Chapter 56
After Lu Changhuan succeeded, he immediately ran away.

She sent Shen Yu's strands of hair with hair follicles together with the two little ones to the 'DNA Identification Agency'.

The organization is very efficient, and results are achieved in the blink of an eye.

Lu Changhuan's heart began to beat rapidly, it was impossible to say that he was not nervous.

But when she saw the appraisal result clearly, she was dumbfounded.

[After identification, Shen Yu and Hua Xuanye are father and son. 】

[It has been identified that Shen Yu and Hua Xuanlin are not father and son. 】


These two little guys are really half-brothers!
The original owner is too wild!
Also, Xiao Ye is really Shen Yu's seed!

That means that the original owner and Shen Yu definitely had an intersection, but why couldn't Shen Yu recognize her?Could it be that there is a memory problem?

No wonder he had that dream.

It turned out that it really happened.

The existence of Xiao Ye, should she tell him?After all, he is Xiao Ye's biological father.

However, if he knew that 'she' secretly gave birth to him a son behind his back, would he kill her with a sword?

Xiaoye's existence is also very likely to delay his search for a partner.

Then her mission would be even more impossible to complete.
Shen Yu found that since returning to the sect, his little apprentice began to avoid him and go away, as if he was a scourge.

Thinking about it, this change seems to have started when she pulled out a few strands of his hair.

What is she doing with his hair?

A little boy suddenly appeared inside the door, about four or five years old, dressed in black clothes, with extraordinary imposing manner.

"Who are you!"

There is an enchantment he set up outside the Taicheng Hall, and he was able to break in.

Hua Xuanlin approached, and knelt down in front of the case: "Lu Changhuan is my mother!"

Shen Yu: "..."

Hua Xuanlin went on to say: "Although I don't have you in my memory, I always feel that we knew each other before and were close."

Shen Yu: "Lu your mother?"

She looked like she was only in her teens, how could she be a mother?
Hua Xuanlin nodded: "I also have a younger brother who was born not long ago."

Shen Yu's mind was in a mess.

Hua Xuanlin: "I've already investigated, you don't have a Taoist companion, are you willing to be a father to me and my brother?"

Shen Yu was a little angry: "You call your mother!"

Hua Xuanlin: "I have entered your dream, I know you have always missed my mother!"

Shen Yu reacted very quickly: "You mean the woman in my dream is... your mother?"

Hua Xuanlin: "My mother doesn't have twin sisters!"

Shen Yu was even more confused: "Can you enter other people's dreams?"

Hua Xuanlin nodded: "Why is this difficult? My mother can also enter other people's dreams."

Shen Yu finally understood why the little woman had been avoiding him recently, probably because she had seen his dreams, but why was she the woman in his dreams?
They obviously didn't know each other before.

Or, did they have a relationship before, but he forgot?
"Have we met before?"

Hua Xuanlin shook his head: "No, but it's strange, I feel an inexplicable familiarity with you."

Shen Yu asked curiously, "Have you seen your biological father?"

Hua Xuanlin then shook his head: "I haven't seen it, and my mother doesn't seem to know who my biological father is."

Shen Yu: "..."

Hua Xuanlin asked: "Do you want to be our father? There are many people chasing after my mother, you have to hold on tight, otherwise, my mother will be someone else's daughter-in-law!"

Shen Yu dodged and disappeared in front of Hua Xuanlin.

(End of this chapter)

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