Wujian nodded.

"Junior Sister's words make sense."

Tang Wuyou immediately took out the sound transmission jade slip and gave it to his elder brother and Fairy Luoshuang.

Daoist Ningshi, Daoist Changsheng, etc., these people are all in the same group.

Tang Wuyou briefly explained the matter directly in the group, and then announced the list of those heavenly treasures, spiritual herbs and elixir.

Whatever they wanted, they just copied a copy to her.

Just take out ten thousand year stalactites of the same value.

The process is very simple, but Tang Wuyou has to go to the city where they are located.

It doesn't matter, just sign in.

The consumption of these spiritual herbs by monks is enormous.

So as soon as her list came out, Dao Zun Ning Shi and the others' eyes lit up.

Before they were trapped in the Dark Cloud Valley, the spiritual herbs and medicines they could use were limited.

At this moment, there are so many spiritual grasses and elixir, and they are all very old, so they are suitable for them to use.

As for the ten-thousand-year stalactites, there are many of them.

It is perfect for exchanging these high-level spiritual grasses and elixir.

Tang Wuyou walked around in the group of his own sect again.

Then, she walked through the crowd in Wuyun Valley again, and most of the goods on her body were consumed in this way.

It can be seen that the demand for these monks is quite amazing!
When Ruijin came, he immediately emptied all the goods in Tang Wuyou's hands.

Tang Wuyou looked at the person in front of him with complicated eyes.

"You can eat so many spiritual herbs and medicines, and let me really see the strength of you, the second prince of Xingyao Dynasty.

I admire you! "

Ruijin squinted at her.

"Can't the millions of high-grade spirit stones given to you earlier make you feel the strength of this prince?"

Tang Wuyou also squinted at him.

"It's just a million spirit stones, I also got a million spirit stones from Fairy Yujiao.

Does that mean Fairy Yujiao is as strong as you?
In that case, next time I have a way to get so many spiritual herbs, I can consider Fairy Yujiao. "

"Tsk tsk, don't let Fairy Yujiao know that you have such a way.

It's not a good thing for her to be in trouble with my elder brother.

At that time, you are afraid that you will lose money and people. "

Hearing what he said, Tang Wuyou raised his eyebrows.

"In this way, you knew from the beginning that Fairy Yujiao had a crush on your eldest brother, but not you.

So you are trying to fulfill them?
That's really cheap for me. "

Ruijin waved his hands irritably.

"Don't talk about him, it's annoying.

Let's just talk about your way, how many more such elixir can you get, and I will get as much as you get in the future. "

"Is it so arrogant?"

Tang Wuyou really had a new understanding of his financial resources.

"Who do you look down on?

My mother and concubine are the daughters of the great elders of the Baoding Sect. With me as the backer, I don't hesitate to fight with the elders, otherwise, cough cough!

You know, it's not just easy and easy. "

Tang Wuyou couldn't understand the twists and turns among these nobles, one today and another tomorrow.

Anyway, as long as there are spirit stones to earn, she is very happy to do this kind of work that can earn money from spirit stones and get good things to improve her cultivation.

This is much more fun than defending the city, and I plan to put his avatar here later.

Save it from time to time to deal with the task of defending the city here
Anyway, with senior brothers and sisters around, they wouldn't let their avatars be destroyed.

As long as the avatar is not destroyed, it will not be exposed.

When the time comes, she will search for some good things for the brothers and sisters.

Her side was over soon, and the two demon cultivators over there were still wandering between the various cities.

It stands to reason that these elixirs are not worried about selling, Tang Wuyou doesn't know why they haven't sold out yet?
"What's the matter with you two?
So many things on me are sold out, and you two are still grinding here.

Unexpectedly, one-third of each has not been sold. Could it be that there are so many things that cannot be eaten in those elixir shops? "

Tang Wuyou was really curious, but the two people told him.

They were afraid that those elixir shops would suspect the origin of these elixirs, so they didn't dare to take out too many at a time.

It's just Mojiji, Moji has only sold two-thirds of the elixir so far.

Tang Wuyou was speechless.

Hey, so it seems that I am still the king of goods!

"Come and give me all of you, I have a relatively stable and safe buyer here, who can eat a lot at a time.

I really convinced the two of you, how long will you be selling this shit?
Not only do you not have much safety at all, but it will attract the attention of those who are interested, and then they will target you. "

Hearing what she said, the two quickly handed things over to her.

"Fairy Wu Rui, you really have such a channel, then can we go directly through that channel in the future, so we don't have to sell it everywhere?"

Tang Wuyou nodded, thinking, she thought that the second prince was quite reliable.

"Well, I'll come and talk to him in person.

I'm afraid that you will be suspected by him when you approach him.

Let's send them back what we got now, and let them see our first success.

As long as there is a first time, there will be a second time.

In this way, we can help more demon cultivators, obtain training materials from human cultivators, and help them improve their cultivation.

One day, we demon cultivators will be able to dominate the world forever! "

Those two people didn't know what he meant by this sentence, but they felt very powerful.

Probably a barrel of Spirit World!

The two were still very excited about Tang Wuyou's words.

"Then can we go back and meet that big client you mentioned."

Tang Wuyou nodded happily.

"Of course it's okay, it's just not right now.

Next time, next time I will introduce him to you, in case I don't have time to practice, you can explain to him for me. "

A group of people returned to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and the demon cultivators were extremely surprised when they saw them come back.

"Why come back so soon, so many things are sold out?"

There was also that demon cultivator who cast a glance at them.

"If you ask me, it might be that someone robbed her and lost all her money, right?"

If there is such a booing, there must be others who are booing.

"Don't tell me, it's really possible.

Otherwise, how could they come back so soon. "

Tang Wuyou looked at the two monks and asked with a smile:
"Are you two toads at the bottom of the well, and the sky you see is only as big as the mouth of the well?
Not only did we sell all those spiritual herbs, but we also brought back all the things we got.

Now go to those monster clans to distribute, they sell the proceeds of the elixir.

As for those of you, I don't know if it's the essence made from lemons, or if you have pink eye disease.

Everyone is a demon cultivator, you need to hope that their things will be taken away.

Hope I lose everything.

Looking forward to the disgrace of Lord Demon Emperor.

I really don't know what kind of hearts you have. "

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