She was bound to win the immortal system at the beginning!

Chapter 37: High Yield of Spirit Stones in Lingmai Mountain

Lu Changhuan stayed in Yongcheng for another two days, and sold more than 200 bunches of spiritual roots, making a net profit of more than 27 yuan.

On the way back to the sect, she followed Shen Yu to Lingmai Mountain. Lingmai Mountain was highly productive. After only one month of mining, 18 high-level spirit stones and 76 middle-level spirit stones were produced.

And that's just the output of a mountain.

Since the remaining two mountains have just been mined for a few days, the number is not very large.

But when all the spirit stones are added up and converted into high-level spirit stones, there are more than [-] pieces.

Lu Changhuan glanced at the balance in the account - 61 high-level spirit stones!

Well, earn another 40 yuan, and she can open the space.

When she left, she left Qing Lan and her sister Hua behind and asked them to guard Lingmai Mountain.

"It's been two months since you came out, do you want to... go home and have a look?"

When returning to Yuanzong, passing Wanhua Valley, if Shen Yu hadn't mentioned it, Lu Changhuan would have forgotten that he still has a home.

"No, they don't like me, they wish I didn't go back."

The original owner was the child of Kao and a maidservant in the first palace, she was not treated well since she was a child, and she didn't have the slightest cultivation talent, so Kao didn't take her seriously.

Let alone two months, if they don't go back for a year, they won't remember that there is such a person as her.

Shen Yu looked back and glanced at the woman behind her, seeing her slightly pouted with a cute expression, her heart softened instantly.

Lu Changhuan lightly raised his water eyes, just in time to meet Shen Yu's gaze.

This man's eyes are really beautiful, deep like a pool, bottomless, but tempting people to jump in to find out.

In the past two days, none of them mentioned Merlin's matter again, but whenever the night was quiet, that scene would always pop up uncontrollably.

Lu Changhuan's eyes subconsciously fell on Shen Yu's lips.


I swallowed my saliva!

She seems to really covet his body a little bit!
Or, sleep with him, stop thinking about it, and restart the plot?
Lu Changhuan suddenly felt like a scumbag.
After returning to the Zongmen, Jiang Su brought her several big business orders, all of them were merchants, very rich, and all they bought were high-level spiritual roots.

Her name instantly spread throughout Da Yu.

Who doesn't want to live forever?
The rich are running fast, for fear that if they are a step too late, they will not be able to buy spiritual roots.

Not only the human world, but even cultivators from the demon world and the demon world came here especially to see the high-level spiritual weapon in her hand.

In just half a month, she had saved enough money to open the space.

[The space has been opened, with an area of ​​about 1000 square meters. There is plenty of spiritual energy inside. It can be used to plant spiritual plants and raise spiritual animals, as well as to carry out construction, and to move things from outside. 】

[The space can be upgraded. Upgrading to the second level requires 200 million high-level spirit stones, and the area will expand by 2000 square meters. 】

[The supermarket has newly added a seedling area, a construction area, and a worker area to facilitate the host's purchase. 】

Lu Changhuan thought about it, and she entered the space in the next second.

In the space, there is nothing but an open space.

She turned around and went into the supermarket again, bought some construction materials in the construction area, rented more than 20 workers in the worker area, and bought some vegetable, melon, fruit seedlings and animal cubs in the seedling area.

After conveying the task, she left the space.


If she encounters danger in the future, she doesn't need to waste spirit stones to buy escape talismans, she can just enter the space directly.

"Nephew Lu, someone outside the sect has come to find fault!"

Jiang Su hurried to Taicheng Hall with an anxious expression on his face.

"The other party claims that the Linggen regrets buying it and wants to return it!"

Lu Changhuan frowned, not surprised, she used to work as a summer job, in a cake shop, food items are actually not refundable, but when encountering some unreasonable people, she will directly throw trouble in the shop, making trouble for you No business at all.

"Go and see!"

Lu Changhuan didn't panic in the slightest, she walked directly outside the sect's gate, and then saw the rascals Jiang Su mentioned.

"Lu Changhuan, your spiritual root is fake, we can't cultivate at all, we want to return the product, you pay us back!"

Before Lu Changhuan could make a sound, Jiang Su couldn't bear it anymore.

"Since the spiritual root has been planted in your body, how can you take it out again? You are clearly cheating!"

The rascals had already made up their minds to bring bad luck to Lu Changhuan, so naturally they refused to give up easily.

"She planted the spiritual root in our body, so naturally she has to take it out, as long as she has the ability!"

Jiang Su panicked: "You guys!"

Lu Changhuan raised her hand to signal him not to talk nonsense with them, she swept the scoundrels up and down, and knew without guessing that someone must have ordered them to come.

"If you want to return the product, you can, but you have to think about it carefully. If you return it, you will be directly blacklisted from my place. If you want to buy it later, it will be impossible."

The rascals looked at each other, as if they didn't expect Lu Changhuan's reaction.

"Can you really take away the spiritual roots from our bodies?"

Lu Changhuan replied blankly.

"I don't know. After all, no one came to me to return the goods before."

The rascals felt that Lu Changhuan didn't have that ability, so they unanimously demanded to return the product.

"We want to return the product! Hurry up and pay us back!"

Lu Changhuan raised her foot and walked towards several people. She grabbed one with each hand, and with a thought, the spiritual roots in their bodies went into the supermarket recycling bin in an instant.

[Two bundles of low-level spiritual roots have been received, depreciation fee: 1780 taels of gold!Return 15980 taels of gold! 】

Lu Changhuan threw the money directly in front of the two of them.

"You have used it for a few days, but you can't use it in vain. The depreciation fee is 1780 taels of gold!"

Realizing that there was no warmth in the dantian in the body, the two rascals regretted it too late.

"The spirit root... is really gone..."

Lu Changhuan's eyes turned and fell on the other two rascals, they turned around and ran away in fright.

"We will not retreat!"

Jiang Su flipped and blocked their way.

"This is Guiyuanzong, is it a place where you can come and go whenever you want!"

Lu Changhuan approached and questioned the two of them.

"Who sent you here, as long as you answer truthfully, I don't need to remove your spiritual roots!"

The two rogues' knees softened and they knelt directly on the ground.

"Brother Lu, please forgive us this time. We are also the ones who take money to do things and give money. We don't know each other with masks on."

Lu Changhuan didn't intend to ask them why.

"I have a few words, the two of you helped me take them down the mountain, and said, the spiritual root artifacts here are not non-refundable. If I bought them within one month, the depreciation fee will be one-tenth. By analogy, ten After a month, you can't retreat!"

"I, we must bring the words!"
The fact that Lu Changhuan was able to recover the spirit weapon quickly spread throughout the entire sect, and everyone became more and more afraid of her, fearing that if she got upset, she would take back the spirit weapon or spirit root she bought.

"Long Huan!"

As soon as Lu Changhuan returned to Taicheng Hall, Jiang Wanqiu came to look for her.

"Senior Brother Shen went mad while practicing!"

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