She was bound to win the immortal system at the beginning!

Chapter 5 The First Encounter in the Cave

Chapter 5 The First Encounter in the Cave
Someone took the lead, and the people behind began to bite the bullet.

But not everyone has Shen Yu's balance and control. When someone falls off the cliff, everyone is flabbergasted again.

At this time, Ji Qingyou came out.

She didn't walk on the iron ropes like Shen Yu did, but tore her coat into strips of cloth, twisted them into ropes, tied herself at one end, and tied the iron rope at the other end.

In this way, she was hanging upside down, with her legs hooked on the iron chain, and slowly moved towards the other side of the cliff.

It's not that she has poor balance. How could a person who can fly with a sword have poor balance.

She just wants to tell everyone that as long as they can come here, no matter what method is used.

Because the first test is not whether you can pass it, but whether you have the courage and courage to take the first step.

As it turned out, she gave everyone a good start.

As a result, her merit box was full more than ten times.

But the dropped rewards are all repetitive.

It seems useless, but in fact, as long as you save enough, you can upgrade.

Just like the dragon binding rope, if you collect ten low-level dragon binding ropes, you can exchange for a middle-level dragon binding rope, and if you collect ten middle-level dragon binding ropes, you can exchange for a high-level dragon binding rope.

From this point of view, it is still necessary to do the task.
After the first pass, the number of people who were assessed plummeted.

The remaining thousand or so people were directly led to an open space by Gui Yuanzong's disciples.

Ji Qingyou met Elder Ding Hua again.

She was dressed in plain clothes, standing on a high platform, like a fairy descending to earth, noble and cold.

"The second assessment, dreams come true."

"There is a bamboo forest at the back of the palace. Someone will take you there later. You only need to go in and take a walk, and make sure you come back within an hour before you can participate in the next assessment."

The second assessment was a bit difficult for Ji Qingyou.

Demons are the most difficult to eliminate.

In her previous life, she had no inner demons, so her cultivation rose very quickly.

But this life...

When she thought of the hundreds of people who died tragically in Wangchun Valley, she couldn't fill her hatred.

"Is the second level so simple? There shouldn't be any monsters in it?"

"Never mind him, run quickly, I don't know how big this forest is, can I run out of it in an hour."

Seeing the figures roaring past her, one after another sprinting towards the bamboo forest, she still walked slowly.

It wasn't until the people in front had all entered the forest that she took a deep breath and walked in bravely.

In the bamboo forest, there is a heart demon formation set up by the elders of the sect.

When she stepped into the formation, the surrounding environment completely changed, and it became Wangchun Valley.

"Youyou, where did you go to play, to be in such a mess?"

"I must have climbed a tree to dig out a bird's nest again."

Neighbors Zhang Bo and Wang Auntie were planting vegetables in the fields, and immediately raised their backs when they saw her.

This familiar scene made Ji Qingyou's eyes wet instantly.

Without stopping, she went straight into her small courtyard.

"You child, you have made yourself ashes again!"

Father was roasting medicinal herbs in the yard, when the second brother suddenly jumped out of the house, hooked her around the neck and brought her into the house.

"Let's go, Second Brother will show you something nice."

The good things that the second brother said were the crickets caught from the fields.

"This cricket, I tried it, it is absolutely the king of kings, you can definitely win it in a competition with Xiao Er."

She turned around and went into the back room again, and saw her mother sitting in front of the window embroidering, she hurriedly approached.


Her mother gave her a sideways look with a smile on her lips.

"Where did you go crazy again?"

She climbed onto the warm kang and threw herself directly into her mother's arms. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her nose began to feel slightly sore.


"What's the matter? Did you quarrel with Xiao Er?"

She shook her head slightly, and tightened her arms around her mother again.

Although she knew that all of this was an illusion, she was extremely greedy for this moment, and really wanted to stay in the illusion for the rest of her life.

But she knew very well in her heart that even if she didn't go out, the illusion would disappear automatically when the time came.

She just nestled in her mother's arms, until the last moment, she forced herself to pull out the sword in her hand.

Only by cutting off the inner demons can the mirror be broken.

"Youyou, what are you doing with your sword? Put it down, it's dangerous."

"Youyou, are you going to kill Second Brother?"

"Youyou, don't mess around."


Her hand holding the sword was trembling.

With her eyes open, she couldn't do anything even if it was an illusion.

So, she could only close her eyes.

Hand up, sword down!
The illusion disappeared immediately.
Although Ji Qingyou passed the second level, her heart seemed to be torn open, and blood flowed.

Elder Ding Hua had already been waiting for everyone on the high steps outside the hall, and she was obviously not satisfied with everyone's performance.

"Inner demons are a big taboo in cultivation, and they are also a stumbling block on your way to cultivation."

"If you don't get rid of your demons, it's hard to become a great tool. Regardless of whether you can stay in the end, I hope you can get rid of your demons as soon as possible, so that your cultivation path can go smoothly."

"The next step is the third assessment - achievement and fame."

"Everyone enters the Friendship Valley together, in a group of 30 people, and can be grouped freely."

"There are ferocious beasts in the valley. Everyone should pay attention to safety when crossing the valley. If you are in danger, remember to help each other."

"Walk through the valley to the end, get the flag, and return to the starting point first, and each person will be rewarded with 100 mid-level spirit stones."

"We will select the top three in this assessment based on everyone's overall performance."

Ji Qingyou knows Gui Yuanzong's rules too well.

At first glance, it sounds like whoever arrives first wins, but in fact, the group that arrives first must have a full number of people.

Anything less is a failure.

"I don't want to be with her, the scar on her face is too scary."

"But she is Tianlinggen."

"So what about Tianlinggen? Before practicing, everyone was the same! And she looks so weak, she looks like a burden!"

Ji Qingyou was disgusted by others because of the scars on her face and her thin physique, and she didn't bother to argue with them. After the others formed a team, the rest would naturally be the first team.

There is a man named Jiang Su in the team, a pseudo-spiritual root, with mediocre qualifications, but a sense of responsibility.

"There are many obstacles at the bottom of the valley, everyone follow closely, don't get lost."

Ji Qingyou walked last.

She is so familiar with the road at the bottom of the valley that she can reach her destination even with her eyes closed.

But there are some things that really cannot be said too fully.

like now.

As she walked, she realized that she had lost a group of people. Although she didn't want to admit it, she was indeed... lost in a place she was familiar with.

She seemed to have never walked this road before.

And the farther you go north, the thicker the monster fog becomes.

Holding the mahogany sword in her hand, she looked around warily, but she accidentally stepped on a soft ground, causing her body to lose balance instantly.

She just fell straight from the height and fell into a cave.

There are two worlds inside and outside the cave.

The evil spirit is billowing outside the cave, and the spiritual energy is abundant inside the cave, which makes people puzzled by the contradiction.

(End of this chapter)

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