Chapter 434 Taixu Ancient Dragon
If this is the case, then she has to see if there are any leaks to reduce.

If she could let her pick up the leak, she wouldn't want to go up and work hard!
Just two mountains away from Wuxiang Mountain, you can feel the oppressive feeling from there.

In addition, there is a huge power of Taixu.

Only Mahayana monks can face this kind of power calmly.

For a young monk at the fusion stage like her, the cat can only wait for the leak in the distance.

In this way, maybe you can still take your life!

Covering his whole body with the power of space, Tang Wuyou walked forward cautiously.

Suddenly looking up to the sky, a Taixu ancient dragon with a body as huge as a mountain was straddling Wuxiang Mountain.

This is the first time she has seen a dragon, a real ancient dragon.

And the opposite of this ancient dragon clan is exactly the Chengfeng sage who separated from her not long ago.

Unexpectedly, this sage Chengfeng would be so brave, he really dared to challenge this ancient Taixu dragon.

Her careful cat was on the side, for fear of being spotted by these two behemoths.

At this time, the two Mahayanas are fighting, and their power is not just as simple as a blow from a Mahayana monk.

Mahayana monks and the spiritual power of Mahayana monks exploded to create a storm.

It is enough to turn bystanders into ashes, so watching the excitement is risky.

She already regretted how close she was, and should have retreated two more peaks.

At this time, I saw that the cultivator and this Taixu ancient dragon were fighting inextricably.

Both of them are hurting, so let her find a leak.

"Hmm! Didn't you say that I have the light of merit and the power of faith in me.

Do you think the combination of these two can make me miss it? "

System: [Host, you may have misunderstood good luck.

But the error is not big, it should be possible to pick up the leak. 】

Tang Wuyou felt relieved after hearing what the system said.

She shrank in the distance, watching the battle between the sage Chengfeng and the ancient dragon of Taixu. Obviously, the sage of Chengfeng was not the opponent of the ancient dragon of Taixu.

The Taixu ancient dragon is nearly a thousand feet long, covered with silver scales, and its eyes are like copper bells.

The dragon head swayed and sprayed out a mouthful of dragon's breath, and sprayed it towards the sage riding the wind opposite.

Seeing this, Tang Wuyou thought about how many treasures this Chengfeng sage had on him?
When the time comes, she will come and eat black, I don't know if she can do it?
"So even if you planned to cheat, you didn't plan to attack that Taixu ancient dragon, did you?

Hearing Wu Feng's question, Tang Wuyou rolled his eyes.

Isn't that nonsense?
Taixu Gulong is so huge, is it any wonder that I can beat him? "

Standing on her shoulder, Wu Feng combed her feathers while watching the fight on the opposite side.

Because of the protection of Tang Wuyou's power of space, it is very relaxed.

"Master, that is the ancient dragon of Taixu!
If you can get his magic weapon made of all the materials, or do whatever you want,"

"Is it safe to do anything?"

Tang Wuyou was very rational at this time, and would never attack that huge Taixu ancient dragon.

But if you want to make a move, you will choose to fight against Chengfeng, the Mahayana monk.

So far, she dared not do anything, so she could only lie here and watch.

Let's see who can kill who among them.

However, the movement here quickly attracted other Mahayana monks.

"Too bad, there are two more Dacheng monks here. From this point of view, it will be difficult to catch the leak today."

Wu Feng also saw the Dacheng cultivator in the distance.

"Look, one of them is an acquaintance!"

Tang Wuyou looked in Wufeng's direction.

"It really is an acquaintance who can cook you!"

(End of this chapter)

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