Chapter 26
Ji Qingyou was almost laughed out of anger, she spread her right hand upwards, and a few pieces of gold jumped out of her palm, and the eyes of the two girls were immediately attracted by her move.

"Hey, young master please come inside."

The two half-year-old mistresses, their dislikes all gone, walked up to Ji Qingyou with a flattering smile on their faces.

"It's Yun'er who has eyesight but doesn't recognize noble people. She deserves to be beaten."

Ji Qingyou straightened her waist, raised her chin, and entered the Chunfeng Tower with her hands behind her back.

Although it is daytime, there are many guests in the building.

Ji Qingyou fanned the rich fragrance of makeup powder with her hands, and the old bustard in the Chunfeng Building immediately came to greet her.

"This son is unfamiliar, isn't he a local?"

Ji Qingyou threw the gold in her hand into the old bustard's arms, bluntly stating her purpose.

"Call out the most beautiful girl in your Spring Breeze Building!"

After the old bustard caught the gold, he immediately turned to invite Ji Qingyou upstairs to the private room.

"The downstairs is full, please come and sit upstairs with me, my lord."

Ji Qingyou followed the old bustard into the private room, and after waiting for about half a stick of incense, several beauties filed in from outside the door.

"As the saying goes, each beauty sees each eye. I called them all, and I will keep the one you like."

Ji Qingyou swept over with a glance, colorful and colorful, it was very troublesome to look at.

"Which one is the oiran?"

"You mean Yunyao?"

The bustard immediately put on a smile.

"There are too many people who want to see her every day. If you want to see her, you may have to wait..."

Ji Qingyou took out a few more pieces of gold and slapped them on the table.


The old bustard's eyes flickered slightly.

"It's not about money. Yunyao is a showman rather than a person. She only likes men with literary talents."

Ji Qingyou didn't have much ink in her stomach. After all, she entered Guiyuanzong at the age of eight, so she didn't have time to study.

"Okay, let's all go out."

After Ji Qingyou drove everyone out, she released the toad demon from the backpack.

"Transform into the original form, sneak into the oiran's room and check to see if it is the water demon."


The toad demon immediately changed into its original form, and hopped out of the house. Before half a cup of tea was ready, she left and returned.

"Although she changed her face, she didn't hide the smell on her body. It is undoubtedly the water demon."

Ji Qingyou didn't startle the snake, but drank the remaining half cup of tea in the private room before getting up and leaving Chunfeng Tower.

When she wandered outside the city, Chang Hai had already arrived with several disciples.

"Uncle, Ji You doesn't obey orders and runs around."

Chang Suining pointed at Ji Qingyou, angrily complaining to Chang Hai.

"She said in a weird way before that your cultivation base is not as high as that water monster, so you may not be able to catch that water monster when you come."

Hearing this, Zhou He hurriedly explained to Chang Hai.

"Xiao Shi didn't mean that, she was just worried..."

"Let her explain herself."

Chang Hai interrupted Zhou He, his eyes had already fallen on Ji Qingyou.

Ji Qingyou approached and saluted Chang Hai.

"The disciple has met the head, the head has worked hard all the way."

"Why didn't you follow orders?"

Facing Chang Hai's questioning, Ji Qingyou hurriedly defended herself.

"Junior Sister Chang wronged me. I didn't run around. I just felt that it was a waste of time for so many people to stay here. So I went back to the city to look for clues."

Chang Suining accused Ji Qingyou unceremoniously.

"Impressive! There is no evil spirit in the city at all, what are you doing back in the city! In my opinion, you are deliberately against my aunt!"

"Suining!" Chang Hai yelled at Chang Suining, and then asked Ji Qingyou, "Did you find any clues?"

Ji Qingyou immediately made an expression of asking for credit.

"Disciple is lucky, I really found the trace of that water demon."

"After I entered the city, I asked the local people about the dozens of dead people, and then found that most of the dead people have one thing in common, they like to visit the Spring Wind Building!"

"Chunfeng Tower, I've already gone in, the room of Miss Yunyao, the oiran... There was a hint of evil spirit leaking out faintly, I didn't dare to act rashly, so I came back and reported to Senior Sister Chang."

Chang Hai believed Ji Qingyou's words.

"Everyone, use the invisibility talisman and return to the city quietly!"
Outside the Chunfeng Tower, Chang Hai had already set up an evil-killing formation around him.

As long as there are monsters in the formation, you can feel it, and those with low cultivation will quickly change into their original forms; those with high cultivation can carry it for a while, but they can't escape this formation, unless the opponent's cultivation is much higher than that of the demon. Aperture environment, can directly break out.

With less time for a cup of tea, the water monster in the building finally couldn't hold back.

She flashed to the top of the building and stood firmly on the red tiles. She was dressed in white and had a beautiful face.

"You stinky monks, can't you cultivate well in the sect? Why do you have to come here to die!"

The water demon flipped her slender hand, and the Bingbi sword was in her palm.

"Be careful! The sword in her hand can turn people into ice sculptures!"

Chang Xuejiao's complexion changed, and as soon as she finished speaking, the sword in the water demon's hand swung towards them. Several disciples reluctantly took a few blows from her, but soon their spiritual power was greatly reduced, and they were directly frozen by the cold air of the sword Living.

The gap in the formation had just been filled, and the other two disciples could not escape being frozen.

The formation of killing evil is self-defeating without attack.

Holding the ice jade sword in his hand, the water demon looked up to the sky and laughed.

"How dare you come and catch me with such a low cultivation base! I will let you come and go today!"

As soon as the water demon raised his sword, Chang Hai confronted him directly, and the remaining disciples scattered around the water demon and attacked her at the same time, but their attack power obviously did not have much impact on the water demon.

Just as Chang Hai was retreating steadily, Ji Qingyou, who was beaten into a 'serious injury', suddenly flew to block him.

Chang Hai's face showed surprise, and when he realized it, Ji Qingyou had already become an ice sculpture.

It’s so cold!

After being frozen, there is still perception, but when the biting cold soaks into the body, it is really uncomfortable!
All the disciples were frozen.

Chang Hai...but he just ran away!Abandoning all the disciples and ignoring... ran away!
This is what Ji Qingyou wants!
The water demon was still standing on the roof, and her charming laughter shook her heart.

"The majestic head of Guiyuanzong abandoned his disciples and ran away! Did you see it? This is human nature, despicable human nature! Selfishness, selfishness! It's extremely disgusting!"


The thunder was long overdue!

Two thunderbolts struck at the same time, one struck at the water demon, and the other struck at Ji Qingyou!


The wrist of the water demon was struck by lightning, and the ice sword fell directly to the ground.

She looked up at the sky with a look of horror on her face.

Demon cultivators are very sensitive to thunder, especially big demons, who will be shocked by thunder after experiencing life-threatening thunder disasters.

When Ji Qingyou regained her freedom, the water demon had already escaped. She used the tracking charm and immediately chased him out of the city.

As long as the tracking charm is stained with the evil spirit, it will follow it all the time, and it will lose its effect immediately after catching up with the evil spirit.

"Where is my senior brother!"

Ji Qingyou raised the mahogany sword in his hand and pointed it at the water demon who had nowhere to escape.

"You! did you break out of the ice!"

When the thunder struck just now, the water demon only focused on looking at the sky, and did not find that another thunder broke the ice on Ji Qingyou's body.

(End of this chapter)

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