At their level, their physical strength is extraordinary.

Their bodies will not die easily, for example, after their limbs are cut off, they can use their spiritual power to recondense them.

At this time, he was pierced through the heart by a sword, and Tang Wuyou's sword also used the power of thunder spirit.

Crackling, destroying the dantian meridians in his body.

It was like blowing him up from the inside.

Not to mention that there is still ice flame, which will be cooled to ashes directly after the explosion.

Direct one-stop service.

However, the monk's body was destroyed, but his spirit was able to escape.

Tang Wuyou had been guarding against him for a long time. Everyone was a monk, and they knew that they couldn't keep their hands when fighting.

Otherwise, the next one to die is himself.

The soul that met the monk flew out of the body, like a stream of light, and fled towards the distance.

Tang Wuyou cut him off, and when the lightning net he had laid in the dark moved, he immediately revealed his form from the invisible state.

Facing the Yuanshen who wanted to escape, he went down the net.

Seeing this, the cultivator's primordial spirit let out a shrill scream.

But if this thunder net is replaced by any net, he may escape.

But it is the thunder net of the thunder attribute, which has the most restraining effect on the souls of these monks.

The monk let out a mournful howl, and was caught by the thunder net of thunder attribute, accompanied by the flickering of the ice flame, completely wiped out the spirit of the monk.

After solving the trouble of catching up, he conveniently put away his storage ring.

Only then did Tang Wuyou turn around and continue to leave, to sign in elsewhere.

Going around in every place, occasionally there will be various accidents.

For example, she solved the painting boat of the Hehuan Sect this time, and someone in the Hehuan Sect remembered her and passed on her image.

And posted a kill order.

Tang Wuyou didn't care, anyway, she used another face, not the current one.

Tang Wuyoule looked at the face on the killing order.

She used Gu Qingrou's, so the face on the hunting order now is of course Gu Qingrou's face.

I didn't expect her face to be useful in this way.

Realizing that this face was likely to be targeted by someone, she changed it again.

Passing by a place called Tianju Mountain this time, I actually met the fairy named Yujiao from before.

At that time, I earned her a lot of spirit stones with tears in my eyes, as if she didn't want to marry Ruijin at that time, and then wanted to marry that eldest prince.

Now that the eldest prince has fallen, is she a replacement?

Taking a look at the male cultivator walking beside her, the clothes that the male cultivator was wearing had the logo of Wujizong.

There is a small formation pattern on the cuff.

Fortunately, Tang Wuyou caught it with sharp eyes.

There is a female cultivator on the other side of the male cultivator, and the female cultivator has a danding symbol on her cassock.

It means that this is a female cultivator of Xuanmai Sect.

Tang Wuyou regained his energy, this is another big melon!

Seeing melons must have the spirit of eating melons.

Walking not far from them, I heard their conversation.

"It was you who abandoned elder brother Mingxiu back then, and I heard that you and the eldest prince of Xingyao Dynasty were going to hold a double cultivation ceremony.

Fairy Yujiao, are you really shameless?
Don't come back if you have the ability?

Now Brother Mingxiu and I are about to hold a grand ceremony, and you came back to make trouble again.

Saying that you still have more love for brother Mingxiu, I think you are sincere.

Can't you get married?Or just owe the man grass?
There are so many men in the world, why do you insist on robbing me of men? "

Tang Wuyou clicked his tongue while listening.

This girl is so eloquent!

There are quite a few people around now, is she really not worried about her image when she scolds her like that?

But listening to what he meant, Tang Wuyou could understand what happened.

It turned out that Fairy Yujiao was the First Prince first, and she changed after the First Prince died.

But the person she wanted to change was about to hold a double cultivation ceremony.

Moreover, being blocked in the street by his wife and insulting him like this, Tang Wuyou really didn't know what the other party was planning.

They have already cultivated immortality, so they can't really be happy like a man, can they?

On the opposite side, Fairy Yujiao looked at the female cultivator who was speaking coldly.

"Lianyu, don't talk nonsense, have you forgotten that it was because of you that I fell off the cliff.

And I always thought that the one who saved me was the eldest prince of Xingyao Dynasty.

Was it you, did you also tell me that I was saved by that eldest prince?

But what about the fact?

The truth is, it was Mingxiu who saved me back then, and you lied to me as well as Mingxiu.

You want to hold a double cultivation ceremony with him, it's just wishful thinking, you are a liar. "

Lianyu shook her head with a crying face.

"I do not have!

I have nothing to do with you falling off a cliff.

It was you who insisted on picking Wulianhua, that's why you fell off Feiduya.

Besides, I don't know, it was Mingxiu who saved you back then.

When I went to find you, the eldest prince was indeed by your side.

Brother Mingxiu also said that he had something to do after saving you, so he left first.

Before he left, he set up a formation for you. You didn't recognize the aura on that formation as brother Mingxiu, and now you're blaming me instead?
But no matter what, brother Mingxiu is going to hold a double cultivation ceremony with me now.

What are you trying to call him out like that?
Fairy Yujiao, we used to be friends too, don't force me to dig out those old accounts of yours! "

Tang Wuyou watched from the sidelines, tsk tsk tsk!

There is a feeling of eating melons on the front line.

Then she silently analyzed it by herself. This matter mainly depends on that male cultivator named Mingxiu.

"What old account?
What old accounts do I have for you to dig through?

As you are, I am ashamed to have ever been your sister. "

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the male cultivator named Mingxiu.

"Mingxiu, will you go with me or stay and marry her?"

In the proper large-scale snatching scene, Tang Wuyou had a lot of fun eating melons.

Then all eyes were on him.

He heard the male cultivator named Jian Mingxiu shake his head.

"I don't know what to say about this matter, but since I have promised to marry Lianyu, I shouldn't break my promise at this juncture."

When he said this, everyone saw it, and the female cultivator named Lianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Mingxiu continued to say to Fairy Yujiao:

"You and I have nothing to do with each other after all, let's just forget about this matter!
The past is like the wind, so let it go with the wind, treat it as the beauty of each other, and leave a good memory for each other. "

Tang Wuyou originally thought that Fairy Yujiao could struggle a little longer, but he didn't want her to just nod and give up.

"Okay, since you chose him, you have to pay the price willingly for your own choice."

Seeing her turn around and run away after saying this, Tang Wuyou thought that this was the end of the matter.

She planned to go out of the city the next day, and she used up all three cards a day to sign in, so she planned to stay here for one night before continuing the next day.

But I didn't want something to happen that night.

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