Chapter 27 Entering the Discipline Hall
The purpose of Ji Qingyou's going down the mountain this time is to rescue Shen Yu. If she can't bring Shen Yu back safely, not only will it be difficult to get along with the senior brother, but she will also be unable to pass this level herself.

"Where is my senior brother! As long as you hand him over, I can spare your life!"

"You spare my life?"

The water demon looked Ji Qingyou up and down, and then smiled wantonly.

"Even your head is not my opponent, so what can you do to me? You hypocritical people in the cultivation world have no real skills, but you are quite good at talking!"

The water demon sword rises and falls.

Ji Qingyou reacted very quickly, and directly blocked it with a wooden sword, her body as stable as Mount Tai.

"You were not injured before!"

Just as the water demon was astonished, Ji Qingyou directly threw out the dragon-binding rope, and the water demon in the Yaozong Realm was instantly bound tightly by the dragon-binding rope.

"What is this thing! Who are you!"

Ji Qingyou walked slowly in front of the water demon, and pointed the sword directly at her heart.

"Now you can tell the whereabouts of my senior brother!"

As soon as the water demon turned her beautiful eyes, she began to raise conditions with Ji Qingyou.

"You let me go first, and I will let him come back."

With a slight push of Ji Qingyou's hand holding the sword, the tip of the sword went in two inches.

"Where is he!"

The water demon's eyelashes trembled slightly, obviously frightened, but she still didn't tell Shen Yu's whereabouts.

"If I said so, wouldn't you kill me?"

"I keep my word!"

"I do not believe you!"

"You are not qualified to raise conditions with me now!"

Ji Qingyou's voice suddenly rose, and the hand holding the sword was pushed back an inch.

The water demon pink lips parted slightly, and directly vomited a mouthful of blood.

"If I die, your brother will die with me!"

"threaten me?"

Ji Qingyou narrowed her eyes coldly, and said in a solemn voice.

"Guiyuanzong has a kind of formation called Soul Elimination Formation!"

"Whether it is a human or a demon, as long as you are trapped in the formation, you will disappear!"

"You have cultivated painstakingly for thousands of years, and it would be a pity if you ended up with a ghost in the end?"

The water demon was terrified, all things practiced to achieve Taoism and immortality, she had cultivated for thousands of years, so naturally she didn't want to just fall short like this, but...

"Your senior brother, don't you care?"

"Life and death have fate. If he dies, it means that he is destined to have this calamity."

Ji Qingyou was about to push the sword, but the water demon hurriedly stopped her with a sharp voice.

"Your senior brother is not in my hands at all!"

When Ji Qingyou heard the words, her movements froze.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't even know who the senior brother you are talking about is, let alone why you want someone from me!"

"Then why didn't you just say that!"

"I'm not afraid that you will kill me..."

Ji Qingyou didn't believe what the water demon said.

"Couldn't you have killed someone already!"

"No! None of the people I killed wore Zongyi!"

"Where is his body!"

"I really do not know……"

Ji Qingyou didn't get rid of the water demon immediately, but put her in her backpack directly.
When Ji Qingyou returned, Chang Xuejiao and the others were still frozen.

She directly knelt down on the ground, pretending to be pious and bowed to the sky three times.

The little guy already had a tacit understanding with her, and after the thunder struck one after another, more than a dozen ice sculptures immediately shattered.

Chang Suining folded his arms and walked up to Chang Xuejiao tremblingly.

"It's so cold! Auntie, uncle..."

Chang Xuejiao was so cold that her teeth were chattering. She squinted at her heartless niece and scolded her in a deep voice.

"Shut up, shut up!"

Chang Suining was reprimanded and felt aggrieved, so he took his anger out on Ji Qingyou.

"You did it on purpose! You let us freeze for so long on purpose!"

Ji Qingyou rolled her eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to her.

Zhou He couldn't stand it anymore.

"Junior Sister Chang, you have to be grateful. This time, if it wasn't for Xiao Shi, we might all be dead!"

"Yes, Junior Sister Chang, we are lucky to have survived."

The other disciples also stood by Ji Qingyou this time. After all, it was because of Ji Qingyou that they escaped.

Chang Suining ignored it, but he didn't want to accept Ji Qingyou's affection, so he replied angrily.

"Who saved it with her!"


Chang Xuejiao felt a little irritable, she counted the number of people, and when they were all there, she turned and went back to the inn where she was staying.

"My father must have gone back to rescue the soldiers, I believe he will rush back to Fengmian City soon!"

After returning to the inn, Chang Xuejiao called everyone into her room, and comforted everyone.

"This time, I underestimated that monster's cultivation, and almost killed everyone along with it."

Ji Qingyou couldn't help reminding.

"And my eighth senior brother!"

Chang Suining naturally helped Chang Xuejiao to speak.

"Who made him run around? If he didn't run around, could he be captured by that monster! Even if something happened to him...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Chang Suining's mouth was directly sealed by Chang Xuejiao's silence technique.
An hour later, Chang Hai really returned to Fengmian City, accompanied by several elders.

As if he didn't expect that his disciples were still alive, his expression was somewhat intriguing.

"Father, Lei Gong saved us."

Chang Xuejiao directly attributed the credit to Lei Gong, and Zhou He couldn't stand it anymore.

"It's obviously Lei Gong who was begged by Xiao Shi on his knees, isn't Senior Sister Chang planning to accept Xiao Shi's kindness?"

Chang Xuejiao smiled slightly at Zhou He.

"Junior Brother Zhou misunderstood me. Everyone knows that Lei Gong is the patron saint of Junior Junior Sister Ji. I only mention Lei Gong out of respect for him."

Ding Hua looked at Chang Xuejiao and asked.

"What about the banshee? Where is it now?"

"I was slashed by Lei Gong, and then I ran away, and then Junior Sister Ji chased after me..."

Ding Hua immediately set his eyes on Ji Qingyou.

"Can you catch up?"

Ji Qingyou shook her head slightly.

"No, her cultivation is far above mine, and she disappeared in the blink of an eye."

After Chang Suining lifted the ban, he couldn't control his mouth.

"Why didn't Lei Gong help you this time?"

Zhou He was about to speak for Ji Qingyou, but she interrupted her by raising her hand. For a person like Chang Suining who doesn't know what is good or bad, it would be a waste of time to explain to her.

"Junior Sister Chang is so ungrateful, isn't she telling Lei Gong that next time everyone is in danger, it doesn't have to care about your safety?"


Chang Suining didn't take it for granted, and after being bullied by Ji Qingyou, he could only choose to swallow his anger.

Ding Hua suddenly sighed leisurely.

"Let her escape this time, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to find her again."
The water demon was not caught, so naturally he couldn't leave. The group stayed in Fengmian City for three days, but still found nothing.

Because Li Yuan was worried about his brothers and sisters, he went down the mountain again with injuries, and also brought good news to Ji Qingyou-Shen Yu's ever-burning light was still on, and there was a tendency to become stronger.

In other words, Shen Yu's disappearance may really have nothing to do with the water demon, and although he was injured before, he has recovered somewhat now.

Then who was he captured?

If it's really evil, why didn't he kill him?

Just when Ji Qingyou couldn't figure it out, Chang Suining started looking for her again.

"Uncle, I heard from the people in the Chunfeng Tower that after entering the Chunfeng Tower that day, Ji You threw a few pieces of gold to the old bustard, at least ten taels!"

"When she first entered the Zongmen, she was so poor, and the Zongmen's monthly salary did not give out gold and silver, so she might not know where she got the money from!"

(End of this chapter)

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