Feixue Fox Demon's heart fluctuated with her anger.

"What are you talking about? Who will sue, don't blame me with red lips and white teeth."

Tang Wuyou shrugged.

"Then who knows, anyway, only those of us present know about this matter. If it leaks out, it must be leaked by the people present."

When everyone heard what she said, they saw her raise her hand to take down a photo stone from a high place.

Didn't expect her to have such a skill.

Tang Wuyou held the picture stone in his hand and said:

"If the news gets out, except for those who joined my caravan, everyone else will be suspected.

Oh, even if you don't, people who join my caravan may be suspected.

So I think it is necessary to keep this photo stone.

At that time, hand it over to Immortal Emperor Ruohai, if you don't want to be hunted down by an Immortal Emperor.

Then it's best not to make small moves. "

"Fairy Wuyou, don't you need it?

We came here this time because we wanted to worship Emperor Ruohai Yao as our teacher.

How could you do what you said? "

Tang Wuyou put the Photo Stone into the storage bracelet.

"Whether it will or not, I don't know, let's be a villain first and then a gentleman.

Everyone, please sign up! "

Immediately, many demon cultivators began to sign up.

They were also extra cautious this time, and they were no longer so careless as before, calling me directly to sign up.

Instead, he knew that he should be cautious in transmitting voices to Tang Wuyou.

Tang Wuyou smiled and wrote down the registered demon cultivators one by one.

After she finished these, the demon from before came over to deliver a message.

It is said that the demon emperor has selected the apprentices and will announce it in a month.

None of the demon cultivators present this time knew who the demon emperor had chosen.

Suddenly someone remembered that the old man just now probably had been secretly watching them for a long time.

Then it occurred to Tang Wuyou that he was taken to a private conversation, and everyone looked at Tang Wuyou at once.

His eyes lit up immediately, could she be the apprentice appointed by the Demon Emperor?
Undoubtedly, among these people, Tang Wuyou is the most likely one. After all, she had contact with the Demon Emperor alone.

But Tang Wuyou understood his own affairs.

I am really a human being, how could I worship the Demon Emperor as my teacher?

Besides, the Demon Emperor never said that he wanted to take her as his apprentice.

Probably she is the only one who thinks that she is not a candidate for the Demon Emperor's apprentice.

The other demon cultivators thought she was.

Therefore, I am more active in signing up for the caravan.

Tang Wuyou quickly recruited a group of people, and it was conceivable that some of them would be able to come to the Demon Emperor's Apprentice Conference.

They are all leaders among the monster clans of all parties.

At this time, they followed Tang Wuyou, planning to buy a batch of elixir or natural treasures from the demon cultivators in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and sell them in the cultivator's towns.

"We only have these spirit stones in our hands, and it seems that we can't collect too many."

"Then what should we do? Or, grab it?"

After the demon cultivator finished speaking, the eyes of the other demon cultivators lit up.

Tang Wuyou raised his forehead, what kind of brain circuit is this?

"Can you guys listen to me?
We want to do business, not a deal.

It's not what you think, use the spirit stones on your body to buy the things on those Yaoxiu. "

When she said this, the other demon cultivators were stunned, completely unable to understand what he was talking about.

Tang Wuyou thinks that he can write a book in the future, "Those Years When I Started a Business in Shiwanda Mountain".

"Fairy Wu Rui, do you have a solution? If you have a solution, come and tell us."

Tang Wuyou sighed and expressed his thoughts.

To put it bluntly, it is borrowing chickens to lay eggs.

"Those demon cultivators, are you willing to give us credit?"

Regarding this issue, Tang Wuyou had already thought about it.

"We're not famous, and they probably don't have much trust in us.

But who is standing behind us?

The one standing behind us is the Demon Emperor!

Pulling the tiger's skin and pulling the banner, isn't it all right? "

The other demon cultivators sitting beside her asked in disbelief:

"You actually, you mean to say, we're going to talk about the Demon Emperor... ahem.

Tang Wuyou nodded, confirming his thoughts.

"You're right, the Demon Emperor agreed to my holding this chamber of commerce.

Since the Demon Emperor agrees, what does it matter if he pulls his tiger skin? "

Oh, the old man's tiger skin dared to talk about it, and said that she was not the default apprentice of the demon emperor, but they didn't believe it.

Tang Wuyou didn't expect them to think so crookedly.

It's just a matter of pulling a tiger's skin, and they can automatically conceive associations.

But having said that, the demon emperor's skin is still useful after all.

Not only useful, but too useful.

Pulling the demon emperor's skin, Tang Wuyou looked at the string of storage rings in his hands.

It is filled with the trust given to their caravan by those monster clans and monster cultivators in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Of course, it is mainly the trust in the Demon Emperor.

Tang Wuyou was followed by two demon cultivators, and there were eight others. The demon cultivators were waiting for them in the distant Hundred Thousand Mountains.

As for why those cultivators are willing to give things to them and let them sell them to the spirit world to obtain their cultivation materials.

Naturally, it is for the face of the Demon Emperor, if they swallow it privately, or make the Demon Emperor lose face.

Then when they don't need them, the demon emperor will take action. No one would want to face a demon emperor chasing him for thousands of miles, right?
And Tang Wuyou didn't intend to just leave their things behind.

She was very sincere and wanted to help the Demon Emperor open up such a business route.

After all, in her opinion, the demon emperor also ascended from the same lower realm as them.

And the demon emperor still went to open up the ascension channel for them, the spiritual world and the lower world.

Why offend if you can teach well?
So she took out the group voice transmission jade slip and transmitted the voice to her brothers and sisters.

"Brothers and sisters, I have successfully penetrated into the enemy's interior!

Now I want to take two demon cultivators to Tianshu City in exchange for training supplies.

Then we will find a chance to meet up.

Let me first show you the list of cultivation supplies to see if there is anything you need.

If you need it, you can exchange it with the ten-thousand-year stalactites that have been bathed by those insect monsters. "

When the brothers and sisters heard Tang Wuyou, they were all very surprised by the content of the sound transmission. When they saw a large list of names of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

The collective was speechless.

"Junior Sister, there are really too many treasures here, right?
Did you get all these from the demon cultivator? "

Satisfied, Tang Wuyou briefly explained what happened.

Wujian: "So, the ascension channel between the spirit world and our lower realm will be opened soon, so won't it be soon that monks from the lower realm will ascend?"

Li Mubai: "If they come up, our argument will be untenable.

But it doesn't matter if it's really until then. "

Ye Qingge:
"Yes, at that time, if you expose it, you will expose it!"

Qin Lanle.

"When the time comes, the Xingyao Dynasty will be in trouble."

Tang Wuyou was happy just thinking about it.

"Hahaha, then Xingyao Dynasty will have an explanation.

Brothers and sisters, you should take a quick look, if you need anything, I can separate it out for you. "

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