Now that the matter has come to an end, Venerable Ning Shi and the others discussed in the voice transmission group jade slips, and they can only follow them back to the Xingyao Royal Family.

To tell the truth, it is a bit difficult for them to join the Xingyao Royal Family.

After all, they all practiced in the Zongmen before, and they knew the Zongmen's cultivation system very well.

But to let them practice in the royal family, they have to obey others.

Although in the Zongmen, you also have to listen to the high-level monks and the core monks of the Zongmen, but the feeling is always different.

A group of people followed Ruijin to Xingyao Royal Family and stood on the square of Xingyao Royal Family.

They are not just three sects.

At that time, almost all the cultivators who entered the secret realm in the world of cultivating immortals were here, as long as they were not dead.

Although they are uneven, they all swore the demon oath not to tell about the matter of ascending from the lower realm. On this point, there is still some credibility to speak of.

The high-ranking Xingyaohuang above him has a Mahayana cultivation base.

Just sitting on the top gives people a sense of inviolability.

At the same time, it also gives people a feeling of looking down on all living beings from above and trampling all living beings under their feet.

Once upon a time, they were deity cultivators.

Especially the old Huashen, which one is not such an existence?

But now they have become people who need to look up to each other.

When they first came to the spiritual world, they have not yet had contact with these people, and their feelings are not that great.

At this time, I really felt that they were just low-level monks in the eyes of high-level monks in the spirit world.

Xingyaohuang, who was at the top, spoke after looking at them.

"I heard that you are secretly trained by the second brother and monks in Wuyun Valley.

Is this true? "

Daoist Ning Shi stood up.

"Returning to Xingyaohuang, I don't know who said it, but we are a village and have been living in the dark cloud valley.

No one is keeping us in secret.

The reason why he came out this time was because he saw the second prince fell into the Dark Cloud Valley, and if he was sent out, the ancient formation would be broken.

Now that the formation of our Wuyun Valley has been broken, we came out to buy materials to repair the formation of Wuyun Valley.

But I don't want to be unable to move a single step in the outside world without the status jade badge. If I knew this, the monks in our village should engrave a few status jade badges and bring them out.

In this way, there will be no misunderstanding today. "

"Hahahahaha, do you think anyone with any identity can engrave an identity badge?"

After Daoist Ning Shi finished speaking, the third prince beside him couldn't help laughing.

Daoist Ning Shi and Daoist Tianqing looked at each other, they really didn't understand the rules of the spirit world.

"We are a village, can't we have our own identity jade badge?"

"You say you belong to the same village, who can prove it?"

Hearing what the third prince said, Ning Shi Daozun thought about it, who can prove it?

"Everyone in our village can prove it, and we have never had contact with the outside world. Should we let people from the outside world prove it?"

The third prince smiled triumphantly,
"Of course you have to prove for this person, what is it that you can prove yourself?
You say you belong to the same village, so who can guarantee that you will not be in collusion? "

Daoist Ning Shi was speechless.

Then he wants to say that, but he really can't find anyone to prove himself.

Seeing that things were at an impasse for a while, Xingyaohuang, who was at the top, said:

"Forget it, since you can't prove yourself.

How about this, the emperor will arrange you into the army first.

Would you like to? "

Really want to arrange them in the army!

Could it be that the spirit world is still at war?

They are naturally unwilling, but the current situation is stronger than others.

Several people communicated with each other to discuss.

Let's go down the donkey first, and we'll talk about the future later.

"But let Xingyaohuang make the decision."

Tang Wuyou and the others are not afraid of large-scale battles.

It's not that I haven't played.

In other words, large-scale combat is still their strong point!

Sure enough, as the eldest prince said before, Emperor Xingyao broke them up and scattered them into different armies.

But it's also a coincidence that she and her senior brothers and sisters happened to be grouped together.

That would have been the end of it.

After they are assigned, just go directly to the city where they should be stationed.

But that eldest prince jumped out and said to Emperor Xingyao:

"Father, my son can reasonably guess that the second younger brother is planning to marry a woman as a concubine, taking the opportunity to refrain from fulfilling our marriage contract with Qingfengzong."

Tang Wuyou was speechless, he really wanted to open the eldest prince's mind, and see what kind of grass was inside him.

Why did this man drag in an innocent stranger like himself when he was dealing with his own brother.

After hearing what he said, Ruijin was the first to stand up and explain.

"Father, don't listen to the nonsense of the eldest brother, I have no intention of marrying this Wuyou fairy at all!"

That eldest prince still has a reason.

"Second brother, your performance today is clearly protecting this woman.

Do you know that if you do this, it will hurt Fairy Yujiao's heart.

Fairy Yujiao, why are you here? "

It was a coincidence that Fairy Yujiao came here.

Appeared at this time unexpectedly.

Tang Wuyou really doubted whether the two men were colluding with each other.

One wants to divorce, and the other wants to marry.

Sure enough, the female cultivator with a peach pink fairy dress and a delicate and fair face came out.

Wiping the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief, he said to Xingyao:
"Xingyaohuang, your second prince doesn't seem to be dissatisfied with our sect's marriage.

He actually treated me like this, it's no less than humiliating me, I really can't swallow this breath.

I want to break off my engagement with him. "

Tang Wuyou is the one who is the worst, are these people trying to weld the blame on her?
She intends to stand up and explain herself, but if it doesn't work, she can still swear the heart demon oath.

But she heard Ruijing send her a voice transmission.

"Fairy Wuyou, if you can push the boat along the way, help me break this engagement.

I would like to offer 100 million top-grade spirit stones. "

Tang Wuyou stopped when he was about to stand up and explain.

100 million high-grade spirit stones, this deal seems to be a good deal.

And there is no need for her to stand up and say anything.

She just needs to stand here, don't refute or defend, and give them both an excuse.

"make a deal!"

Ruijin heard her voice transmission and immediately took a step forward.

"Father, son-in-law and Fairy Wuyou are just casual acquaintances, there is no reason that she should not marry.

The minister is still willing to fulfill the marriage contract with Fairy Yujiao of Qingfengzong. "

Fairy Yujiao became anxious when she heard what he said.

"Xingxing Yaohuang, he is clearly an excuse."

Fairy Yujiao said and looked at Tang Wuyou.

An idea flashed in Tang Wuyou's mind and sent her a voice transmission.

"Fairy Yujiao, you must really want to break off your engagement with the Second Prince.

100 million high-grade spirit stones, I will help you. "

Yutian Xinzi returned to Tang Wuyou with a sneer in his heart.

"Why should I ask you to help?

He is empathizing with others, and it is normal for me to break off the engagement. "

Tang Wuyou stood where he was, looking at the handkerchief in his hand

"Then if I stand up and swear the heart demon oath, I will definitely not have any emotional entanglements with the second prince!
Will Xingyaohuang believe my words and think that you Qingfengzong just want to take advantage of this to extort more dowry gifts? "

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