kung fu secret book? Or red bead? If you want red bead, then you are late, it has already been snatched by other monsters."

The red bead is the first among the seven star beads, it is refined from the bone of the god of heaven, and it is beneficial to cultivation.

Gathering seven-star beads together can increase the cultivation base of practitioners from the three realms.

Ji Qingyou didn't care about Chizhu.

She bent her five fingers slightly, and in the blink of an eye, her whole hand pierced through the stomach, and took out the demon pill of the rat demon.

Once the rat demon died, the spirit-absorbing array also disappeared.

Ji Qingyou took the demon pill and the binding dragon cable back into the system, and was about to leave, but was stopped by Chang Xuejiao.

"Who are you! Why don't you dare to look at people with your true face!"

Ji Qingyou looked at the woman in front of her, a cold light flashed in her starry eyes.

It was this woman who hypocritically fed her a few pills on the day she broke through to the Nascent Soul Realm. After taking the pills, the spiritual energy in her body surged wildly, and her mind became a little confused.

When she woke up, she was already trapped in the soul-elimination array.

And this woman who always called her Shishu, together with her hypocritical father, was once the person she trusted the most...

But before she died, she realized that their kindness to her was all fake!

"What do you want to do!"

After Chang Xuejiao and her party were bound by the dragon rope, their expressions changed drastically.

Elder Ding Hua, whose realm is above the Nascent Soul Realm, is not bound by the dragon rope. She holds a sword in front of Chang Xuejiao and others, with a protective posture.

"This monk, we don't have any enmity, why do we have to kill them all? If you let us live, Ding Hua will repay the kindness you have given us today!"

Ji Qingyou hesitated for a moment, and finally took back the dragon-binding rope.

Ding Hua is Master's confidante, and she is also one of the few people who spoke to Master for her at the Zongmen Trial Conference.

This kindness should be repaid today.
As soon as Ji Qingyou returned to Nanxian Town, the merit box was full again many times.

It seems that the little demon of the hub has completed the task.

"Master, after hearing that all the salt in the warehouse was emptied, Li Wanjiang was so angry that he suffered a stroke. Although his life was saved, he was paralyzed."

"Just paralyzed?"

The hubby is very good at reading words and expressions, and he understands what she means in seconds.

"The disease is very serious, and I probably won't live long."

The corners of Ji Qingyou's mouth curled up slightly. This little demon may have a little more heart, but he is still very reliable in his work.

She glanced at the reward that had just dropped in her backpack, and threw a sound transmission mirror directly to the other party, and she also rewarded him with the mouse demon's demon pill.

"The master is mighty! From now on, the little demon will swear to follow the master!"
A few days later, a white cloth was hung outside the door of Li's mansion, and the people outside began to whisper to each other.

"I heard that the salt in the Li family's warehouse was stolen one after another. Master Li was so angry that he couldn't get sick, and finally died."

"The price of salt in the town is so high, it's not the fault of Li's family, it really deserves it, God has eyes."

"And his wife, who hit the coffin directly on the mourning hall, lost her breath on the spot."

"I didn't expect Mrs. Li to have such deep feelings for Mr. Li."

When the news reached Ji Qingyou's ears, she was very calm.

However, the black lotus on her body did not disappear.

It seems that the original owner's obsession is not Li Wanjiang and his wife.

Not the Li family?
Could it be the Su family?

If the original owner's obsession is really the Su family, then it seems unsafe to keep the Su family in Nanxian Town.

Ji Qingyou only hesitated for a moment before making a decision.

Bring the Su family back to Spring Valley!

Coincidentally, she hasn't been home for many years, and she doesn't know if her parents are well.

"Pack up your luggage, we have to leave Nanxian Town."

Su Jieyuan admires her very much now, and he will obey unconditionally whatever she says.

"I'll just, just go and pack my luggage!"

When seeing the large and small bags of luggage, Ji Qingyou fell into deep thought.

In her last life, she had a Qiankun bag, which could hold a lot of things... I don't know if the system backpack can store things outside.

Just thinking about it, the big and small bags in front of him were displayed in the system backpack in an instant.

"Huh? Where's the box?"

"He was still here just now!"

Ji Qingyou looked at the Su family. Since the luggage can enter the system backpack, what about... people?
With the same thought, Su's father, Su's mother, and Su Jieyuan also entered the system backpack together.

Ji Qingyou was stunned for a moment.

After recovering, he smiled.

This non-monster thing is quite interesting.
Ji Qingyou just took the three members of the Su family back to Wangchun Valley.

Before entering the valley, she tidied up her appearance, fearing that the scar on her face would scare the people in the valley, so she covered most of her face with a scarf.

Ji Qingyou took a few steps back after being hit by Taniguchi's barrier!
Just as she was wondering, several men in blue came suddenly with swords and landed in front of her.

"Who is coming!"

They are all new faces!
She doesn't know any of them!
But she knew the wooden plaques hanging on their waists to represent their identities, with the three characters Gui Yuanzong written on it.

She suppressed the ominous premonition that suddenly rose in her heart, and asked the leader patiently.

"Is this Wangchun Valley? I'm here to find relatives."

"Looking for relatives? What kind of relatives are you looking for! People in Wangchun Valley died in a fire three years ago, and none of them survived! If you want to find relatives, go to the underworld!"

Ji Qingyou was stunned for a while before recovering.

She dug her nails deeply into her palms, and her scarlet eyes were filled with rage.

"Where are their bones?"

Hearing the words, several people looked at each other in dismay, and then laughed together, their tone wanton and arrogant.

"Bones? The bones have already turned into ashes!"

"Not to mention, their ashes are quite nutritious!"

"The spiritual grass planted at the place where they died is lush and plump. After eating it, it is more effective than the same level of spiritual grass."

Ji Qingyou was so angry that she vomited out a mouthful of blood.

She held back her tears and clenched her back molars tightly, the anger had already controlled her mind.

"Who set the fire? And who instigated it!"

The other party laughed even more wildly, as if he didn't take her seriously at all.

"What about you, it's impossible to leave here alive today, let's also show kindness and let you be a sensible ghost!"

"Three years ago, Ji Qingyou and her master betrayed the sect, colluded with foreign demons, and released all the demons in the Wuwang Pagoda, causing chaos in the Three Realms. As her family, she should also atone for her sins!"

Ji Qingyou suddenly suffocated for a moment.

It turned was because of her...

It is expected that there are so many people in Chungu, how innocent they are!

(End of this chapter)

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