Tang Wuyou was speechless. He didn't look like he was telling a lie. Could it be that they really wanted to help him beat someone up?

Shaking his head to send him a voice transmission:

"It's fine if you let us beat others up.

But the two elder brothers of your family, one is the eldest prince of the Xingyao royal family, and the other is the third prince of the Xingyao royal family.

After beating them, if you don't get along well with them in the future, we will also be troubled by them.

Besides, even if you want to beat him up, you can't be so aboveboard?

They turned around and beat him again with a sack, but they didn't know who did it. "

When Ruijin thought about her words, it made sense.

He nodded and said:

"Then I'll be with you. When the time comes, we'll find a chance to put a sack on them and beat them up."

No, that's what she meant, why is she still with them?
"Fellow Daoist, it's too eye-catching for you to be with us, you are the prince of the Xingyao Royal Family.

We don't have a Mahayana monk among us, so we can't protect you! "

"It doesn't matter, I will protect myself.

You don't have to worry about them embarrassing you.

Aren't you planning to go to the casual cultivator?

I can take you there! "

Hearing what he said, several people looked at each other.

"Actually, we can go without you."

Ruijin felt that he had to find some use value for him.

Otherwise, these people might really not take him to play.

"You take me with you, I know the mighty monk there.

You can explain your situation to him, otherwise you will not even have an identity badge on your body.

Wherever you go is limited! "

Tang Wuyou and the others believed what he said.

For example, when they wanted to enter Xiuxianfang City at this time, monks stopped them.

To check their identity jade badge.

Even if they handed over the spirit stones, they would not be allowed to enter without the status jade badge.

This is very annoying.

At this time, he, the second prince of the Xingyao Royal Family, needs to deal with it.

Don't worry about those two eldest princes and second princes who came to find fault.

He went directly to the monk guarding the square city.

Showing his identity jade card and saying:

"They are all my people, let them go in!"

The monk guarding Fangshi glanced at the eldest prince standing in the sky over there.

He even shook his head at Ruijing.

"Sorry, Second Prince, I can't let you bring so many people in at once.

After all, none of them had identity badges on them. "

Ruijin was very annoyed at being swept away, and threw all the grapes that were just handed to her mouth on the ground.

Turning to look at his elder brother.

"Brother, what do you mean by this?"

The eldest prince of Xingyao Dynasty standing in the sky looked at him with a faint smile and said:

"What's the meaning?
Naturally, I will take you back to meet the emperor.

Plus, there are these people.

My prince observed your performance just now, and it looks like that.

But you can't escape the eyes of this prince.

Someone came to take them all to the prince and take them back together. "

Tang Wuyou: ...

He glanced at Ruijin beside him, whose face had already turned liver-colored.

After working on it for a long time, it was nothing!

And these people didn't think about letting people like themselves go.

Following the voice of the eldest prince, ten fit monks stood behind him.

The fit monk is above the distracted monk.

Further up is the period of crossing robbery and Mahayana.

The Mahayana period is like the transformation of the gods in the world of cultivating immortals.

He seldom walks around in the spirit world and practices behind closed doors.

The Transcending Tribulation Period is equivalent to the most powerful existence in the spirit world.

The ten fusion periods are less than that of Kanren's family, but their cultivation base is one level higher than theirs.

If you let them fight recklessly, they can also rush out.

But after rushing out, they still didn't have an identity badge, which was another difficult thing to do.

Daoist Tianqing stood up directly, cupped his hands at the crowd and said:
"Everyone, there may be some misunderstanding here.

In this way, don't you want to take us to meet your Xing Yaohuang?

Then we will go with you.

There's no need to hurt your peace, is there? "

They were quite surprised to see him cooperate so well.

The eldest prince even smiled triumphantly.

"Ruijin, the people you trained are no good!

Each one is cartilage.

Seeing monks with higher cultivation levels than them made my spine go soft. "

These words are already a great insult to monks.

Tang Wuyou didn't understand.

"I know I can't fight, but I still insist on going up, is this a wise move?"

"Hmph! What a sharp-mouthed little girl.

Did the prince speak to you?
You dare to speak freely, come, give me a slap! "

Tang Wuyou saw that after he finished speaking, there really was a monk at the fusion stage who came to beat him.

He was angry right away, even if his cultivation could not beat him, he still had the power of space.

Even if you don't believe in the power of space, you can't deal with these few fit monks.

The big deal is a fight.

This eldest prince of Xingyao royal family is as hateful as a second generation ancestor.

"If you want to hurt my sister, pass me first!"

Tang Mo stepped out and took the lead in protecting Tang Wuyou.

Ye Qingge and the others followed closely behind.

Also waiting in front of Tang Wuyou.

Ye Qingge asked angrily:

"The eldest prince of Xingyao Royal Family really opened my eyes!
To be so unscrupulous and do whatever you want, is it possible that you Xingyao Royal Family are the only ones in the entire spiritual world, and there are no other forces? "

Qin Lan followed closely and said:
"I don't let people say anything. Is what my little cousin said wrong?"

That eldest prince's brain circuit is very clear.

Seeing so many people protecting Tang Wuyou, his eyes froze.

He looked at Tang Wuyou and then at Ruijin.

"Ruijin, don't you want this little girl to be your imperial concubine in order to avoid the marriage with Qingfengzong?
I can tell you never to have such thoughts.

Now that the matter has been settled, even if you are born again, you will be in vain.

Take them with me to meet the royal father, I will give you one last chance, otherwise, you must know the consequences! "

Ruijin was about to twitch, but his lack of strength was his biggest weakness.

It's not that he doesn't have strength, but that his father likes the elder brother very much.

So people who give to him always give more than myself and my third brother.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have brightened his eyes when he saw these monks in Tianyin Village.

I think it was sent to him by God.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this dream came up, it would be punctured by his big brother.

He glanced at Tang Wuyou and the others with an apologetic expression.

To Tianqing and Ning Shidao:
"Sorry, please come with me for a while.

If this matter is not resolved, you will have no identity badges in the spirit world, and it will be difficult for you to enter Xiuxianfang City.

You have also seen it, but don't worry.

I will try my best to fight for you in front of my father. "

Now that the matter has come to this point, they can only go back with the second prince of the Xingyao royal family.

At least the issue of identity in the spirit world must be resolved.

"Okay, we'll go back with you."

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