Chapter 415 Wu Rui, worry-free

It has to be said that there are so many natural materials and earthly treasures in these [-] mountains.

Let them exchange these things with ten-thousand-year stalactites. If they are normal ten-thousand-year stalactites, they will definitely feel distressed.

But I have seen those, those insect monsters hatched from the ten thousand-year-old stalactites.

Now they really have a psychological shadow on the use of these ten-thousand-year stalactites.

Therefore, it is best to exchange for cultivation materials.

Tang Wuyou took Zuo Ying and You Shu with him, because their dao names were easy to remember.

Win left and lose right.

"I got news that there is a female cultivator in the distraction period who is retreating, and I will transform into her appearance when the time comes.

The two of you casually transform into the appearance of other monks, let's just go directly to the city, and everything will be under my command when the time comes. "

Zuo Ying shrunk his neck a little wretchedly. He obviously had a pair of sharp eagle eyes, but at this moment, there was a feeling of treacherous eyebrows and mouse eyes on him.

Look around and send a voice transmission to Tang Wuyou.

"Well, if we walk into the city so generously, will we be found out as demon cultivators?

What if we are arrested then? "

You Shu folded his arms around his chest, frowning in thought.

Seeing the two of them like this, Tang Wuyou was speechless.

"Are you overly nervous?
It's okay, take it easy, the more you are like this, the easier it is for others to see that you have problems. "

Hearing what she said, the two quickly changed into a natural face.

"I'm kidding you, we have also been to these monk cities.

It's just that we have too many training materials this time.

We have never taken so many natural materials and earthly treasures at once, so we will inevitably feel a little uneasy. "

Tang Wuyou understood that it was like a poor man who got a lot of wealth at once.

"I can understand what you two said.

We must do a good job with this first business this time.

So nervousness is inevitable, in fact, I am also quite nervous.

But the more nervous we are, the easier it is for others to see the problem.

The elixir I gave you can temporarily change the breath of your body after you eat it.

They won't notice the evil spirit in us. "

As Tang Wuyou said, his figure turned around on the spot, transforming into her original appearance.

"Fairy Wu Rui, the female cultivator you turned into is quite pretty.

But, what if you meet this female cultivator herself? "

Tang Wuyou said worriedly:
She is the female cultivator herself, how could she meet another herself.

But explain it to them.

"I have been to Tianshu City before, and I have a few friends I know in it.

So I got the news that this female correction is in the retreat and impacts the fit period.

Think about it, if she retreats and hits the fit period, can she come out so quickly in a while?
But it's just today, if you see this female cultivator in the future, don't take this female cultivator as my past acquaintance.

If someone finds out that you are demon cultivators, then you will be the ones who will suffer. "

The two looked at each other and nodded quickly.

After today, when they see this female cultivator with the Taoist name Wuyou again, they will not foolishly step forward to recognize each other.

"Fairy Wu Rui, don't worry!
Shall we go to town now? "

Tang Wuyou nodded.

"Yes, let's go to the city now!"

After the three of them entered the city, Tang Wuyou gave each of them a storage ring.

"First, take the two storage rings and go to two magic weapon stores to sell them separately.

It is best to talk to them about long-term cooperation.

I go to another one.

There are only three forces in Tianshu City, and the three of us will act separately. "

Those two were also demon cultivators in the distraction stage, and they knew what to do after hearing what she said.

"Don't worry, let's split up."

After the three of them entered the city, the two went to the other two shops selling elixir to sell spirit herbs and elixir.

Tang Wuyou went back directly with the string of storage, and found Ye Qingge and the others.

They were all gathered in Tang Wuyou's cave at this time, and two or three layers of restrictions were placed outside the cave to ensure that they would not be peeped by anyone.

Tang Wuyou looked at his senior sister and asked:

"Have you all found the elixir you want?
Give me the list if you find it.

Then just give me the ten-thousand-year-old stalactite of approximate value.

With these spiritual grasses and elixir, when the time comes, we will hit the fusion, just around the corner! "

Ye Qingge took out a jade slip and gave it to her.

"All the spiritual herbs and medicines I need are here, take a look.

This is a ten-thousand-year stalactite of equal value. Tang Wuyou glanced at the name of the elixir on the jade slip.

Nodding, immediately take it out of the storage ring for her.

At the same time, I received my senior sister's Wannian stalactite.

In this way, several people got the spiritual grass and elixir they wanted.

Their spiritual roots are different, their cultivation methods are different, and the treasures they need are also different.

Their brothers and sisters have been brothers and sisters for many years, and they have discussed things like this, so they won't hurt their friendship just because of this little talent.

"Junior Sister, I see that you still have a lot of treasures left, what are you going to do with the rest?"

"To tell you the truth, I plan to find a reliable channel to replace all these with spiritual stones and pills for cultivation.

It's just that it may be difficult to acquire the strength to be able to eat so many things at once.

Qing Lan was stunned.

"What's so difficult about it, why don't you just go to the second prince in Ruijin?
After all, he is the second prince of a dynasty, so he can always eat so much, right? "

Reminded by him and her, Tang Wuyou snapped his fingers
"Senior Sister Qin Lan, you are so smart!

Find him for me.

But the channel of these things must not tell him. Then I found another excuse. "

Tang Wuyou did what he said.

He directly took out the sound transmission jade slip and passed it to Ruijin.

I heard that she has so many treasures to sell.

Without even thinking about it, Ruijin responded directly.

"You must keep these things for me, I will go there right away."

Tang Wuyou: "Bring Ling Lingshi and pills."

"no problem!"

After Ruijin finished speaking, she rushed towards this side.

"Senior brothers and sisters, hurry up and go to retreat to improve your cultivation.

I believe that with these things, you will soon be able to enter the integration period. "

Ye Qingge and the others thought the same way, but they were still a little worried about her.

"You carry so many things on your body, what if the Second Prince Ruijin has evil intentions towards you?"

"For us, let's stay by your side for the time being and protect your safety!"

These words reminded Tang Wuyou of that senior brother from Heifeng Island, he even gave him several guards, all of them are in the lower realm now.

Knowing that his senior brothers and sisters were doing it for her own good, Tang Wuyou would naturally not reject the kindness of his senior brothers and sisters.

"Well, I will trouble my brothers and sisters during this time."

As Tang Wuyou spoke, he thought of his elder brother again.

"By the way, before Ruijin came over, I'll sell these among the large group of our sect.

Then the monks in other 'villages' also asked if they needed anything.

We must let our part of the people improve their cultivation first. "

(End of this chapter)

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