Chapter 20 Bamboo Demon Qinglan 3
Deep in the bamboo forest, there is a deep pool.

Ji Qingyou stood by the pool, sobbing slightly, and when the evil spirit around her became stronger, she couldn't help but sigh softly.

Still here.

A sense of guilt suddenly rose in her heart, but she still had to continue acting.

"Father, mother! Youyou can only repay your kindness in the next life!"

Ji Qingyou tentatively leaned her body forward. Just as her front foot stepped into the deep pool, a suction force sucked her back. She had to do her best to act, and she staggered and fell directly to the ground.

"Why can't you think about it, girl? You despise your own life so much, how can you be worthy of your parents who raised you so hard?"

Ji Qingyou slowly raised her eyes, just in time to meet the cold eyes of the bamboo demon.

That night was as dark as ink, she didn't see her appearance clearly, but now being illuminated by the sunlight, she seemed to see a fairy.

In this world, not only men have the heart to pity and cherish jade, but also women.

"Sister, you look so pretty."

The bamboo demon was startled when he heard the words, and when he came back to his senses, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"you're very pretty too."

Ji Qingyou was fascinated by beauty for a while, and almost forgot her mission.

She hurriedly wiped her tears with a silk handkerchief, and choked up.

"So what if she looks pretty? Didn't she end up being sold into the Chunfeng Tower..."

"I've been with him day and night for three years. I don't want him to be famous, but I want to be a couple for the rest of my life, but he actually sold me for 20 taels of silver!"

"Now I am no longer innocent, and I have no face to live in this world anymore!"

Ji Qingyou cried and crawled towards the pool again.

The bamboo demon dodged and blocked her way.

"How lucky are the men in the world, is it worth it to seek death for such a beast?"

"In today's world, women's innocence is important, but compared with those with dirty hearts, what is a dirty body?"

"How much silver do you need to redeem yourself? I will send it to you tomorrow."

"As for that man, how do you want to take revenge on him? Do you want him to die...or leave him alone?"

Ji Qingyou pretended to hesitate.

"I don't want him to die."

"It's okay not to kill him, but he must be punished slightly, right?"

Ji Qingyou suddenly discovered that this bamboo demon was more kind-hearted than she had imagined, and her bravery was based on the wishes of the person involved.

At this moment, she suddenly felt guilty.


Several elders were waiting outside the bamboo forest, concealing their aura of cultivation, just waiting for this moment.

When the evil-killing formation enveloped the entire bamboo forest, the bamboo demon frowned and his face changed suddenly.

She found out.

I found myself fooled.

"Feel sorry."

Ji Qingyou didn't run away, and she didn't have the face to run away, but the bamboo demon in front of her didn't vent her anger on her, but went directly to meet the enemy.
The elders are all above the Distraction Realm, so it is still very easy to deal with a little monster in the Spirit Concentration Realm.

In less than a stick of incense, the bamboo demon injured Yuan Dan, and his spiritual power plummeted.

She wanted to escape, but just as she got up, she was trapped by Chang Hai's soul-eliminating array.

Ecstasy array?
Seeing Chang Hai use the soul-eliminating formation again, Ji Qingyou was in a trance for a moment, as if she had returned to three years ago.

She was also imprisoned by him in the soul-elimination array in the same way, tortured by the swords of the same family, until her soul returned to Liuhe.


The shrill scream instantly pulled her back from her thoughts.

The pretty little face of the Bamboo Demon was already bruised and wounded by Chang Xuejiao holding the sword.

Ji Qingyou frowned fiercely, and her hand holding the sword tightened again and again.

"Senior Sister Chang doesn't want others to be prettier than herself, does she? She's about to die, so what can she threaten you with?"

Chang Xuejiao raised her chin and asked her provocatively.

"Junior Sister Ji, is this trying to fight for the demon?"

Ji Qingyou turned to face Chang Hai, and begged with her hands clasped.

"Master, this bamboo demon is not bad in nature, and the people she killed were all treacherous and evil people. If you really can't tolerate her, I beg you to give her a good time."

Chang Hai glanced over coldly, and Ji Qingyou was not afraid at all.

Just when the two were in a stalemate, the bamboo demon in the formation just 'disappeared'.

Li Yuan was surprised: "So fast?"

Other disciples speculated, "Maybe it's because of the serious injury."

But Chang Xuejiao snorted coquettishly: "A big monster in the spiritual realm doesn't have a magic weapon to protect himself!"

After Chang Hai and the other elders looked at each other in blank dismay, their expressions suddenly became serious.

"She's not dead."

Chang Xuejiao's voice suddenly rose.

"How is it possible! This formation is not broken! Besides, she suffered such a serious injury..."

Chang Hai looked at the place where the bamboo demon disappeared, feeling worried.

"This monster should not be underestimated!"
"The bamboo demon was seriously injured, and he probably won't come out to make trouble again in the short term."

After Chang Hai negotiated with several elders, he planned to leave Yancheng first, and he did not forget to give instructions to Chang Xuejiao and the others before leaving.

"You stay here for a few more days, and after assisting the city lord to deal with the tragedy of the Yang family's extermination, you will return to the clan to return."


Last night, all thirteen members of the Yang family were killed, and their deaths were miserable. The youngest was less than three years old.

The city lord suspected that it was evil spirits again, so he begged them to stay and help investigate the case.

Destroy the door!

The word Ji Qingyou didn't want to hear the most!

When other people went to the autopsy room to examine the corpse, she didn't want to follow, fearing that she would be hurt and lose control of her emotions.

But Chang Xuejiao was not as she wished.

"Junior Sister Ji is about to form a pill, logically speaking, her physical fitness should not be too bad."

Li Yuan hurriedly explained for her.

"After all, it's Xiao Shi's first time going down the mountain to practice, so it's normal to feel a little uncomfortable."

Chang Xue snorted coldly.

"That's really hypocritical!"

Ji Qingyou was too lazy to argue with her, adjusted her mood, and finally followed in.

Thirteen corpses, old and young.

All but the smallest one had their hearts ripped out.

After checking each one, Li Yuan asserted: "There is still some Yin energy left on the corpses, it's not a demon, it's a ghost!"

Chang Xuejiao speculated: "A fierce ghost wants his life? A vendetta?"

The city lord following behind hurriedly explained their doubts: "This family is not local, they only moved to Yancheng to settle down three years ago."

Chang Xuejiao's analysis was reasonable: "That must be hiding from the enemy!"


Ji Qingyou accidentally knocked on the mortuary board, knocking off the deceased's relics - a pair of silver bells!
Seeing Ji Qingyou's pale face, Li Yuan guessed that she must have discovered something.

"What's the matter? Did you find anything?"

Ji Qingyou suddenly covered her heart, and her breathing became short of breath.

"I...I feel a little uncomfortable."

Li Yuan hurried to her and said anxiously.

"I'll take you back to your room to rest first."
After coming out of the morgue, Ji Qingyou's pale complexion improved slightly.

"Don't worry about me, I'll just rest here."

"Really all right?"


Ji Qingyou did not go back to her room to rest, but sat directly on the stone steps outside the door. After Li Yuan returned to the morgue, she held her slightly trembling hands tightly.

Those thirteen corpses... were none other than Wangchungu Uncle Li's family.

They did not die in the flames.

They escaped and came to Yancheng thousands of miles away!

And that pair of bells is the spiritual weapon she refined, and it has been given to the elder brother. The elder brother wears it close to his body all the time, so it is impossible to give it to others!
(End of this chapter)

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