She was bound to win the immortal system at the beginning!

Chapter 36: I Received a Pair of Sisters

"You two, are you sure you want to be my enemy?"

Lu Jiu glanced at Yu Nu and Xue Nu coldly, his expression gradually gloomy.

"You should know my temper, the fate of traitors, there is only one word...death!"

With a twist of Lu Jiu's wrist, the Bingbi Sword was in his palm.

Xue Nu was a little scared: "Master, what cultivation level do you have? Are you sure about dealing with him...?"

Lu Changhuan is not yet suitable for being called master, and it took him two seconds to realize that the little plum demon was asking her: "I'm ashamed, I haven't established a foundation yet."

Xue Nu was surprised: "What!"

Yu Nu secretly said that it was over, but they chose this road by themselves, even if they really died here today, it was their life.Lu Changhuan knew that she was no match for the water demon, but a very high-level dragon-binding rope sold for nearly 90 high-level spirit stones, and she had just paid off her debt...

While Lu Changhuan was hesitating, the sword in Lu Jiu's hand was out of its sheath.

Shen Yu was the first to greet him.

After the two sisters glanced at each other, they could only bite the bullet and fight the enemy as hard as they could.

Lu Changhuan immediately released the bamboo demon, and the bamboo demon quickly joined the battle.

In an instant, the water dragon and the fire dragon faced each other in the air, and the flying petals and bamboo leaves instantly formed three sharp swords.

Lu Changhuan stood on one side, dumbfounded.

This fight scene is simply... too spectacular!
In order not to be affected by their sword energy, she teleported directly to the tree. She had already made up her mind that if she really couldn't beat the water demon, she would run away first.

Both Shen Yu and Qing Lan have escape symbols, she is not worried.

As for the sisters...

Lu Changhuan was a little distressed, and just when she was struggling, Qing Lan turned into an ice sculpture to protect Shen Yu.

Among them, apart from herself, Shen Yu has the lowest level of cultivation. However, he has only entered Taoism for six years, so he is naturally incomparable with these demons who have cultivated for hundreds of years.

Soon, Yu Nu and Xue Nu also turned into ice sculptures.

When Lu Changhuan was in a hurry, he suddenly thought of Xuan Lin: "Lin'er, I'm in the plum forest outside Shangyu Town, come quickly!"

Shen Xuanlin's soft and cute voice immediately came out of the sound transmission mirror: "Mother, wait for me!"

With just one sentence, Shen Yu also turned into an ice sculpture.

Lu Changhuan was dumbfounded.

I don't know how long it will take for the little guy to come here. In order not to take out a loan, she plans to delay for a while.

"Deer leek, right?"

Lu Changhuan got off the tree and put his hands behind his back. There was no panic on his face, but he was actually panicked in his heart.

"How is sister Mei?"

Lu Jiu's eyes froze, as if he was a little surprised.

"You know sister Mei?"

"Of course, not only do I know Sister Mei, I also know that you have a red pearl on your body."

"How would you know?"

Lu Jiu thinks that he has done a good job of keeping secrets, not to mention sister Mei, even the two plum monsters around him don't know that he owns Chizhu.

"who are you!"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that if Sister Mei knows that you have Chi Zhu, but doesn't honor her..."

When Lu Changhuan spoke, he didn't hurry up, just to delay the time.

"Tsk tsk, sister Mei is so suspicious, she definitely doubts your loyalty to her."

The corners of Lu Jiu's mouth were raised evilly, and he sneered.

"Do you think you still have a chance to meet Sister Mei?"

Lu Changhuan turned his palm upwards, and a green bead appeared in his palm. The green bead glowed with a faint green light, which was really beautiful.

"I guess, you should be reluctant to kill me."

Who wouldn't want to own all seven-star beads?If all seven are gathered, the owner's cultivation speed will increase by more than seven times than usual.

Lu Liu's greedy eyes said everything.

"Little beauty, you have the green bead, and I have the red bead, why don't you just follow me, let's practice together, and we will get twice the result with half the effort!"


The dark night sky was cut open by lightning, and the sound of thunder came from far and near!
Lu Changhuan looked up at the sky, then smiled.

"I can't decide this matter, you have to ask my son if he agrees!"

As soon as Lu Changhuan finished speaking, several thunderclaps exploded above his head, one of which went straight towards Lujiu, and the remaining three or four directly split several ice sculptures.

Lu Jiu was very vigilant, but was still injured by the thunder.


Seeing Lu Changhuan looking up at the sky, he followed suit, only to see a black dragon suddenly descending from the sky, hovering over Mei Lin, with its mouth open and its teeth bared, it was very ferocious.


With a roar, the wind suddenly rose in Merlin, and the branches shook violently.

Lu Changhuan directed directly: "Lin'er, I want the red bead in his hand!"

Shen Xuanlin understood in seconds, and with a flick of the long tail, the deer leek flew two feet away.

Lu Jiu knew that his cultivation was no match for the black dragon, so he wanted to escape, but was swept into the air by the dragon's tail.

Whether it is a human or a demon, they are all afraid of death, especially those who have a high level of cultivation. They will not be reconciled. After all, if they practice for decades, they may be among the immortals.

Deer leeks are no exception.

"Don't you want Chizhu? Let me go, and I'll give it to you!"

Lu Changhuan is not afraid that Lu Jiu will deceive him, after all, no matter where he escapes, she can find him.

"Yes, but I have a request, you are not allowed to kill again, otherwise, if you meet again, it will be your death date!"

Although Lu Jiu didn't want to agree very much, but at this time he had no right to refuse at all.

"it is good."

After he landed, he immediately took out the red bead, although he was reluctant to give up, but he still broke the spiritual contract with the red bead, and then offered the red bead.

Lu Changhuan reached out to take it: "You can go."

Lu Jiu didn't stay for a moment, for fear that Lu Changhuan would suddenly regret it.

Shen Xuanlin immediately changed into his original form, and came to Lu Changhuan's side: "Mother, let him go like this?"

Lu Changhuan reached out and patted the little guy's head: "You are rewarded." Keeping him is like leaving a time bomb for herself, and she will only let him go if she is stupid.

Shen Xuanlin grinned: "Thank you, mother." Then he disappeared from everyone's sight.
Lu Changhuan spread out his palm, looked at the glowing red bead, hesitated for a few seconds, and then handed it to Shen Yu.

"Here, here we go!"

As soon as Shen Yu looked at her, he quickly looked away, as if he was still at a loss because of the intimacy before.

"You, keep it to yourself!"

Lu Changhuan directly grabbed his hand and put Chizhu in his palm.

"It's a waste to give it to me. You can use it first. When I need it, I'll ask you for it."

Shen Yu's eyes fell on Lu Changhuan's face uncontrollably.

"Just now, I..."

"No need to explain, you must have fallen under their spell!"

Lu Changhuan interrupted him directly, seemingly not paying attention to what happened just now, but the speeding heartbeat betrayed her.

"You, if you really feel guilty, then... buy more spirit weapons."

All of Shen Yu's embarrassment, guilt and irritability disappeared at this moment.

This woman... must be looking for money!

"After the spiritual vein is mined, you use it first."

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