After being told by Tang Wuyou, Fairy Yujiao was really not sure.

Tang Wuyou took the opportunity to say:

"One million high-grade spirit stones, isn't it impossible for you to get them out?"

"You deserve to underestimate me?

100 million top-grade spirit stones, just 100 million top-grade spirit stones.

If you can't let me successfully withdraw the engagement, my Qingfeng Sect is not in vain.

I will let you know how powerful Qingfengzong is. "

Tang Wuyou flicked the handkerchief that he had prepared before, and sent a voice transmission:

"A word is settled!"

After the sound transmission, he wiped his eyes with a handkerchief, and they immediately turned red.

He took a step forward and looked at the second prince and said:
"Second prince, ying ying ying~ Could it be that what you said to me before were all false?
You said that as long as you can get out of our Dark Cloud Valley, you will treat me wholeheartedly and only treat me well.

Are all these words lying to me?
Now she is willing to dissolve the engagement, but you are still unwilling.

Sure enough, men's words are the least reliable. "

The five members of Ye Qingge: ...

Black Jade Demon Lord: ...

Tang Mo was speechless and sent a voice transmission to his sister.

"What are you doing?"

Tang Wuyou:
"Brother, your sister, I'm making money!

I make money on my own merits, no shame.

200 million high-grade spirit stones! "

Tang Mo frowned calmly.

200 top-grade spirit stones?
Just listen to Tang Wuyou continue to say to Xingyaohuang:

"Senior Xingyao, this junior knows that you only want to fulfill the marriage contract between Qingfengzong and Xingyao Dynasty.

So just now the junior has tried his best to bear it, and even concealed it for the second prince.

However, today's seniors feel that everything is not worth it.

I also invite senior Xingyao to help the younger generation and the second prince.

Just treat her as Fairy Quan Yujiao, which can be regarded as a good relationship with Qingfengzong.

Do you think it works? "

The expression in Xingyaohuang's eyes changed, and he said angrily:

"A junior like you, are you working for the Pope?"

As he said, the coercion of Dacheng on his body hit Tang Wuyou.

Tang Wuyou hurriedly used the power of space to resist.

In this way, in the eyes of everyone, she is a monk who can still stand up straight in front of the coercion of Mahayana.

Even Xing Yaohuang was secretly startled, but he used one-third of Mahayana coercion.

This female cultivator can still fight like a pine.

Tang Mo took a step forward and stood beside Tang Wuyou.

"Also ask Xing Yaohuang to be the master of my sister!"

As soon as he stepped forward, spiritual power circulated all over his body, and he blocked most of the coercion for Tang Wuyou at once.

Then I saw Daoist Mo Yu also took a step forward.

The interface power on his body spread out, blocking Tang Wuyou and the others.

"Also please Senior Xingyao, make the decision for my cousin!"

Daoist Thunder also took a step forward.

"Also ask Xing Yaohuang to be the master of my cousin!"

Tang Wuyou was speechless, don't come up again, there are almost not enough spirit stones!

Xingyaohuang narrowed his eyes, are they all relatives in this village?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling amused, and then looked at his second son.

Ruijin also stood up generously, walked in front of Tang Wuyou and said to Xingyaohuang:

"Royal father, since this is the case, the minister will have a showdown. The minister and Fairy Wuyou are indeed in love and have made a covenant.

Just treat it as my son who is sorry for Fairy Yujiao.

I also ask my father to fulfill my wish and let Fairy Yujiao and I break off our engagement. "

Xingyaohuang heard him say this in person, and in front of so many people.

And look at neither of them planning a travel engagement.

Then he didn't have to force them.

Sighing, nodded and said:
"Okay, since neither of you wants to fulfill the engagement, the engagement between the two of you will be dissolved."

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