Chapter 4 Returning to the sect
The hatred of Tu Gu is irreconcilable!If you don't report in this life, you swear not to be a human being!
Ji Qingyou spread her left and right palms upwards, and the hammer and the dragon-binding rope were in her hands.

Xu Shi saw that she had come prepared, those arrogant people immediately put away their laughing expressions and set up an enemy defense formation.

Ji Qingyou narrowed her cold eyes, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

Binding Longsuo came out at the command.

At the same time, the sledgehammer in her hand also came out and smashed straight at them.

With the body protection of the spiritual weapon of binding dragon rope, Ji Qingyou can be said to be a slap in the face against monks under the Nascent Soul Realm.

The few people who had uttered wild words before had their ribs broken by the powerful hammer in the next second.


Under the continuous ravages of the powerful hammer, screams rang out one after another.

Ji Qingyou was especially puzzled.

She picked up the sword that the enemy had dropped on the ground, and when she swung it at them, she seemed to be chaotic, but in fact the blade was sharp.

In the blink of an eye, all their limbs were chopped off by her.

Looking at the stumps and blood stains all over the ground, she suddenly burst out laughing, and then burst into tears.

"Father! Mother!"

Ji Qingyou moved her sword up and down, she wanted to break through the barrier and enter the valley, but was sent flying a foot away by the barrier.

Taniguchi's barrier was set up by an expert, and she has just formed a pill now...she can't break it!
"Who is coming, dare to trespass on Wangchun Valley!"

Hearing the sound, Ji Qingyou raised her eyes. The enemy's reinforcements had arrived. They came down with their swords and fell to the ground, shaking up a cloud of dust.

"Where did the demon girl come from, her methods are so cruel!"

"Quickly line up!"

"Witch, take your life!"

Ji Qingyou looked over at a glance, and there were at least 20 people in this huge group.

But the mid-level dragon-binding rope can only trap ten people...

It is obviously not a wise move to fight with one enemy.

But she couldn't swallow this breath!

【Where there is life, there is hope. 】

The childish voice suddenly sounded, and Ji Qingyou was slightly taken aback.

It turns out that this artifact can talk to people, so can she ask him for help?
"Could it be possible for me to instantly increase my cultivation, even if it's only for half an hour?"

[The state owns the state law, the sect has its rules, and this system also has its own rules. There is no such thing as a circle without rules...]

"If you can't, just shut up!"

[Host, it’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years, I think you should recharge your batteries...]

"To shut up!"

Ji Qingyou was already full of anger, but now she was made even more angry by this neither evil nor evil thing.

【If you die, the ashes of your parents will forever become the fertilizer for Gui Yuanzong to grow spiritual grass. 】

This sentence directly hit her sore spot.

Yes, revenge is not in a hurry at this moment.

But if she doesn't give it a try, she is really not reconciled!

"Tie the dragon rope, go!"

As soon as Ji Qingyou gave the password, Fu Longsuo immediately changed his target and went towards the ten nearby cultivators.

At the same time, the enemy's sword energy had already attacked her, but she felt no pain when it landed on her body.

"Our formation can't hurt her!"

"Who are you!"

Seeing the frightened expressions on their faces, Ji Qingyou gave a cold snort!
So what if there are too many people!

The cultivation bases are all below the Nascent Soul Realm, so they can only be ghosts!
"This person's cultivation is higher than ours, please go and invite Elder Wuheng!"

The opponent directly used the escape technique and went back to the valley to move reinforcements.

Elder Wuheng, three years ago, his cultivation had already reached the state of distraction.

She is no match for him.

After regaining her sanity a little bit, she no longer wanted to fight, and directly used the escape talisman to leave Wangchun Valley.

But one day, she will come back again, kill her enemies, and hope that Spring Valley will be peaceful!

Ji Qingyou brought the father and son of the Su family to a small town [-] kilometers away from Wangchun Valley.

The folk customs there are simple and the neighbors are harmonious.

In her previous life, she was fortunate to have been there once, and she was deeply impressed by that place.

After placing them there, she left them some broken silver and talismans for protection, and then embarked on the road to return to Yuanzong.

She wants to return to Yuanzong!
She wants to avenge herself and her master!

She even wants that old thief Chang Hai and his accomplices to pay for the lives of hundreds of people in Wangchun Valley!
As the head of the six sects, Guiyuanzong accepted disciples once every three years.

The conditions for accepting apprentices are naturally stricter than other sects.

Each time there are thousands of applicants, after the assessment, only three to five hundred people can be left.

Among the three 500 people, only those with good appearance and quality are eligible to be accepted as inner disciples by the sect master and the elders.

In her last life, Ji Qingyou was accepted as a closed disciple by Elder Feng Yuan of Gui Yuanzong because of her excellent appearance and quality.

She led the way to surpass other disciples who joined the sect.

At the age of 28, he broke through the Nascent Soul Realm.

You know, looking at the entire cultivation world, there are no more than 20 cultivators whose cultivation base is above the Nascent Soul Realm.

If a person is too good, he will be envied and even lose his own life.

Therefore, in this life, she has to keep a low profile.

Shangyuan Hall is the main hall on the Longtou Peak of Guiyuanzong, and it is also the place where Guiyuanzong accepts apprentices for assessment.

When Ji Qingyou arrived, there was already a sea of ​​people outside the hall.

"Wow, this palace is so magnificent, it's almost catching up with the imperial palace."

"Where does this come from? I heard people say that the Shangqing Palace is more magnificent than this, but that's where the inner disciples stay. There is probably no hope for someone with my talent."

"As long as you can stay in Guiyuanzong, it is good to be an outer disciple."

"Look, that woman over there, the scar on her face is so scary."

"It's quite scary, as if it was burned by something."

"I don't know what her appearance is like. If she can reach the level of spiritual tranquility, she can remove the scar on her face."

"Spiritual silence? Most people can't even form a pill for a lifetime of cultivation, and after that, they are prone to go crazy in the state of mind, and there are only a handful of people who can truly reach the state of spiritual silence."

Ji Qingyou's ears are quite sensitive, and she can hear whispers a few meters away clearly.

They were right.

If a cultivator can enter the realm of spiritual tranquility, not only can his face remain forever, but all diseases can also be completely eliminated, and the scars on his face will naturally be replaced by new skin.

For others, this realm may be a height that is difficult to achieve in a lifetime.

But it's not difficult for her.

"Hurry up, we're assembled over there."

"Look up, the one walking in the so beautiful."

"If you say that the most beautiful person in Guiyuanzong, it should be Chang Xuejiao, the daughter of the head of the sect, and she has already reached the state of spiritual silence."

Ji Qingyou looked up amidst the envy of the crowd, and saw Chang Xuejiao dressed in purple, standing on a high stage, full of arrogance.

"I, Chang Xuejiao, on behalf of Gui Yuanzong, welcome everyone to attend the three-year apprentice acceptance meeting."

"Everyone traveled thousands of miles and gathered here. I believe they must have come prepared. However, Gui Yuanzong only has 413 people left this year. If you want to stay, you must go all out for the next assessment."

"Now, everyone line up in two rows, sign up and go to test the spirit stone."

Ji Qingyou did not report the name of the original owner, for fear of causing trouble to the Su family.

After registering and receiving the card, she followed the crowd to the Lingshi Platform.
Testing spirit stones not only tests spirit roots, but also screens out those little demons who try to sneak into the sect.

"Shen Yu, Heavenly Spiritual Root, Fire Nature."

"Chu Yuning, true spirit root, fire nature, earth nature."

"Chang Suining, Tianling Root, Wood Nature."

"Zhou He...mutated spiritual root, wind nature, thunder nature."

As the spirit tester's report sounded, there was already an uproar in the audience.

You must know that most of the cultivators are pseudo-spiritual roots, that is, they have four or five attributes, and their spiritual roots are not abundant, and their cultivation speed is very slow.

The real spiritual root is better than the false spiritual root, with two or three attributes, the spiritual root is also slightly more abundant, and the speed of cultivation is average.

The sky spirit root is a single spirit root, the spirit root is quite abundant, and the cultivation speed is very fast.

The mutated spiritual root is a mixture of multi-attribute spiritual roots. The mutated and sublimated spiritual root can be cultivated at the same speed as the sky spiritual root, but it is extremely rare.

Ji Qingyou's last life was a fusion spirit root, which was a few levels higher than the mutant spirit root.

"Ji You, Tianlinggen, fire nature."

When Ji Qingyou stepped onto the spirit testing platform, she also received a lot of envious and jealous eyes, but perhaps because of her 'ugly appearance', others' jealousy towards her quickly turned to sympathy.

And out of the thousands of people, nearly 13.00% stopped at the Lingshi Platform before officially starting the assessment.

There are various reasons for stopping.

Some goblins pretend to be adults, some fight and cause trouble, and some are disrespectful to sect disciples...
After leaving the Lingshi Terrace, everyone came to Qingyun Cliff, which was also the first level of Guiyuanzong's assessment.

"Standing up to the sky, as the name suggests, only after passing this level will you have a chance to rise to the top."

Chang Xuejiao stood on the opposite side of Qingyun Cliff and shouted loudly.

"If you are scared, you can turn around and leave now."

The distance between the two cliffs is more than a hundred meters. There is no bridge in the middle, only an iron chain connecting the two places, which is no bigger than a child's wrist.

For those who are timid, their legs go limp in fright.

"That's too high."

"It's so far away, what if you run out of strength in the middle? If you fall, won't you die?"

"Below... there should be protective measures."

Chang Xuejiao quickly answered their questions.

"Below is the valley of evil spirits. There are many evil spirits. If you fall down... then you can only ask for good luck."

In a word, one-third of the people were scared into timidity.

But there are also those who are not afraid of death, or those who have confidence in themselves, go straight up.

"Who is that person?"

"It seems to be called Shen Yu. When he came, he brought his entourage. He was either a descendant of an official or a son of a wealthy businessman."

"He seems to be a Heavenly Spirit Root too."

Ji Qingyou followed everyone's line of sight, and saw that the other party was dressed in white, with a majestic figure, standing on the rope with his hands behind his back, as if walking on flat ground.

(End of this chapter)

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