Chapter 25
"Junior sister Chang doesn't have to be so mean. My little ten only took a few months to form the alchemy. Senior sister Chang shouldn't have formed the alchemy so quickly back then, right?"

Elder Ye's disciples have one thing in common, that is, to protect their weaknesses.

Ji Qingyou even suspected that Elder Ye was the one who accepted this standard.

Chang Suining blushed from being teased.

"If it wasn't for Lei Gong's protection, would her cultivation be able to rise so quickly?"

Zhou He replied bluntly.

"It's my little ten's ability to be able to protect Lei Gong. Junior sister Chang has opened up the situation a little bit. It's actually not that difficult to admit that others are good."



Chang Xuejiao scolded with a sullen face.

"It's important to find the water demon!"

When the water demon was mentioned, Zhou He frowned.

"Didn't senior brother come with you? The water demon is a bit difficult to deal with this time."

Ji Qingyou asked instead of answering.

"Have you fought against each other? How high is her cultivation?"

"It's above the Demon Infant Realm, and she has a demon sword in her hand, which is very powerful. Several senior brothers have been seriously injured by her, and the eighth senior brother, who was captured by the water demon. I know now……"

Ji Qingyou followed with a worried expression on her face.

"Before I went down the mountain, senior brother's ever-burning lamp was still on. Since the water demon didn't kill him immediately, probably wouldn't take his life easily."

Because Chang Suining was dissatisfied with Ji Qingyou's remarks, he couldn't help but interject.

"You look too kindly at the demon. A demon is a demon, and he is bloodthirsty. I think Senior Brother Shen has probably..."

"Junior Sister Chang!" Ji Qingyou stopped Chang Suining suddenly, "Be cautious in your words and deeds!"

Chang Suining rolled his eyes and hummed softly.

"I'm just analyzing objectively based on the current situation. If Senior Sister Ji can't hear the truth, then close your ears!"

Ji You flicked his sleeves and turned around, heading up the mountain.

Others only said that she left the venue angrily because she got angry, but in fact, she wanted to find a place where no one was around, and wait for Qing Lan to come back.


After Qinglan came back, she directly entered the system. In order not to cause trouble to the master, it stayed in the backpack most of the time.

"The investigation found out that the toad monster has been practicing for 1000 years, and it is also sister Mei's subordinate. As she said, although she helped the evildoers, she never really killed anyone."

Ji Qingyou glanced at the toad monster in the 'room'. At this moment, she was snoring and sleeping soundly.

What a big heart!
"There is a water demon at the foot of the mountain, which has already killed dozens of people. Do you know it?"

"I don't know, but master can ask that toad. She has a nickname, Know everything. It doesn't mean that she knows everything, but she likes to listen to gossip. She knows more or less about the demon world."

The toad in the room was too fast asleep to wake up.

In desperation, Ji Qingyou had no choice but to build a maze around her body, then released the toad demon, and kicked her twice by the way.

"Wake up!"

Xu was kicked in pain, so he woke up slowly, and when he saw who the person in front of him was, he was so frightened that he wanted to play dead again.

"Okay, stop pretending!"

The toad demon took a peek at Ji Qingyou, then knelt and sat up obediently, and poured out many magic weapons from the Qiankun bag.

"My babies are all here, I give them all to you, please spare my life."

The toad demon was scorched black all over, making it hard to look directly at.

Ji Qingyou was amused.

"Promise! Let me ask you, there is a water demon in Fengmian City, have you heard of it?"

"Fengmian City?"

The toad demon was stunned for a moment, and then he knew everything without saying anything.

"You mean Yunyao?"

"For several months, dozens of people have died in Fengmian City, but what did she do?"

"Well, you are really asking the right person... No, you are asking the right demon. This water demon, named Yunyao, was transformed from a hot spring outside Fengmian City. The sorcery she practiced must suck people. Only the spirit will do."

"How is her cultivation?"

"I've reached the Demon Concentration Realm, so I can focus on other things. By the way, she has a demon sword in her hand, called Bingbi Sword, which can freeze people into ice cubes once it is unsheathed!"

"Apart from the hot spring at the foot of the mountain, does she have another place to stay?"

"I only know that she likes to go to the place of fireworks, because there are many men there."

Land of fireworks?Chunfeng Building?

After Ji Qingyou took the toad monster back into her backpack, she went down the mountain with a sword.

"Senior Sister Chang, it's a waste of time for everyone to stay here. Why don't we divide our troops into two groups, one group stays here, and the other group goes back to the city to search for them. What do you think?"

Chang Xuejiao did not agree to Ji Qingyou's proposal.

"We don't have many people. If we are divided into two groups, how should we deal with that water demon?"

"Even if everyone stays here, I'm afraid they won't be the opponent of the water demon, right?"

What Ji Qingyou said was the truth, but Chang Xuejiao was not willing to listen.

"My father is already on his way to Fengmian City!"

Chang Suining more or less resembled Chang Xuejiao, especially when it came to talking big.

"Once my uncle comes, the water demon will definitely have nowhere to hide!"

Ji Qingyou smiled slightly, with a hint of sarcasm in her smile.

"What is the master's cultivation level? Oh, it seems to be out of the body, right? I don't know if there is a water monster with a high cultivation level..."

"Ji You, what do you mean!"

"Literally, if I am the head of the sect, I will never come here alone. If I am defeated by that water demon... what will be lost is our Gui Yuanzong's face."

"Ji You, please watch your words!"

Ji Qingyou shrugged slightly, and then Yujian flew into the air.

"I won't waste time here with you guys anymore, I'll go elsewhere and if I find the water demon, I'll notify you."

As soon as Ji Qingyou left, Chang Suining asked Chang Xuejiao.

"Auntie, do you think she found something?"

Chang Xuejiao looked in the direction where Ji Qingyou left, and snorted coldly.

"However, she has just formed a pill, and I'm afraid she can't even smell the evil spirit. What can she find out!"

Chang Suining nodded.

"That's right, how could she find a monster who can't even find a monster search talisman!"
Ji Qingyou can write a lot of monster search talismans with a stick of incense, but she never relies on this to search for monsters.

In her previous life, her sense of smell was very sensitive, and it was almost difficult to hide the evil spirits within a radius of ten miles. Even a big monster with a high cultivation level, after hiding the evil spirit, she could easily see through it.

In this life, her sense of smell was mediocre, so she could only rely on other means.

"Ma'am, do you know the people who died recently in Fengmian City?"

"Uncle, do those dead have something in common?"


After Ji Qingyou entered the city, she pretended to ask the local people something, then dressed as a man and went to Chunfeng Tower.

There were two women standing at the gate of Chunfeng Building. They greeted the luxuriously dressed one with smiles, and didn't even bother to give the shabby looking one a look.

Ji Qingyou was miserable and was treated as a beggar by them.

"Go, go, where are you beggars, beg for food and go somewhere else, don't block the door!"

(End of this chapter)

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