Chapter 13 Reshaping the Spiritual Root
"When I came here, I heard that you were arguing for that Jiang Xiaoke?"

Zhang Xiaoyue suddenly mentioned Jiang Xiaoke while chatting with Ji Qingyou.

"He has made a big mistake. Three years ago, he contradicted the sect master and severely injured Senior Sister Chang. The sect master punished him into the Fengyuan Hall to show him a special kindness."

"Also, he was being bullied, why do you think the Discipline Hall doesn't care about it? You'd better keep your hands off his business in the future, so as not to get into trouble."

Ji Qingyou glanced at Zhang Xiaoyue, her eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"You are well informed."

Zhang Xiaoyue smiled.

"I don't like to listen to people chatting, especially talking about some secrets."

Ji Qingyou seemed to ask casually.

"Then do you know how Jiang Xiaoke's legs are lame?"

Zhang Xiaoyue suddenly approached her and lowered her voice.

"This, I really heard someone say it, it seems that Senior Sister Chang interrupted him, and his tongue was also pulled out by Senior Sister Chang."

Ji Qingyou narrowed her eyes coldly, and shook her hand holding the teacup.

After Zhang Xiaoyue looked around, she continued to speak in a low voice.

"That box of spirit herbs and spirit pills, is Senior Sister Chang wronging you?"

"If you fight against her, you will undoubtedly hit the stone with a pebble and kill yourself!"

"And that Jiang Xiaoke, who was close to him before, now avoids him like a snake and a scorpion?"

"You haven't established your foundation yet, and Lei Gong orders rain every day, so it's not always possible to take care of you."

The anger was quickly calmed down by Ji Qingyou. After she drank the tea in her cup, she turned to look at Zhang Xiaoyue at the side.

"If you want to attain the Tao, it is not enough to just practice, you must also accumulate virtue and do good deeds."

"I don't like to be nosy, maybe it's because I've been in the rain, so I want to cover others."

Zhang Xiaoyue also agrees with Ji Qingyou's point of view, but some things can be changed.

"Of course you can do good deeds, but before doing good deeds, you have to protect yourself first, right?"

Ji Qingyou put down her teacup and got up.

"You also said that everyone has his own life."

Jiang Xiaoke, she can't ignore it! -
After the spiritual root is picked, it can actually be reshaped.

In her previous life, she had seen the method of reshaping the spiritual root in the Sutra Pavilion, but because the treasures needed to reshape the spiritual root were hard to find, so it was as difficult as climbing the sky to reshape the spiritual root.

It would be great if the spirit root in the system backpack could be given away.

[Your reward is naturally up to you. 】

I haven't heard this voice for half a month, and I'm not used to it at first.

Ji Qingyou was overjoyed.

It's good to be able to give it away.

At noon the next day, when Ji Qingyou and Zhang Xiaoyue went to the dining room for dinner, they met Jiang Xiaoke again.

He was limping on one foot, carrying the freshly prepared meal, and was about to find a place to eat, but was stopped by the few offal from yesterday.

"How many times have I told you, why can't I remember!"

"For a waste like you, one meal a day is enough, and eating too much is a waste!"

The soup bowl and steamed bun in Jiang Xiaoke's hand were knocked over by them on the ground, the soup spilled all over the floor, the steamed bun rolled a few times, and stopped at Ji Qingyou's feet.

It is said to be vegetable soup, but there is not even a vegetable leaf in the bowl, which is not much better than plain water.

Moreover, a steamed bun... no wonder it can fill your stomach!
As the saying goes, Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, not only the few bastards in front of him, but even the people in the dining room were watching people order dishes.

Zhang Xiaoyue tugged at her sleeve, signaling her not to meddle in other people's business.

But how could she ignore it?
She bent down to pick up the steamed buns on the ground, and then approached them.

"Ji You!"

Zhang Xiaoyue was anxious and tried to stop her, but was pushed away by Ji Qingyou.

When Jiang Xiaoke saw her, he subconsciously wanted to run away, but was grabbed by the collar by one of the bastards.

"Did you go away!"

"Lick the soup on the ground for me before leaving!"

Ji Qingyou clenched her fists tightly, a look of anger appeared in her eyes.

Is Jiang Xiaoke being bullied like this every day?Been bullied for three years?

"Let him go!"

A few bastards turned their heads when they heard the sound, and when they saw her, they were stunned for a while, and then boldly warned her.

"I want to meddle in my own business again!"

"I said, are you full of food! This kid doesn't accept your favor at all, why are you standing up for him!"

Ji Qingyou understood Jiang Xiaoke's nature very well, he didn't want to involve her, even though she was just a stranger who had nothing to do with him.

Jiang Xiaoke wanted to run again.

This time, the bastards didn't stop him, but Ji Qingyou did.


"You and I were both punished into Fengyuan Hall."

"As for me, I was implicated by Lei Gong. The head of the sect decided that he was a demon. Because there was not enough evidence, he could only punish me here."

Jiang Xiaoke raised his eyes suddenly, his eyes widened.

Ji Qingyou continued to speak in a calm manner.

"What about you, contradicting the head of the sect and fighting with senior sister because of personal conflicts."

"Destroyed inner alchemy, destroyed spiritual roots, bullied by peers, it seems that there is still one life left to linger in this world, but in fact, it is better to die."

"But you are very lucky, because you met me, I can ask Lei Gong to give you a spiritual root, do you want it, or don't you?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Even Jiang Xiaoke had a dazed expression, as if he couldn't believe it.

"If you don't speak, you will accept it."

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Ji Qingyou directly grabbed Jiang Xiaoke's wrist, pulled him out of the dining room, then knelt down in the yard, clasped her hands together, and looked up at the sky to make a wish.

"My Lord Lei, the believer Ji You has something to ask for here, I hope you can help Jiang Xiaoke reshape his spiritual root!"

After Ji Qingyou finished speaking, she slapped the sky three times.

The outside of the dining room was already full of people, even the disciples who were making meals ran out to join in the fun.

"Tell me, will Lei Gong agree to her?"

"I don't think so."

"Everyone has their own fate, if Lei Gong really agrees to her, wouldn't that change Jiang Xiaoke's fate?"

"I don't think so either."

Everyone was whispering to each other, but the sky above their heads had changed.

One moment before, the sky was still clear, and the next moment, there were dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

A hole suddenly opened in the sky, and the thunder that followed was even more deafening.

Everyone looked up at the sky in unison.

It's raining!
heavy rain!

Ji Qingyou knelt on the ground and remained motionless.

Jiang Xiaoke hasn't recovered from this vision, but the shock in his eyes can't be concealed.

The spectators under the eaves of the corridor did not move their positions, and the people who entered and exited the dining room also stopped because of the sudden change of the celestial phenomenon.


There was another thunderclap.

The thunder struck straight down from the sky, like a matchlock, directly towards Jiang Xiaoke, but stopped abruptly an inch above his head.


In an instant, there were screams everywhere.

Some even turned their heads and closed their eyes.

"People are not dead!"

In the blink of an eye, the lightning and thunder ceased suddenly, and the dark clouds dispersed.

Jiang Xiaoke still knelt on the ground perfectly.

Practitioners can explore their spiritual roots by themselves.

Jiang Xiaoke has obviously detected the spiritual root in his body. Although the spiritual root is not particularly abundant, for him who has been a cripple for three years, this spiritual root has brought a ray of hope to his gloomy life .

(End of this chapter)

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