Chapter 22

Ji Qingyou used the teleportation technique to go directly to the bamboo forest outside the city. After confirming that there was no one around, she released the bamboo demon from her backpack.

"It's you!"

The look of surprise flashed away from the clear eyes of the bamboo demon.

"Why did you save me?"

Ji Qingyou didn't like the set of Xu and Weishen. When the bamboo demon asked, she told the truth.

"I'm different from those sanctimonious guys. In my opinion, people are divided into good and bad, and so are monsters. You didn't kill people to take shortcuts on the way to cultivating immortality, and those people you killed, I think they really deserve to die! but……"

Ji Qingyou suddenly changed the topic.

"Killing people is not beneficial to your cultivation, be it a monster or a human being, if you kill too much, the probability of becoming a fairy will be greatly reduced."

The bamboo demon got up from the ground, and she looked at Ji Qingyou seriously, still on guard.

"I don't want to owe you favors, tell me, how can I pay you back?"

Ji Qingyou lingered with her hands behind her back, and after a few breaths of silence, she stopped beating around the bush.

"The Li family in Yancheng was wiped out. Preliminary inference is that it was a vendetta murder. The murderer is likely to be someone from the underworld. We have released the news that there is still one alive in the Li family."

"You want me to help you deal with him?"

"No, I want you to save him!"

Ji Qingyou directly threw a sound transmission mirror and a Wan Dao robe to the bamboo demon.

"If you still have the strength to save people, you can avenge yourself and be ashamed!"

Bamboo Demon's eyes lit up.

Ji Qingyou continued.

"The person who trapped you in the soul-eliminating array and wanted to make your soul fly away is called Chang Hai, and he is the head of the Yuanzong sect. However, he has returned to the sect with the other elders now."

"If you want revenge, you can only take revenge on his daughter, that is... the woman who scratched your face."

The bamboo demon is not stupid, Ji Qingyou thinks so much about her, it's hard not to make people doubt her motives.

"You have a grudge against them?"

Ji Qingyou didn't admit it, nor denied it, but just warned the bamboo demon.

"Just vent your anger on her, don't hurt her life."

The bamboo demon didn't ask the reason any more.

"it is good."
In the first few nights after casting the net, the killer did not show up.

Just when everyone thought that the bait released had been seen through by the murderer, the murderer suddenly appeared.

However, his first destination was not the temporary residence of the 'survivors' at all, but the morgue of the government office.

Chang Xuejiao was not in a hurry, she was sure that the murderer would definitely turn around.

"Tonight, we only need to succeed, not to fail!"

Perhaps the bamboo demon's escape made her lose face in front of the city lord, so she wanted to make up for the case of the Li family's extermination.


All the disciples have a plan in mind, and their momentum is like a rainbow.

Only Ji Qingyou looked out of the wall from time to time, worried that the murderer would throw himself into the trap, and worried that he would not come.

"Everyone scatter and hide in the dark!"

Ji Qingyou hid nervously. When she saw a black shadow coming in from the wall, her heart almost burst out.

"Evil Punishment Formation!"

Chang Xuejiao and the others arranged the formation in a tacit understanding, directly trapping the murderer in the formation.

In the night, the murderer was wearing a hooded black robe and a cyan mask. He was about eight feet tall and held a black feather sword, fighting against several cultivators alone.

The body shape and sword posture are similar.


The murderer seemed to have only one arm!
Ji Qingyou did not participate in the battle, because the murderer in the formation was not Chang Xuejiao's opponent at all, and he was quickly defeated.

Ji Qingyou was a little excited.

Although she is not sure whether the murderer in front of her is her eldest brother, what if it is?

Just when she was about to make a move, the bamboo demon arrived late.

"Several against one, you Gui Yuanzong always bully the few with the more?"

The sudden arrival of the bamboo demon made all the Guiyuanzong disciples panic, even Chang Xuejiao was terrified.

"you you……"

The bamboo demon stopped talking nonsense, and directly attacked Chang Xuejiao with his palm.

The two sides had fought before, and even though the bamboo demon was injured, Chang Xuejiao and the others were still no match for her.

Ji Qingyou took the opportunity to step forward and made two moves with the murderer.

The murderer's cultivation base is not high, and I'm afraid he has just arrived at the Underworld Alchemy Realm, and with injuries on his body, he is naturally not her opponent.

Originally, she didn't want to hurt him, so when someone attacked him from behind, she didn't have time to think about it, and put him into the backpack directly.

"What about people?"

"Senior Sister Chang is already unable to do what she wants, why don't you hurry up and help!"

It's already very difficult for several people to deal with a bamboo demon, who has the time to deal with the escaped one.

It has to be said that the fighting power of the bamboo demon is quite strong.

Before half a stick of incense arrived, she beat everyone into a mess.

"Don't you like to ruin people's faces?"

In the remote courtyard, bamboos were scattered all over the ground, and all senior brothers were seriously injured, but the bamboo demon was facing the evening wind, approaching Chang Xuejiao step by step.

"Today, I'll let you taste what it's like to be disfigured!"

As soon as the bamboo demon finished speaking, the bamboo at her feet rose into the air and fell into her hands.

After the bamboo rose and the bamboo fell behind, several shrill screams immediately resounded throughout the mansion.
Chang Xuejiao's face was scratched a few times by the sharp bamboo tip.

The cut is deep, and it will definitely leave a scar. Even if it can be repaired, it will take time.

Women love beauty, and for Chang Xuejiao, ruining her appearance is even more uncomfortable than killing her.

"Hurry up and go back to the sect to invite people!"

Chang Xuejiao locked herself in the room, not allowing anyone to approach her.

She was full of anger, and only waited for the rescuers to avenge her shame.

There was such a commotion in the mansion, after the city lord came, seeing everyone drooping, he knew that the murderer had not been caught again.

The failure of two consecutive missions not only hurt everyone's self-confidence, but also made everyone unable to hold their heads up in front of the city lord.

Gui Yuanzong's strength ranks ahead of all sects, and now he has suffered two setbacks, which can be said to have completely humiliated the sect.

Different from the sluggishness of the seniors, Ji Qingyou's heart was already smiling. After returning to the room, she immediately used the teleportation technique to reach the bamboo forest outside the city.

"Chang Xuejiao has already sent people back to Yuanzong to invite people."

After the bamboo demon appeared, Ji Qingyou went straight to the point with her.

"I'm afraid it's not safe for you to stay here."

The bamboo demon naturally understood the implication of Ji Qingyou's words, but she was not an ungrateful demon.

"This time, it seems that I am helping you. In fact, we are helping each other. I still owe you favors. I will not pay you back the mirror. If you need my help in the future, just send me a voice transmission."

Ji Qingyou smiled back.

"It's the same with you. It's hard to find a good friend. We will meet again by fate."
After the bamboo demon left, Ji Qingyou released the ghost in the backpack.

She didn't give the other party a chance to react at all, she stretched out her hand quickly, and she took off the mask on the man's cheek.

The face under the mask, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, is handsome and extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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