Chapter 12 Reunion of old friends

In the next half a month or so, the little guy really became much quieter.

Ji Qingyou has also adapted to life in Fengyuan Hall.

No one in the gang in Huanyifang dared to provoke her, and some of them were stalking her, and occasionally they would get close to her.

"Sikong Pavilion has issued a spiritual herb, remember to bring your own brand when you go."

Sikong Pavilion is the place where Fengyuan Hall distributes the 'salary'. All the disciples of Fengyuan Hall can go there to receive their 'salary' from the previous month at the beginning of the month with their own badges.

The so-called salary is actually just some spiritual stones and grasses.

The Fengyuan Hall is no different from the Shangyuan Hall and the Shangqing Hall, and the spirit stones and herbs received are all low-level and limited in number.

But these spiritual stones and spiritual herbs are simply priceless treasures for those who have relatively poor aptitude and want to cultivate.

Ji Qingyou didn't like these things.

But her current identity... If she doesn't claim it, it's easy to make people suspicious.

"This month, five extra spirit stones were issued!"

"I heard that our sect has dug up a new spiritual vein. There are more resources, and it's normal to have more."

On the way to Sikong Pavilion, Ji Qingyou heard a few gossips.

Lingmai is a stone mine, a place rich in spirit stones. For hundreds of years, it has been an urgently needed resource for various sects.

Spirit grass can still be planted, but spirit stones can only be found.

Suddenly there was the sound of something heavy falling to the ground ahead.

As soon as Ji Qingyou stepped into the Sikong Pavilion, she saw a group of people surrounding a person... bullying.

They kicked each other hard, but the people curled up on the ground didn't make a sound.

"Let you stare at me! Aren't you quite capable? Why don't you fight back!"

"Do you still think that you are a member of the Shangqing Palace? You have lost your inner alchemy and spiritual root now, what is the difference between you and a useless person!"

"You said you can't practice anymore, why keep these things? Why don't you show respect to Lao Tzu!"

"Remember it for me, remember to take the initiative to give me the monthly salary in the future!"

Ji Qingyou has never been used to bullying behavior, but her current situation does not allow her to meddle in her own business.

She walked around them and was about to climb the steps to enter the house, but when she saw the face of the person being bullied, she stopped abruptly.

Jiang Xiaoke!
The person who used to like to follow her and call her Shishu.

The one who always took her as a target and clamored to practice hard.

He is very talented, especially in refining weapons, and he always likes to give her some spiritual weapons.

He used to be a disciple of the Shangqing Palace and Chang Hai's proud disciple. He had already broken through the cultivation of alchemy at the age of twenty, but why... he ended up in such a state!

Made a mistake?
Her intuition told her that the mistake he made might have something to do with her.

Ji Qingyou clenched her fists tightly.

The miscellaneous laughter came from the ears again.

"Look at your useless appearance. If I were you, I would have been killed by a head-on collision. Living is a waste of food!"

"This kid is probably still dreaming of becoming a fairy!"

"Becoming a fairy? Go and do it in your dreams!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Ji Qingyou couldn't bear it anymore.

No matter what Chang Hai thinks!In the worst case, leave Guiyuanzong, and come back for revenge after the cultivation base breaks through the body-fitting state!
"Use the more to bully the less, rely on the strong to bully the weak..."

Ji Qingyou stood on the stone steps, looking at those little bastards with dark eyes.

"Don't you think your behavior is a bit shameful?"

A few people looked back at the sound, and wanted to teach the nosy person a lesson, but when they saw Ji Qingyou, they swallowed back the words that had already rolled to their lips.


"This matter has nothing to do with you, police, warn you, mind your own business!"

A few people, who were still very rampant before, fell in love after seeing Ji You.

"Please ask someone else before you fight for someone's injustice, and see if this person is worth the risk for you!"

"Three years ago, because of Ji Qingyou's rebellion against the sect master, he also fought with Senior Sister Chang. The sect master thought about the relationship between master and apprentice, but he just destroyed his inner alchemy, shaved off his spiritual roots, and punished him to Fengyuan. temple."

"If you save him, you will be disrespectful to the head!"

What a moral kidnapping!
Ji Qingyou almost laughed out of anger.

"So, the reason why you treat him like this is because you were ordered by the head?"

When the lead bastard answered, he stuttered a little, obviously guilty.

"Sect Leader, Sect Leader is busy with his affairs, so how could he be so obsessed with such trivial matters! We just want to relieve him of his worries!"

Ji Qingyou sneered and said in doubt.

"It seems that you have bullied him more than once. The Discipline Hall doesn't care about this matter?"

"Before I came back to the Yuanzong, I heard that the sect's discipline is strict, and those who break the discipline will be punished with a salary in the slightest, or imprisoned in severe cases. It seems that the rumors are not true!"

"Or, do you have acquaintances in the Discipline Hall? That's why you bully the weak so brazenly!"

Chopsy was a little anxious, and his eyes glared anxiously.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Am I talking nonsense, won't it be clear if I go to the Discipline Hall?"

Ji Qingyou took care of this matter.

It's just that when she shifted her gaze to Jiang Xiaoke, he had already got up from the ground, gestured to her a few times, then turned and left.

Ji Qingyou was startled.

The few bastards suddenly laughed out loud.

"You found the wrong target for righteousness! They don't accept your favor at all!"

"I advise you to meddle in your own business in the future, so as not to get into trouble!"

What they said, Ji Qingyou didn't care at all, her eyes stayed on Jiang Xiaoke all the time.

He was dressed in a gray robe, walked with a limp, bowed his head, and looked indescribably embarrassed.

Also, why doesn't he speak?
After Ji Qingyou received her monthly salary, she went straight back to the laundry room.

There is a newcomer in the laundry room.

And this person, she knew.

"Ji You!"

Zhang Xiaoyue dragged her bulky body and ran towards her, her face showed no sign of being punished for being sent to the laundry room, but she was extremely happy.

"We finally met again! You don't even know how miserable I've been for half a month!"

Zhang Xiaoyue's arrival did not surprise Ji Qingyou, nor was it unexpected.

"What happened?"

"They repeated their tricks and accused me of stealing."

Ji Qingyou frowned slightly.

"It seems that I have troubled you."

"No, don't say that, they just don't like me. In fact, I like this place better than Shangyuan Hall. I like being with you. I feel very safe."

Ji Qingyou glanced at Zhang Xiaoyue faintly. When she spoke, her expression was very lively and cute.

"These, here you are."

Ji Qingyou handed her the few spiritual grasses and a few spiritual stones that she had just received, and when she saw that she refused to accept them, she forced them directly to her.

"You were fined here. I am responsible. If you don't accept it, I will feel very sorry."


"Take it, I have plenty of spiritual roots."

The implication is that even without these, the cultivation speed is much faster than you.

Zhang Xiaoyue had no choice but to accept it generously.

"Then I'll take it?"

"By the way, have you practiced recently? Has your cultivation increased?"

"Shen Yu, do you know? In just over half a month, his cultivation has reached the middle stage of Qi refining!"

"There are also Mu Yang and Zhou He, they are almost at the middle stage!"

Ji Qingyou doesn't care about other people's cultivation situation, and has nothing to do with her.

"You came to the laundry room, I'm afraid you won't have much time to practice in the future."

Zhang Xiaoyue was not worried.

"I heard that people who have been punished to come to Fengyuan Hall, as long as they behave well, they still have a chance to go back."

Ji Qingyou snorted coldly in her heart.

"That depends on who you offended."

Zhang Xiaoyue sighed, and sighed again.

"Since it's here, let's settle down. It's useless to think so much. Everyone has their own life."

"By the way, the fact that you have Lei Gong covering you has already spread throughout the Shangyuan Palace."

"They gossip behind their backs, insisting that it's not Lei Gong, but some kind of evil spirit. This is clearly saying that grapes are sour when they can't eat grapes!"

Seeing Zhang Xiaoyue's curious expression, Ji Qingyou hesitated for a moment, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"When I was seven years old, I met an eminent monk. He gave me a divination, saying that I came down from above."

Zhang Xiaoyue stretched out her finger to the sky and said in shock.

"Heaven, heaven?"

Ji Qingyou sat down on the stool and poured herself a glass of water.

"Also said that I would rise again in a few decades."


Zhang Xiaoyue was very excited. After she sat down next to Ji Qingyou, she said yearningly.

"Then I will be entangled with you in the future. Maybe in a few decades, I will be able to ascend to heaven with chickens and dogs."

"The words of that eminent monk are not so credible."

Ji Qingyou was actually talking nonsense. She believed that it would not be long before the fact that she descended to earth as a fairy would spread throughout the sect.

With Chang Hai's suspicious personality, even if he doesn't believe all the rumors, he will still be afraid of her and won't touch her easily.

(End of this chapter)

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