Chapter 11
The spiritual energy in the dark prison is thin, and it is not suitable for healing at all.

Ji Qingyou glanced at the aura in the system's backpack, but did not dare to use it.

There were too many eyes on her around.

Using spiritual energy now is undoubtedly seeking a dead end.

She is still a little uncertain about how Chang Hai will deal with her, but she has already prepared for the worst.

"Come out!"

I thought she would stay in prison for three to five days, but who would have thought that they would discuss and reach a result that night.

"I have decided not to pursue Lei's matter with you anymore."

"But Chen Yanli is from your same family. Although you were not responsible for her madness, it is also related to you. In addition, Chen Guanshi has not woken up so far. You have to take some responsibility for it."

Ji Qingyou knelt in front of Chang Hai. When she heard about his decision, she was only surprised for a moment, and her expression soon returned to normal.

"But it's up to the master to deal with it."

"Those who make mistakes need to be punished to enter Fengyuan Hall. If you stay there for a while, if you perform well, you still have a chance to enter Shangyuan Hall."

Ji Qingyou was startled.

Chang Hai raised his eyebrows: "Why? Don't you want to?"

Ji Qingyou lowered her head: "Don't dare."

Fengyuan Hall is the place where the servants wait, and it is also the place that serves the entire sect.

Most of those who were assigned to Fengyuan Hall were of poor appearance. When they got there, they basically had no chance to practice, and every day was a tedious chore.

"But I have one more request."

Ji Qingyou didn't want to leave so unclearly, after all, she was brought to the Discipline Hall because of theft.

"I did not steal, please find out the truth and return my innocence."

"Xuejiao has already told me that the box of spirit grass was given to you by someone around her who would have misunderstood it. She is busy now and will apologize to you in person when she finishes her work."

Chang Hai turned the matter up in a few words.

Ji Qingyou couldn't pursue it any further, so she had to suffer from being dumb.
The Fengyuan Hall is located on the east side of the Shangyuan Hall. The front halls are the Zongyi Pavilion and the Classics Pavilion, and the side halls are the Gongqi Pavilion and the Sikong Pavilion. They are responsible for all the food and clothing of the Zongmen.

Ji Qingyou was assigned to the laundry room in Zongyi Pavilion.

The laundry was still the handyman's clothes, which were dirty and smelly.

Just as she was lamenting her fate, a whisper came into her ears.

"Isn't there still two more months before the new disciples are assigned?"

"It was punished."

"Punishment? What did you do?"

"I heard that it's because the hands and feet are not clean, but I don't know the specifics."

"Stealing? I hate this kind of people the most in my life. You say that you can do something with hands and feet. Why do you have to think about getting something for nothing?"

"Oh, I still have a good bottle of Baihua Brew in my cabinet... Come on, I'll drink it first tonight, so as not to get into other people's stomachs."

"Osmanthus fragrans? Don't you want to teach me?"


Yang Guihua is quite thin, but she likes to stand out, and she usually likes to bully her new classmates.

She took a large basin of clothes and threw it directly at Ji Qingyou's feet, her tone commanding.

"These, you washed them for me."

Newcomers, new environment, it's normal to be excluded, if you meet a cowardly character, you will bear it.

Ke Ji Qingyou's personality is completely opposite.

A basin full of clothes was kicked over by her directly, and the clothes in the basin were scattered all over the ground in an instant.

It's okay to be angry with the common thief, who made her "skills inferior to others".

But these dogs look down on people... If they don't give them a little color, they will only bully her even more in the future.

"you you--"

It seemed that she didn't expect her to react like this, Yang Guihua was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses.

"You're the one who was punished into Fengyuan Hall, what's wrong with you!"

"Pick up the clothes for me, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Regardless of how skinny the other party was, his voice was quite loud. With such a shout, everyone in the courtyard was called over, including Guanshi Li from the laundry room.

"what happened!"

"Guard Li, this girl has a fierce temper. She kicked over the clothes I put here!"

Ji Qingyou raised her eyebrows.

This is really... the villain is the first to file a complaint.

Li Guanshi raised his eyebrows, and he was very good at teaching "stabbing heads".

"Set the basin upright, and pick up the clothes for me!"

Ji Qingyou threw the laundry stick directly into the basin, then stood up.

"Why didn't Manager Li ask me why she kicked her basin, and why is her basin here?"

"I don't need to know this, I just know that you kicked her in the pot is a fact, quickly pick up the clothes for me, I don't want to repeat it for the third time!"

Those who anger the steward are making things difficult for themselves.

Ji Qingyou thought over and over again, and finally bent down and picked up the clothes on the ground into the basin.

"Guard Li has a temper like hers. If you don't punish her, I'm afraid it will be difficult to manage in the future."

Yang Guihua's eyes turned, and she started to make trouble again.

"If you don't stand up now, she will designate you to disobey you in the future."

Li Guanshi felt that Yang Guihua's words made sense, so he began to deliberately make things difficult for Ji Qingyou.

"Since you made a mistake and came in, you should learn the rules. After washing the pile around you, remember to wash theirs too!"

As soon as Li Guanshi finished speaking, Yang Guihua and others moved all their work in front of Ji Qingyou.

"The first lesson in the laundry room is to learn how to be a human being!"

"It's not like there have been people more disobedient than you in Huanyifang before. What happened in the end? Isn't he trained by our manager Li to be obedient?"

Ji Qingyou licked her back molars and sneered.

She couldn't bear this anger.

"It seems that you are still not well informed."

"Yesterday, there was a person named Chen Yanli in Shangyuan Hall, who went crazy."

"Today, Steward Chen of the Discipline Hall was also knocked unconscious by Tianlei."

"They all happened when they had disputes with me. If you are not afraid of death, feel free to... bully me."

There are some things that cannot be concealed at all, just like the fact that someone was hit by a thunderbolt, within a few hours, it will definitely spread throughout the entire sect.

Yang Guihua and the others naturally heard about it, but they didn't connect it with Ji Qingyou.

Now being so frightened by Ji Qingyou, his courage was half eaten by the dog.

"You, who are you scaring!"

"If you really have that ability, you can still enter..."

Just halfway through Yang Guihua's words, there was a bang, and the thunder resounded through the entire night sky instantly.

Ji Qingyou subconsciously glanced at the system backpack. The little guy, who was not energetic before, was covered with a layer of golden light, although it was faint.

This resilience is too strong.

Li Guanshi hesitated to speak several times, but in the end he didn't dare to really challenge Ji Qingyou.

As soon as she left, Yang Guihua and the others picked up the iron basin and returned to their positions resentfully.

Ji Qingyou just became the god of plague.

The god of plague that everyone hides from.
Ji Qingyou knows that someone is watching her, like Chang Hai who would rather kill a hundred by mistake than let one go, the reason why she agreed to let her go is probably because she wants to get something more valuable from her .

And the fact that she was blessed by the god of thunder also spread like wildfire, attracting the disciples of Fengyuan Hall to come to see her true face.

"That's her, she looks really ugly."

"If Lei Gong really protected her, why would the head send her to our Fengyuan Hall? The rumors may not be credible."

"I heard that he was fined for stealing other people's things."

"Stealing things? How could Lei Gong bless someone with such a bad character?"

Boom! !
Several thunderclaps in succession frightened the chatterers to flee in all directions.

Ji Qingyou sighed softly, and warned the little guy in the backpack.

"In the future, without my consent, you are not allowed to make thunderstorms. If you are disobedient, after you are will be hungry every day!"

(End of this chapter)

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