Chapter 55
The water demon sword rises and falls.

Lu Changhuan reacted very quickly, and directly blocked it with a wooden sword, his body as stable as Mount Tai.

"Why didn't you become an ice sculpture!" Just as the water demon was astonished, Lu Changhuan threw the dragon-binding rope directly, and the water demon was instantly bound tightly by the dragon-binding rope, "A high-level dragon-binding rope! Who are you?" !"

Lu Changhuan walked slowly in front of the water demon, and pointed the sword at her heart.

"Where's the orange bead? Hand it over, and I'll spare your life."

The water demon's beautiful eyes narrowed, and she said in surprise.

"You, how do you know!"

Lu Changhuan's crescent eyebrows seemed to be flamboyant, orange beads, she was determined.

"Not only do I know that the orange beads are in your hands, I also know that today is your death day. Of course, I can change my fate against the sky and let you go."

The water demon has practiced hard for thousands of years, so naturally she doesn't want to be destroyed like this.

Shen Yu actually agreed this time.

Lu Changhuan was stunned for a moment, then ran up to Shen Yu, picked up the comb, and began to tie his hair.

Lu Changhuan was slightly taken aback.

While restraining, I complained in my heart.

After Lu Changhuan finished speaking, he called Hua Xuanlin out of the space: "Leave her alone."

Water Demon: "Can you let me go now?"

"Threat me?" Lu Changhuan raised his eyebrows, then narrowed his eyes and said sharply, "Guiyuanzong has a formation called the Elimination Soul Formation! Whether it's a human or a demon, as long as you are trapped in the formation, you will die." Disappear!"

Lu Changhuan: "No rush."

Hua Xuanlin: "Understood."

Seeing the orange beads obediently presented, Lu Chang brows happily.

Shen Yu hasn't come back yet!

"Master, shall I tie your hair?"


Lu Changhuan felt that his chance had come.

"go out."

But what if you are not reconciled?
She has no choice.

Shen Yuning looked at her with a thoughtful expression.

"Do you have any other options?"

"Master! Where have you been!"

The water demon was terrified, all things practiced to achieve Taoism and immortality, she had practiced for thousands of years, so naturally she didn't want to lose all her achievements like this, but she was really unwilling to just hand over the orange beads to others.

"Master, don't you know the body purification technique?"

Not long after Lu Changhuan returned to his room, Shen Yu called him over again. At that time, he had already finished taking a shower, and although his hair was dry, it was not tied up.

The corner of Lu Changhuan's mouth twitched: "If you kill so many people, you will have to pay some price. However, I will do what I say. If I say I will save your life, I will never let you die."

Water demon: "You want to break your promise?"

"I'm going to take a shower and change clothes."

Lu Changhuan returned to the inn, and then wanted to leave Shen Yu with the opportunity to eradicate the water demon: "Master, I just made a divination, and the water demon is outside the city now, and it seems to be seriously injured. If you go now, there must be great danger." Harvest... Huh? Where are people?"

"How can I trust you!"

The water demon's eyelashes trembled slightly, obviously a little scared, but she didn't want to just accept her fate.

"After I die, my soul can also go to the underworld to practice, so you are not afraid that I will seek revenge on you!"

"it is good."

Lu Changhuan pushed lightly with the hand holding the sword, and the tip of the sword went in two inches.

Lu Changhuan was about to go out to look for it, when Shen Yu appeared in front of him.

Isn't this hair too soft?
In order to get the test specimen, it seems that she can only pull it: "Master, you seem to have white hair here, I pulled it for you... Ah, I was wrong."

Shen Yu: "..."

After Lu Changhuan put his hair into his backpack, he didn't plan to tie Shen Yu's hair anymore, the point is that she didn't know how to do it either.

"Well, Master, you should do it yourself. I suddenly remembered that this is the first time I have tied a man's hair. It might not look good."

(End of this chapter)

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