Chapter 21 The Black Dragon Appears
"Since the other party wants to destroy the family, then we will release the news that only twelve members of the Yang family have died."

Chang Xuejiao wanted to put bait for fishing again, but in case that ghost was the eldest brother...

Ji Qingyou didn't dare to think about it any further.

Whether it is or not, she must take good care of her elder brother.


A head suddenly appeared on the high wall, with neat features and a charming charm, she smiled at herself evilly, and then disappeared again.

Ji Qingyou chased them out subconsciously.

She searched for the evil spirit, and chased it all the way to Fengyou Mountain outside the city, which was already hundreds of miles away from Yancheng.

"Ugly, you have a lot of guts, you dare to catch up alone!"

Ji Qingyou immediately added a universal robe, holding a mahogany sword, as if defending against the enemy.

This banshee seemed to lure her here on purpose, but as soon as she finished speaking, two more banshees appeared beside her, each more seductive than the other.

"Are you Ji You?"

Ji Qingyou asked instead of answering.

"It was you who wiped out... the Yang family?"

The banshee covered her lips with her sleeve, laughing so hard that her branches trembled.

"What? Are you going to arrest us and bring us to justice?"

The reason why Ji Qingyou chased him out was not to solve the case, but to find his elder brother.

"But what remains on the corpse is Yin Qi, not evil Qi!"

The banshee raised her willow eyebrows and smiled very charmingly.

"Who said demon cultivators and meditation cultivators can't be friends?"

"What's the point of talking to her, go directly!"

The other banshee was obviously in a hurry. As soon as she spoke, the other two banshees moved instantly and surrounded Ji Qingyou.

They're using charms on her!
Ji Qingyou found that her reaction seemed to be slow.

Because of her slow reaction, she couldn't dodge the sharp claws they swung at her.

a bit!

After a few claws were firmly hit on the chest, a dull pain came from the chest after another!

The cultivation base of these banshees is definitely above the baby demon realm!

The little guy ran out for fun again.

In order to protect herself, she could only use the escape talisman.


There was a sudden thunder in the sky.

A black dragon suddenly descended from the sky. It was about tens of feet long, and its scales shone brightly in the sunlight.

"Dragon, dragon!"

The three banshees stared dumbfounded at the black dragon hovering above their heads, forgetting to run away for a moment.

Ji Qingyou was also a little taken aback.

Although she had heard many stories about dragons from her master, this was the first time she saw a dragon in her life, and it was still a black dragon.

Black dragons are extremely rare. According to legend, ten thousand years ago, Mo Cang, the god who ruled over all worlds, was a black dragon. But when he was about to ascend to the chaotic world, in order to seal the great devil who harmed the common people, he could only sacrifice his body and soul. Scattered in the world.

When Ji Qingyou was still astonished, the black dragon hovering above her head suddenly bent down and directly swallowed the three banshees into her stomach.

Too cruel, too bloody!

Ji Qingyou's legs softened in fright.

She wanted to use the escape talisman to escape, but before she could take any action, her body was swept into the air by the long dragon tail.

Escape talisman doesn't work anymore!

what's the situation!
[Maybe... there is a bug? 】

What the hell?
[It's just that the system is malfunctioning, so you... ask yourself for blessings. 】

Ji Qingyou was in a daze.

Usually, she relies too much on this thing, so that without it, she doesn't even have the ability to protect herself.

But she doesn't want to die yet!Can't die either!
She hadn't killed that hypocrite Chang Hai to avenge herself, her master, and Wang Chungu's hundreds of people!

She still hasn't figured out whether the Li family's massacre is related to her elder brother!
"Can you stop eating me? Just treat it as if I owe you my life first, and I will give it back to you after I avenge my parents!"

Ji Qingyou was actually not sure at all.

After all, she didn't know the nature of this dragon, whether it was good or evil.


Her heart kept beating at super speed, and until she landed safely, her heart rate showed no sign of slowing down.

It didn't eat her!

It just... let her go?
Ji Qingyou was a little unbelievable. After regaining her senses, she knelt down on the ground and kowtowed three times to the black dragon in front of her.

"My name is Ji You, and I'm a disciple of Gui Yuanzong. After five years, whether I can take revenge or not, you can come to me directly and demand your life!"

Fearing that the black dragon would suddenly regret it, she didn't care whether she was embarrassed or not, so she ran away directly with Yujian.
Yancheng government office.

When Chang Xuejiao and her party came out from the inside, they happened to run into Ji Qingyou who had escaped for her life.

"where did you go?"

Ji Qingyou ignored Chang Xuejiao's questioning, she walked up to Li Yuan directly, and said coquettishly to him.

"Brother, I almost lost sight of you!"

Li Yuan frowned, his face full of worry.

"what happened!"

Ji Qingyou replied while panting.

"A banshee led me out of the city. If it wasn't for my fate, I would have been ripped apart by them right now!"

Li Yuan quickly discovered the suspiciousness of this matter.

"Just lured you out?"

Ji Qingyou thought about it carefully, and then nodded with great certainty.

"They seem to be targeting me, but I have never had any grudges with them!"

Li Yuan had a solemn face, after a moment of contemplation, he speculated.

"Could it be related to that bamboo demon?"

"It should have nothing to do with that bamboo demon."

As soon as Ji Qingyou finished speaking, Chang Xuejiao questioned her.

"Why are you so sure that this matter has nothing to do with that bamboo demon!"

Ji Qingyou replied bluntly, not saving Chang Xuejiao any face.

"Even if that bamboo demon really came back to take revenge, I wouldn't be the first one to look for it!"


Chang Xuejiao was anxious, she raised her hand to teach Ji Qingyou a lesson, but was stopped by Li Yuan.

"Junior Sister Chang, it's your bad attitude that came first!"

Chang Xuejiao angrily withdrew her hand.

"Senior brother Li! If you don't teach her well, someone will help you teach her in the future!"

After Chang Xuejiao shook her sleeves and left, Ji Qingyou asked Li Yuan.

"Any new clues?"

Li Yuan shook his head lightly, he was more concerned about the safety of his junior sister than investigating the real culprit who killed the Li family.

"How did you escape? How many monsters are there? How are they cultivated?"

"There are three in total, all of which are above the Demon Infant Realm."

"Did Lei Gong help you?"


Ji Qingyou lied. About her meeting the black dragon, she didn't know how to explain it to her elder brother. She couldn't say that the black dragon ate those three demons, but let her go alone?
"After returning to the sect, I'll ask someone to make a statue of Thunder God and put it in your house. Remember to make an offering to him every day."

Ji Qingyou's eyes turned red instantly.

The elder brother's concern was like a warm current pouring into her heart.

"Brother, you are so kind!"

Li Yuan reached out and touched her head.

"In the future, not only will I treat you well, but your other senior brothers will also treat you as well as I do."

Ji Qingyou nodded, with tears in her smile.

The bait had already been released, and the news that there was still a man left in the Yang family quickly spread in the city.

Chang Xuejiao concluded that the murderer would definitely come back.

Ji Qingyou suddenly began to feel restless.

The little guy has been out for a day, and he hasn't come back yet.

If the big brother really shows up tonight, it's fine if the system doesn't fail, but if it fails...

She will never allow this regret to happen again!

(End of this chapter)

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