She was bound to win the immortal system at the beginning!

Chapter 50 Master, Your Red Luan Star Has Moved

Lu Changhuan spread his palms slightly, and a fragrant orchid lay in her hands. She gently inserted it into the potted plant, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Go get busy."

The reason why Shen Yu suddenly changed his mind and accepted her as his apprentice was probably because of her scent. It seems that he really likes orchids.

But the book doesn't seem to say that he has this hobby.

The handyman disciple moved the potted plants into Shen Yu's bedroom one by one.

Shen Yu approached, just about to water and fertilize them, when the movements of his hands stopped suddenly.

There is an extra orchid in the pot.

It's blue and white, very elegant and refined, and the fragrance is especially good... It seems to be the same as the smell on Lu Changhuan: "This orchid..."

The handyman disciple replied: "Return to the elder, it was planted by nephew Lu."

Shen Yu frowned lightly, where did she get the orchid plant?

"Go and fetch her for me."


Lu Changhuan never expected that Shen Yu would send someone to call her back because of an orchid, just in time, she could take this opportunity to test him and see how much he liked Jiang Wanqiu.

Lu Chang smiled happily and approached Shen Yu: "Master, are you looking for me?"

Shen Yu was still standing in front of the potted plant, and seemed to like the orchid inside: "Where did this orchid come from?"

The corners of Lu Changhuan's mouth widened even further: "Does Master like it? If Master likes it, I can make a few more plants for you."

Shen Yu showed surprise on his face: "Change?"

Lu Changhuan immediately put on a show, and several orchids were neatly placed on the table: "Are these enough? If not, I'll make hundreds of orchids and have them all planted outside the hall, so that , Master can see it as soon as he goes out."

Shen Yu directly asked the doubts in his heart: "You have just formed the alchemy, how can you change into a real thing?"

Lu Changhuan explained: "I have wood spirit roots, and what's more, I practice the step-by-step orchid cultivation method, so I can naturally transform into orchids. If you ask me to transform into something else, Master, I'm afraid I won't be able to."

Shen Yu: "Growing orchids every step of the way?"

Lu Changhuan immediately demonstrated it to him.

Shen Yu stared straight at this scene...he seems to have seen this scene somewhere.

Lu Changhuan immediately jumped in front of Shen Yu, begging for praise: "How is it? This exercise is very ornamental, right? Since Master likes orchids so much, then watch me practice from now on. I will rain orchids on you every day, Master."

Immediately, some images appeared in Shen Yu's mind. While the orchids were flying all over the sky, a woman was dancing among the falling flowers. Although her face could not be seen clearly, her figure was very similar to Lu Changhuan.

"Master? Master!"

Shen Yu Piaoyuan's thoughts were recalled.

His deep eyes fell directly on Lu Changhuan's delicate face: "...have we seen it before?"

Lu Changhuan stammered, "Probably not."

Shen Yu bypassed her, walked directly to the door, and then told the handyman disciple outside: "Double the size of the flower garden."

With a wave of Lu Changhuan's arm, hundreds of orchids were placed on the ground.

Shen Yu looked down at Lu Changhuan's profile, had they really never seen it before?
Lu Changhuan took the opportunity to test Shen Yu: "Master, I know a little about divination, let me do a fortune telling for you."

Shen Yu did not refuse.

Lu Changhuan immediately turned around and went back to the room, and began to fight the door.

Holding a few copper coins in her hand, she threw them on the table and started talking nonsense: "Master, your Red Luan star has moved! And the other party is Guiyuanzong!"

Shen Yu stared at the hexagrams on the table, and after a few seconds of silence, asked, "Oh? What's the approximate direction?"

Lu Changhuan said casually, "It's in the Shangqing Hall."

Shen Yu frowned: "Shangqing... Hall?"

Lu Changhuan picked up the copper coins and threw them on the table again: "Let me give you a more accurate calculation...surnamed Jiang...Jiang Wanqiu, Master Jiang?"

Shen Yu frowned even more: "You should stop telling people's fortunes in the future."

Lu Changhuan was puzzled: "Why? My calculation...isn't it accurate?"

Shen Yu said, "No."

Lu Changhuan asked: "What's wrong? Don't you like Uncle Jiang?" No, at this time in the book, Shen Yu should have fallen in love with the heroine.

Shen Yu started to chase people away: "Go out."

Lu Changhuan responded, "Oh."
Lu Changhuan was not discouraged, she planned to match Shen Yu and Jiang Wanqiu first, and if it was too difficult, she would think of other ways.

That night, the opportunity came.

Demons and evil spirits appeared in many places in Da Yu, and the disturbed people could not live in peace.

So, several elders led the disciples down the mountain.

Lu Changhuan followed Shen Yu to Yancheng.

In the recent tragedies in Yancheng, all the dead were middle-aged men. When the bodies were found, their hearts had already been dug out.

Originally, Lu Changhuan planned to ask Shen Yu to be a hero to save the beauty, but unexpectedly, he temporarily received a voice transmission from the same door, and diverted to Yuancheng for support, and had to take her with him when he left.

She escaped on the way.

Citing a stomach ache.

Then he fled back to Yancheng and pretended to be Shen Yu.

Opportunities are hard-won and cannot be lost like this.

When she returned to Yancheng, Jiang Wanqiu was leading all the disciples to fight the rat demon. The rat demon's cultivation base was not high, and seeing that the situation was not good for her, he ran away.

As the saying goes, don't chase after the poor, the rat demon is very familiar with this mountain, and there is a terrible evil formation in her cave, whoever falls into it will die!

But they only wanted to take advantage of the victory and chase after them, so they fell into the formation arranged by the rat demon.

Enough of the excitement.

Lu Changhuan directly used the teleportation technique to enter the Rat Demon Cave.

"What kind of demon formation is this! My spiritual power is disappearing!"

"It's a spiritual formation! No one can leave this formation alive!"

"Escape technique doesn't work!"

All the people trapped in the formation changed their faces, and Jiang Wanqiu was also very frightened.

Lu Changhuan watched the play in the dark for a while, and then Xu Bu appeared.

"Senior brother!"

"Elder Shen!"

The appearance of Lu Changhuan made everyone overjoyed.

The mouse demon's slightly narrowed almond eyes widened suddenly, and his body sat up straight.

"Shen Yu!"

The mouse demon's eyes showed fear, and when his body was bound by the dragon rope, he collapsed directly on the stone couch.

The face-changing talisman can temporarily use other people's figure and appearance, but it can't use other people's spells. In desperation, she can only use the dragon-binding rope.

"Elder! Please spare my life. I will change my mind and never kill anyone again!"

Lu Changhuan had never killed anyone before, and he couldn't do it, but if the mouse monster didn't die, the formation wouldn't disappear.

How to do?
Originally, she wanted to pretend to be aggressive, so that Jiang Wanqiu's love for 'herself' would sprout, but now she doesn't even have the courage to kill a little demon.

The wailing of the disciples was louder and louder.

Lu Changhuan told herself that she couldn't wait any longer, she spread her palm upwards, and a spirit sword was in her palm.

She closed her eyes slightly, raised her hand, and dropped the sword.

Once the rat demon died, the spirit-absorbing array also disappeared.

Lu Changhuan's hand holding the sword was still shaking...

She killed!

She actually killed someone!

The survivors helped each other out of the mouse demon cave, and Jiang Wanqiu came directly to her.

"Junior brother, didn't you go to Yuancheng to support?"

"Before I left, I made a divination to worry about you, so I turned back halfway."

After leaving the Mouse Demon Cave, Lu Changhuan directly told everyone as Shen Yu.

"Go back to the inn to heal your wounds first!"


After everyone left, Lu Changhuan completely relaxed!Just when she was about to go back home, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"who are you!"

Lu Changhuan's body froze suddenly.

This Shen Yu!

Didn't he go to Yuan City?Why did it suddenly appear here!

By the way, escape character!

She has to run away!
But she was a little too slow to react, and Shen Yu slapped her directly, sending her two feet away.

It hurts!

How could her life be so bad!
Shen Yu built an enchantment around her, this kind of enchantment is naturally effective against ordinary monsters, but she has a system, and it is still possible to save her own life in times of crisis.

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