She was bound to win the immortal system at the beginning!

Chapter 51 The Disguise Has Been Seen Through

Lu Changhuan is systematic. At this time, it is not appropriate for her to talk too much with Shen Yu, after all, she will lose her words if she talks too much.

Therefore, she directly used the Zhang Dun Escape Talisman and escaped.

She fled back to the inn directly, and then changed back to her own appearance. Just as she was about to sit down and have a sip of tea, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it!"


Shen Yu's voice came from outside the door.

Lu Changhuan was so nervous that he almost spit out the water in his mouth.

She reacted very quickly, and immediately lay down on the bed.

"come in."

The door creaked and opened.

Shen Yu lifted his foot and stepped in, the Zongyi on his body had been changed into moon white.

He has firm edges and corners, smooth jaw lines, and every part of his body is exquisite.

But what Lu Changhuan likes the most is his eyes, narrow and long Ruifeng eyes, full of sharpness, when he looks at people, there is boundless indifference and alienation, as if no one can walk into his heart.

"Master, why did you come back so soon?"

Shen Yu approached and stopped two meters away from the bed, with a good sense of intimacy.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Better than before."

When Lu Changhuan lied, he would habitually look away.

Shen Yu directly asked the doubts in his heart: "It stands to reason that you have already formed the alchemy, so you should not get sick."

Lu Changhuan laughed awkwardly: "Maybe it's because my body is...special?"

Shen Yu asked again: "How many spirit stones is your face-changing talisman?"

Lu Changhuan's heart skipped a beat: "Master, what do you want the face-changing talisman for? Haven't you practiced the face-changing technique?"

Shen Yu repeated: "How much?"

Lu Changhuan stammered: "30 yuan, a high-level spirit stone."

With a wave of Shen Yu's arm, the 30 yuan high-level spirit stone arrived on the table.

Lu Changhuan suddenly wanted to deny it: "Ah, the face-changing talisman is sold out, Master is sorry."

Shen Yu also stopped beating around the bush: "Why are you pretending to be me?"

Lu Changhuan still wanted to struggle to the death: "Master, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand."

Shen Yu's expression was cold: "You left your things outside the rat demon's cave."

Lu Changhuan lowered his head subconsciously, wanting to see what he had dropped.

Shen Yu threatened directly: "Are you going to confess now, or go to the Discipline Hall to confess?"

Lu Changhuan immediately turned over and got off the bed, bent his legs, and knelt down in front of Shen Yu: "Master, the reason why I pretend to be you is because... I want to match you and Uncle Jiang."

Shen Yu frowned slightly, and scolded in a deep voice: "Nonsense!"

Lu Changhuan: "Uncle Jiang is not only beautiful, but his cultivation level is almost the same as yours. If you two..."

Shen Yu warned coldly: "Let me tell you one last time, it is impossible for you and me to be with Uncle Jiang. If you dare to make up your own mind in the future, the Taiqing Palace will not be able to keep you."

Lu Changhuan grasped the key point: "Impossible doesn't mean you don't like it, Master, don't you care about the brotherhood between you and the sect master?"

Shen Yu's voice became even deeper: "What's the matter with the head!"

Lu Changhuan suddenly became less sure: "The head of the sect also likes...Uncle Jiang's, right?"

Shen Yu sighed: "The rumors in the sect are unbelievable."

"Oh." Lu Changhuan didn't care about any rumors, she just wanted to know, "Then do you like Master Jiang or not?"

Shen Yu was a little annoyed: "I don't like it!"

Lu Changhuan responded aggrievedly: "Oh, then what kind do you like?"

Shen Yu: "What on earth do you want to do!"

Lu Changhuan blinked his big watery eyes twice: "I have a master now, the only thing missing is a wife."

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