Chapter 433
"Pfft! Hahaha, senior, you are quite to my liking, let's go, I have something good for senior."

The sage Chengfeng also became interested when he heard what he said.

He really didn't take it seriously that a little girl who met by chance could get something good for herself.

But just took the opportunity to leave the third prince's side.

It seems that there are no good seedlings in the Xingyao Dynasty generation, so he might as well look elsewhere.

Not to mention, he found this little girl very pleasing to the eye.

The third prince watched helplessly as the Mahayana monk who was protecting him was taken away by other monks.

And the person who took away the Mahayana monk had a close relationship with him, the second emperor brother.

All the anger at the moment was directed towards Ruijin.

"Second Brother, did you deliberately let that nun take away the Mahayana monk beside me?

What do you want to do?
Do you want to kill each other?

Brother Dahuang has already been killed by you, now you want to attack me again? "

What Ruijin feels right now is Cao Dan.

"Are you stupid, don't you see that I'm here to save you?

Oh, by the way, I also came to rescue that Fairy Wuyou, but now it seems that Fairy Wuyou doesn't need me to rescue her at all.

But you, for no reason, pinned the death of Brother Dahuang on me, what do you mean?
If you have evidence, report me in front of the emperor.

If there is no evidence, don't be silly here.

Because I dare to swear my heart demon, the death of big emperor brother has nothing to do with me. "

Ruijin said and waved his hand.

"Forget it, I didn't come today."

It's just that this thing is not born by the same mother as myself.

He was convinced that he could be so stupid.

After leaving immediately, he sent a voice transmission to Tang Wuyou.

"Fairy Wuyou, where are you?"

Tang Wuyou looked at the sound transmission jade slip of the second prince in his hand.

Look at the Dacheng sage on the opposite side.

"Is there any misunderstanding between you and the second prince?
Do you want to take the opportunity to clear up the misunderstanding?

The Mahayana sage waved his hand.

"There is no misunderstanding, it's just that I don't like to see him eating grapes."

Tang Wuyou: ...

Well that reason is strong.

Then she can only send voice back to Ruijin:

"I'm already gone, don't look for me, even though I'm not in Jianghu, Jianghu will still keep my legend."

Ruijin listened to her voice transmission and just wanted to curse.

No words can express how he feels at this moment.

The sage Chengfeng saw her put away the sound transmission jade slip.

looked at her curiously.

"Didn't you say that you have something to give to this saint?

Let Ben Sheng see what treasure you are talking about. "

Tang Wuyou casually grabbed a stone from the space and said:

"I got this stone from a monk's ancient cave by chance.

So far, I haven't realized what kind of mystery this stone has.

I thought that my predecessor was a Mahayana sage, and he was only one step away from ascension, so he might be able to comprehend the mystery of it. "

After her words fell, the sage Chengfeng looked at the stone in his hand.

Immediately with a pinch, the stone was crushed to pieces.

The stone was directly turned into powder, and the tickets scattered in the air.

Tang Wuyou was dumbfounded, is this just an ordinary stone?
The Mahayana sage laughed angrily at him this time.

It was obviously an ordinary broken stone.

"So you're entertaining the saint, aren't you?"

Tang Wuyou hurriedly waved his hands.

"No, no, really no," she said, taking out another stone.

Handed it to Dacheng Shengren on the opposite side and said:

"Look here is another piece, all taken out from the same place."

Chengfeng looked at the stone in her hand.

After a pause, he stretched out his hand to take the stone and said:
"Although it looks similar to the stone just now, this stone is different.

Where did you get this stone? "

"On the other side of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, there is a place called Xiao Wuxiang Mountain.

Senior, is there really any mystery in this stone? "

Hearing Tang Wuyou's question, the Mahayana monk said:

"There is an aura on this stone. If I remember correctly, it should be the aura of the ancient beast, the ancient dragon of Taixu."

Just hearing the name, Tang Wuyou felt very tall!
"What is a Taixu ancient dragon?"

Forgive her for her shallow knowledge, she only knows the strange beasts in the Shan Hai Jing, what is the Taixu ancient dragon.

Really never heard of it.

A stone was just a random exchange she got from the demon cultivator.

At that time, she felt that the breath on the stone was a little weird, but she couldn't tell where it was weird.

Listening to what this Mahayana sage said now, it seems that this is really the case.

Just the four words Taixu Gulong made her flinch.

For some reason, there is always an inexplicable fear in my heart.

Could it be that he was so fearful because he was destined not to be able to defeat that Taixu ancient dragon?

Thinking about it this way seems to make sense!

"Since senior is interested, I have already told senior the address.

Seniors can go to find out. "

The sage Chengfeng was curious when he heard what she said.

"Aren't you going to check it out with me?"

Tang Wuyou shook his head like a rattle.

"To tell you the truth, the saint, when I saw this stone, I felt a feeling of fear in my heart.

So I dare not go to check it out, just happened to meet you today.

I will borrow this stone as a flower offering to Buddha, and give it to you!

If you get any good treasures from there in the future.

Just give me a piece or two later. "

Sage Chengfeng said:

"If I find a good baby, can I think about giving it to you?"

Then it occurred to him that Tang Wuyou had given him a chance for no reason.

Cause and effect happened, thinking about this, he took out a bottle of elixir from the storage ring and said:

"I have a bottle of Du'edan here, this medicine can make your cultivation level go further.

It can be regarded as my thank you to you. "

Tang Wuyou took the bottle of Du'er Pill, knowing that his hidden meaning was to clean up the two.

Nodding indifferently.

"Thank you senior for giving me the medicine."

The sage Chengfeng glanced at her and turned to leave.

Not long after he left, Tang Wuyou also disappeared in place.

Tang Wuyou really didn't dare to explore the Wuxiang Mountain where the Taixu Ancient Dragon was located.

But it doesn't mean that she dare not follow behind that Mahayana sage to observe secretly?

It's just that the one who is the Dacheng sage after all, she dare not follow too closely, only dare to follow secretly from a distance.

In order not to be discovered, she had to leave several days later than the Dacheng sage.

On the way to Wuxiang Mountain, she was also checking in.

Signing in all the time, the rewards are mainly based on her aptitude.

It's just that things like spiritual root qualifications are rewarded with one plus one every time.

There has never been a time when I had a good time and directly added ten.

Seeing that she was getting closer and closer to Xiao Wuxiang Mountain, she could already sense the unusualness in the air.

How could he detect the aura of the Taixu ancient dragon in Wuxiang Mountain from such a distance?

Could it be that there really is a legendary Taixu ancient dragon in this spiritual world?
Could it be that the man who rides the wind is slaying a dragon?

(End of this chapter)

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