All the female cultivators bowed their hands to Tang Wuyou one by one.

"Thank you, Fairy, for making the move today.

In the future, if the fairy has anything to do, just ask, we will do our best to help! "

When the male cultivator saw that the beautiful woman in his arms had gone, he immediately became unhappy.

"We paid for the Lingshi,"

It's fine if the male cultivator didn't say anything, but this remark aroused the dissatisfaction of the female cultivators.

One of the nuns shot directly at him.

Seeing this, the other female cultivators did the same.

This time, that male cultivator became the target of public criticism.

Their cultivation bases were not low before, but they were imprisoned by the old bustard and dared not make any mistakes.

At this moment, Tang Wuyou relieved their worries.

There is nothing to be afraid of letting these women take action.

The other female cultivators did the same, beating the male cultivator violently.

After the fight, he left gracefully.

The other male cultivators were watching from the sidelines, and they didn't intend to help.

Tang Wuyou saw that things here were almost done, so she didn't delay any longer and flew away.

She came to this workshop purely to make a fortune and leave.

Now that the fishing is over, he must leave, or stay here and wait for people from the Hehuan Sect to come over?
Seeing that she also squatted away, the rest of the male cultivators on the boat looked at each other in blank dismay.

"It's hard to come out and relax, I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing, it's really strange, strange, wonderful!"

The monk on the side gave him a white look.

"What's so wonderful?"

"Isn't it wonderful to have such a novel experience?"

The cultivator didn't waste time here, but turned around and walked in the direction Tang Wuyou left.

The others looked at the direction he was going thoughtfully.

Immediately, several figures also chased in the direction Tang Wuyou left.

It can be seen that they are all for the things on Tang Tang Wuyou.

Tang Wuyou had already teleported away with a directional teleportation scroll, so why wait for them to catch up?
It's just that there is a saying that is true, there is a mountain as high as a mountain.

There are also people who can discern Tang Wuyou's trail, and even better understand the direction Tang Wuyou is going, and chase Tang Wuyou directly.

"This fairy has good means, but she has to leave after getting so many good things, isn't she too greedy for the people?

There is a saying that it is good to share half of the meeting, and this is also a kind of fate for us.

How about sharing half of what you have with me? "

Tang Wuyou looked at the speaker in surprise.

"Friend Daoist, why is your face so big?
Oh no, you must have left your face at home when you went out.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to say such a thing.

It's incredible! "

Seeing her strange look, the monk gave a cold snort.

"Stop talking nonsense, and take out what you got from the workshop."

"Why should I give it to you?

I got this by my strength, you want to get it yourself!
Come to me and buy it for zero yuan, right?
What you think is beautiful. "

The cultivator on the opposite side offered his magic weapon, "I'll tell you something nice and you don't agree, so that's all I have to do."

"Yo yo, blame me for being ignorant!

No matter how nice you say to me, it will not be worth your intention to hit me!

Blame me for not letting you tie the knot?It's really a world where everyone has it. "

The monk was devastated by Tang Wuyou's ridicule.

"I'll say it one last time, don't blame me for not giving you a chance.

Take out what you got from the painting boat, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. "

"I just won't give it to you. Let me see how you are rude."

Seeing Tang Wuyou like this, his face turned cold.

He sacrificed the magic weapon and went towards Tang Wuyou.

This person's magic weapon is a bit interesting, it turned out to be a golden round wheel.

Yuanlun moves like a sharp cutting machine.

Tang Wuyou saw that the person calling was the kind of golden wheel used by the King of the Golden Wheel.

The flying swords turned into countless flying flowers and joined together in front of them to form a disc. The shape of a disc looks exactly the same as the golden wheel that this man beat.

"Are you imitating my magic weapon?
Overreaching! "

"Yeah, you're so smart!

You know I'm imitating your magic weapon, that's right!
But no rewards. "

Her eloquence made the monks on the opposite side extremely disgusted.

He couldn't bear to rush forward anymore, but the more he fought, the more frightened he became.

The female cultivator on the opposite side is only in the late stage of fusion, why can the spiritual power in her body continue to flow?

The monk was distracted for a moment, and Tang Wuyou discovered his existence.

The two fought like equals, Tang Wuyou took the opportunity to take out the formation plate stacked with Fulu, and threw it towards the opponent.

After using it, she continued to use the thousand-mile teleportation disk, and was leaving until the third time, but she didn't leave.

It is really the people behind the body who are poor.

Tang Wuyou directly took out the teleportation talisman this time.

And it's random.

"After she slapped herself, the whole person quickly disappeared in front of her."

This time, there was no such feeling of being on the back.

It should be that he got rid of the person behind him, Tang Wuyou was enjoying himself, and the person behind him came after him.

"Damn, did you do something to me?"

When the cultivator heard Tang Wuyou addressing him, a mouthful of old blood stuck in his heart.
Looking at Tang Wuyou, he was in a bad mood.

"I wanted to give you a chance, but I didn't expect you to be so stubborn.

Then don't blame me. "

"Fellow daoist, can you tell me what exactly you want?
As long as I have it, I will definitely give it to you!
The point is that I don't have one! "

"I'm not a bastard, you damn nun, you're still pretending to be stupid with me, go to hell!"

He said that he sent the golden wheel this time, and he called Tang Wuyou.

Tang Wuyou was also angered by this cultivator.

I ran away several times, and this monk was able to catch up several times.

Obviously, he didn't know when he tampered with himself.

In this case, this person cannot stay.

Seeing him throwing the golden wheel towards him, Tang Wuyou's Flying Flower Sword was also thrown towards him.

At this time, the Feihua mirror was just like the Transformers, transforming into an opponent's golden wheel.

Jinlun vs. Jinlun, Flying Flower Sword is slightly better.

At the same time, Tang Wuyou's consciousness condensed into a tiny silver needle.

Stab towards the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, and sneak attack the opponent's primordial spirit.

Seeing that the cultivator's soul suddenly felt a stabbing pain, he looked at Tang Wuyou opposite him in astonishment.

"I underestimated you!"

"You can't look at Erdan!"

Hearing Tang Wuyou called him a jerk again, the cultivator was so angry that his blood surged.

Tang Wuyou took advantage of his life to make him sick.

After Jinlun met his Jinlun, he pretended to be invincible and scattered.

It crashed into a pile of fragments and formed behind the monk. The fragments formed a small sword and passed through the heart behind the monk.

The cultivator was still very surprised at this moment, he thought Tang Wuyou was playing with him?
"You cheat!"


"Cultivators fight like marching and fighting. Soldiers never tire of cheating. Do you understand this truth?"

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