Lu Changhuan looked him up and down, he looked quite cute, it's his temperament...

"This is Guiyuanzong. It's a place where cultivation bases speak. No matter how long your aunt's hand is, she won't be able to reach in here."

Lu Changhuan slightly raised the corners of his lips towards Song Yunxuan, and continued.

"As for Senior Brother Shen, I also inquired about him before I came here. He is a decent man. If he knows that you are using his name to domineering everywhere in the sect, I don't know if he will send you back to Yongcheng."


Song Yunxuan is a cannon stick and hits at one point.

"It depends on cultivation, right? Alright, let's have a competition now, whoever wins will sleep here!"

Song Yunxuan was quite confident. After all, she had been practicing for nearly a year. Seeing that Lu Changhuan didn't agree immediately, she sneered.

"What? Now you know how to be cowardly?"

With a thought in Lu Changhuan's mind, a talisman paper stopped in the air: "Do you know what this is?"

Song Yunxuan was slightly taken aback: "Do you know the talisman technique?"

Lu Changhuan was very modest: "I understand a little bit." She put her two fingers together, tapped lightly from the air, and the talisman landed on Song Yunxuan's forehead.

Song Yunxuan wanted to scold someone, but then found that she could no longer speak: "Umm..."

Lu Changhuan reminded: "After an hour, the talisman will automatically become invalid."

Song Yunxuan couldn't afford to lose this person, she spread her right hand, and a spirit sword was in her hand, but before she got close to Lu Changhuan, another talisman appeared on her forehead.

She was frozen and unable to move.

An hour later, the talisman expired automatically, but Song Yunxuan did not dare to provoke Lu Changhuan anymore, but her savage personality did not allow her to swallow her anger.

"You wait for me!"
In the next month, Lu Changhuan went back to her 'old business', because she held many high-level spiritual weapons, so she saw almost all the elders in the sect, but she didn't see Shen Yu.

It was said that he would rush back on the day of the disciple acceptance ceremony, because he had broken through the Nascent Soul Realm, and the elder's acceptance ceremony was also held on this day.

In the three assessments, Lu Changhuan performed very well.

Because the top three can choose their own masters.

"Look, heaven!"

Hearing the sound, Lu Changhuan raised his head, and saw more than a dozen purple-clothed disciples walking in the air, turning sharply down over the Shangyuan Hall. The leading man, with a purple crown and purple clothes, was tall and tall. When he turned his head, there was an exclamation from the audience.

"Who is that person?"

"It is rumored that the two most beautiful men in the cultivation world are all in Guiyuanzong, one is the head of the sect, and the other is Senior Brother Shen."

"I heard that he has broken through the Nascent Soul Realm."

"Then he can accept disciples?"

"It would be great if I could be his first apprentice."

In fact, Lu Changhuan didn't have much confidence in becoming Shen Yu's disciple, but she had to work hard.

Shen Yu's facial features are really based on her aesthetics. If the system didn't allow her to fall in love with any character in the book, she really wanted to keep him as her own.

After Shen Yu was granted the title, he sat directly with the other elders.

Mo Chenyao stood directly in the middle of the stage and announced the top three in today's assessment.

"Lu Changhuan, Shen Han, Song Yunxuan, the three of you have the right to choose your own master."

Lu Changhuan didn't hesitate, and directly bowed in Shen Yu's direction and saluted.

"The disciple is willing to worship Elder Shen as his teacher."

A trace of astonishment flashed in Shen Yufeng's eyes, but soon returned to normal.

Next came Shen Han: "The disciple is willing to worship the master as his teacher."

Song Yunxuan couldn't wait a long time ago: "Cousin, this disciple is also willing to worship Elder Shen as his teacher!"

Among the top three, two of them chose Shen Yu, which made everyone a little puzzled. After all, the purpose of everyone coming here is to gain Taoism and ascend, so naturally the elders with high cultivation bases are given priority.

But what was even more unexpected was that Shen Yu refused.

"Within ten years, I have no plans to accept apprentices."

Song Yunxuan said anxiously: "Cousin~"

Lu Changhuan cupped his hands and said, "Elder Shen, are you really not thinking about it anymore? This disciple will definitely not disappoint Master."

Shen Yu wanted to refuse, but suddenly, a familiar scent of orchids wafted to his nose, his black eyes narrowed suddenly, and then he flashed to Lu Changhuan under the surprised eyes of everyone.

It's her smell!
"Shen... Master?"

Lu Changhuan didn't expect Shen Yu to come to her suddenly. She was far away just now, and she couldn't see it very clearly. Now that the two of them are so close, his facial features... are so exquisite that even a girl can't help but want to... To the point of amazement.

His skin is a cool white tone.

His facial features are the standard three courts and five eyes.

His facial lines are quite smooth, and his contours are exceptionally clear.

And among his exquisite facial features, what she likes the most is his pair of phoenix eyes, which are long and narrow and cold, the eyeballs seem to have been washed by cold springs, they are extraordinarily moist and bright.

"The disciple has met the master."

Lu Changhuan's mind is still very clever, and Shen Yu's sudden move made it clear that he planned to take her as his apprentice, so she couldn't miss this opportunity.

Seeing Lu Changhuan kneeling in front of Shen Yu, Song Yunxuan became anxious.

"You are so shameless! My cousin never agreed to be your master!"

Lu Changhuan raised his eyes and looked at Shen Yu.

"Master, I will be obedient and obedient."

Shen Yu's slightly frowned brows gradually relaxed.

"Get up."

"Thank you, Master!"

Lu Chang stood up in a hurry, and was brought back to the stage by Shen Yu the next second.

Song Yunxuan was completely dumbfounded.

"Cousin, what about me!"

Shen Yu looked at Song Yunxuan and reminded her in a deep voice.

"This is Guiyuanzong, not Yongcheng. Don't call me cousin anymore."

"Watch...the elder!"

Song Yunxuan was very unconvinced.

"Why did you accept her instead of me!"

Shen Yu immediately gave her a reason back, which was also a way of giving her face.

"Since you call me cousin, you are naturally not suitable to be my apprentice."

Song Yunxuan naturally knew it and went down the donkey.

"Then I will choose...Elder Ding."
After the ceremony, Lu Changhuan followed Shen Yu directly back to the Hall of Supreme Purity.

The Taiqing Hall is not small, but it is too deserted, with only a few disciples responsible for cleaning the gate.

"The scent of flowers on your body..."

After returning to the main hall, Shen Yu no longer beat around the bush, but asked Lu Changhuan directly.

Lu Changhuan was stunned for a few seconds, then thought about it and replied.

"It was there at birth, what's wrong?"

Yue He said that a year ago, he didn't see her face clearly, so she came to Yuanzong without fear.

But now the problem came, maybe he really didn't know what she looked like, but he remembered her smell.

"If Master doesn't like it, I...shall I swallow a Yin Qi Pill?"

"No need."

Shen Yu was a little irritable, and after a few words with Lu Changhuan, she sent her away.

After achieving her goal, Lu Changhuan started wandering around the Taiqing Hall. Seeing the disciples carrying potted plants into the hall, she approached curiously.

"The flowers are very beautiful, please put two pots in my room."

"The elders planted these with their own hands. We can't be the masters. If you like, you can ask Elder Shen directly."

Lu Changhuan was a little surprised, these orchids were planted by Shen Yu?
No wonder he asked her about her smell just now, it turned out that she smelled like orchids.

No, she was originally an orchid demon!

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