Chapter 10 Thor's Blessing
A thunderous sound directly penetrated the roof and landed on Guanshi Chen with precision. In the next second, he fell limply to the ground, and his personnel disappeared.

"Master, Senior Brother!"

After the rest of the people came back to their senses, they hurriedly helped Chen Guanshi up, and took a breath.

"Still angry!"

"Quick, go inform Elder Ding!"

Ding Hua, as the chief steward of the discipline hall, soon showed up, and Chang Hai, the head of the discipline hall, came with her.

After three years, seeing Chang Hai again, Ji Qingyou almost couldn't control her emotions.

This man she had called her senior brother for 20 years, although he was an octogenarian, was still refined and refined.

Today he is wearing a navy blue brocade robe, with thousands of blue silks tied lightly by a single white jade hairpin, standing on the jade steps like that, not angry and majestic.

"Are you Ji You?"

Ji Qingyou suddenly came back to her senses, and after putting away the hostility in her eyes, she bowed her hands to the two of them.

"Disciple Ji You has met... the head of the sect, and Elder Ding."

"We don't seem to have met before? How did you recognize me?"

Sensing the other party's scrutiny, Ji Qingyou calmly lowered her eyebrows and lowered her eyes.

"I heard that the Discipline Hall is under the jurisdiction of Elder Ding, and the only one who can make Elder Ding give up the position of master... must be the head. Moreover, I heard that the head loves navy blue very much."

"Quite clever."

Chang Hai's eyes flickered slightly, but he couldn't see any joy or anger.

It stands to reason that, as the head of Guiyuanzong, he needs to show up on the day when the new disciples enter the school, but unfortunately, he was out on errands, which delayed his return date.

"I heard that you are protected by Thunder God?"

"I'm not too sure. This kind of thing has never happened before. However, the temple where I used to sleep did enshrine the God of Thunder."

When Ji Qingyou answered, she was very cautious.

Based on what she knew about Chang Hai, he would definitely ask her where her family lived and where the Thunder God Temple was.

It turns out that she... guessed wrong.

When the sharp palm wind moved in front of her, it was her instinct to defend, but when she thought of her current identity, she closed her eyes and planned to catch his palm.


The thunder came as expected!

Chang Hai had already reached the Aperture Realm, and when he attacked Ji Qingyou, he had already set up a formation in the room, and the thunder did not hurt him.

Ji Qingyou also received a solid slap from him.

Her body drew an arc in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground. At the same time, a mouthful of blood spewed out from her mouth.

The thunder struck again.

The broken formation was built again by Chang Hai.

Seeing this, Ding Hua immediately built another formation outside of Chang Hai's formation.

Several other elders who came later also joined them.

The thunder gradually weakened, and its power gradually diminished until it disappeared completely.
"Father, are you okay!"

Chang Xuejiao, who came after hearing the news, strode to Chang Hai's side. Seeing that he was fine, she turned her gaze to Ji Qingyou, with ice blades in her eyes.

"You are a demon or a demon, so be honest!"

Chang Hai raised his hand to signal Chang Xuejiao to shut up first, but his eyes were always on Ji Qingyou from beginning to end.

"Although you have just started, you should have read Guiyuanzong's ancestral rules, right? Those who collude with evil spirits will be deboned and ecstasy!"

Of course Ji Qingyou knew.

In her last life, she was tortured to death like this!

Could it be that in this life, she still can't escape the fate of being destroyed?
Do not!
She doesn't believe in fate!

"If you want to add guilt, there is no excuse for it!"

"If I had known Guiyuanzong was so indistinguishable between good and evil, and black and white were reversed, I should have gone to Ziyangzong or Shengyangzong. Even the Sixiangzong, which is ranked at the bottom, should be tens of millions of times better than here!"

Ji Qingyou wiped off the blood from her mouth, turned over and knelt towards the door.

"Lei Gong! I only have one wish before I die!"

"I hope you can help me punish these bad guys! Give them back hundreds of times the pain they inflicted on me!"

After Ji Qingyou finished speaking, she got up from the ground, closed her eyes and slammed into the side column.

Intend to come to a 'proof of innocence by death'.

Of course, she didn't really want to die. If no one stopped her, she would use the escape talisman to escape from here.

When her body was suddenly frozen, she knew she had made the right bet.

"Brother, before the matter is investigated, let her live first."

Ding Hua stood up and discussed with Chang Hai.

"It seems a bit too arbitrary and unreasonable for us to convict this girl with just a few thunderstorms."

"Besides, the cultivation level of the monster that can break through the sect-protecting formation should be far above ours. If he really has some purpose, it shouldn't be difficult for him to possess a fellow sect with a very high cultivation level."

"And this little girl has just drawn her energy into her body. Even if she is extremely talented, it will take at least twenty years to reach the Nascent Soul Realm. Therefore, it does not make sense to say that they colluded with each other."

"Taking a step back, even if she really colludes with evil spirits, she shouldn't have exposed herself when she first started."

Ding Hua is trying his best to protect Ji Qingyou.

Elder Baiqiu also stood by Ding Hua's side.

"Elder Ding is right. If she is really a spy, then it will be exposed too quickly."

"Besides, I've never heard of a monster with the technique of controlling lightning. Even if there is, the technique of controlling lightning can reach this level, I'm afraid we can't deal with it."

After hearing this, Chang Xuejiao became anxious.

"Father, this woman cannot stay!"

"It's a coincidence that this thunder appears once, but it's no coincidence if it occurs many times!"

Ding Hua is determined to protect Ji Qingyou.

"What if Lei Gong is really protecting her?"

"Lei Gong? How is it possible!"

Chang Xuejiao directly vetoed this hypothesis.

"If Lei Gong gets angry, I'm afraid our entire Guiyuan Sect will suffer, but just now... it was clearly outnumbered and escaped!"

Ding Hua didn't take it seriously, she had her own speculation about the situation just now.

"Lei Gong strikes thunder, that is the destiny!"

"If someone is killed in the world, he will be punished!"

"But Ji You is his believer, so it's normal for him to punish us slightly for her sake!"

Everyone held their own opinions and argued endlessly.

Chang Hai, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

"Lock her up first, this matter needs to be discussed again!"
Ji Qingyou didn't die, but was locked up.

The dark and damp in the cell made her feel as if she had returned to three years ago.

Three years ago, she lived here for a few days, and those were the darkest days in her life. She couldn't figure out why her most respected brother would suddenly turn against him.

She couldn't even figure out why the master treated him like his own son, why he would fall into the injustice of the master!


That thunder...

She subconsciously looked at the system backpack, and the 'python egg' that was originally inside no longer emitted golden light.

It's like... the spiritual power is damaged.

"Little thing, I know it's you, and thank you for standing up for me, but you seem to be doing a disservice."

Ji Qingyou sighed softly.

Recalling the day of the assessment, when the egg suddenly caught up with her, just as the cave collapsed, she 'packed' it into the system backpack without even thinking about it.

These days, it has been very obedient, just staying in it quietly, making her almost forget its existence.

I don't know if this little thing has parents. What if the parents come to the door and suspect that she is an egg thief?
(End of this chapter)

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