Chapter 451 No more grace

The word 'sleepy', which was as black as ink, moved towards the monk like two ribbons.

Even the cultivator has the spiritual power to protect the body, as well as a defensive shield and a black ink belt driven by awe-inspiring righteousness.

Like the toughest ribbon, trapping the enemy is endless contraction.

Almost tied the opponent's shield to the cultivator, making the cultivator powerless to fight back.

Just when Tang Wuyou thought that the cultivator would be able to rush out, he thought that the cultivator would eventually be completely trapped in it.

That's a monk at the fusion stage!

Her senior brother's hand is too powerful!
The other cultivator couldn't walk a few moves in the hands of Senior Brother Dan Changhe, and was smashed to pieces by Changhe's red crown.

Very good, it seems that her seniors are very good.

She will continue to work hard.

After solving these two people, some of them entered the cave.

"There are two paths now, which one shall we take?"

"The difference between these two roads is that there are more monsters on one road, and fewer monsters on the other road.

So, brothers and sisters, are you going to go with the one that wants monsters or the one with fewer monsters? "

Ye Qingge smiled.

"Then go the more demanding way!

Anyway, with our current cultivation base, we don't care how big or how many monsters there are.

Think of it as practice, what do you think? "

"We listen to Senior Sister!"

"Then take the road that requires more!"

"Little junior sister, how do you know there are so many monsters inside?
Then do you know what kind of monsters are inside? "

Tang Wuyou really knows this.

"Sand beasts and pangolins, and red bloodworms."

"Pangolin, this one can be used as a weapon refining material, as for the other two monsters.

The Sand Beast also has some use value, the Red Bloodworm, but I have never heard of it. "

Tang Wuyou thought about the power of the red bloodworm in the projection screen, and couldn't help but trembled:

"That red blood worm is no ordinary demon worm, it's extremely powerful.

Even the defensive spiritual power can get into it. If it really gets into the monk's body, it will quickly absorb the spiritual power in the monk's body and strengthen itself.

But the red blood worms died so quickly that it was hard to guard against them. "

Even Qin Lan shook her head, rubbed her arms and said:
"What kind of bug is too strange, just listening to it gives me goosebumps.

Junior sister, let's change the road, don't go this way, go that way.

Isn't there a little monster over there?

Then let's go to the side with fewer monsters and beasts and get the contents inside as soon as possible.

If you want to practice, there will be opportunities in the future. "

When Ye Qingge heard Tang Wuyou's introduction to the red blood worms, he immediately didn't want to go here again.

"Okay, let's go to the side with less requirements."

A group of people walked to the side with fewer monsters and only encountered a group of golden hairy rats.

As we all know, the mutation of the treasure-hunting mouse is obtained from these low-level monsters and synthesized countless times.

The nails of these golden mice are as sharp as knives, and they squeak in their mouths.

I wish them today's pine teeth, the kind that look sharp.

"Just heard that there are too many ants and kill elephants.

At this moment, these golden mice are planning to follow the example of ants and kill elephants? "

It's a pity that Tang Wuyou and the others are not only elephants, but each one of them. No matter how many rats there are, they can't kill so many elephants at the same time.

It is also that this passage is just enough to accommodate five people side by side, and five people walk side by side, emitting various spiritual lights at the same time.

Tang Wuyou punched out a talisman and blew up a gust of wind.

Kill one piece.

He doesn't have many things but has many talismans.

Ye Qingge's piano sound is like invisible sword energy, and the clank sound condenses into substance.

Each sound was like a thin silk thread, heading towards those golden hairy mice, beheading a large number of them at once.

Wujian's sword energy followed closely.

Immediately afterwards, there was the high-speed rotating altar cauldron and Qin Lan's sword. It is obviously more convenient to use a sword than a keyboard at this time.

Li Mubai raised his hand to draw thousands of arrows, and those arrows shot towards the golden-haired rat opposite, one after another.

Then the five of them cooperated tacitly.

Tang Wuyou threw the talisman first.

Ye Qingge's piano sound followed closely, followed by Wu Jian's sword energy.

There are also Chang He's Dan Cauldron and Qin Lan's Explosive Formation Disk, which are so powerful that they can explode into pieces at once.

Finally, Li Mubai's thousands of arrows.

Anyway, after several rounds like this, those golden mice are almost dead.

When they reached the end of the cave, there was an empty place at the end.

A feather floated on one of the high platforms.

"This can't really be Kunpeng's feather?"

"Kunpeng is an ancient mythical beast. If it is really Kunpeng's feathers, then we will send it!"

As Qin Lan's voice fell, a long series of laughter came from behind them.

"Hahahaha, there are five of you, and there is only one feather, so you can't tell each other apart.

It's better to let the deity take it away, so as not to cause conflicts for the five of you.

Oops, I, Qionghua, am so considerate. "

Tang Wuyou: "Listen to me, thank you.

But you don't have to worry about us.

You have this time to worry about us, why not worry about what kind of situation you will face next, alone. "

After hearing what Tang Wuyou said, the monk named Qiong Hua sneered angrily.

"A few young people who don't know good and bad, don't think that you can activate this feather left by the ancient Kunpeng.

Let me tell you, you can't use this feather at all. "

Tang Wuyou looked at him amusedly.

"Yes, we can't use it, but you can use it, right?"

The monk also nodded without shame and said:



Such a good thing, of course, is more at ease in our own hands.

As for you, we will deal with you after we collect this feather. "

After Tang Wuyou finished speaking, he took the lead and flew up towards the feather.

Qin Lan began to study the formation patterns.

At this moment, Tang Wuyou had already touched the feather.

The next moment, the feather swished into Tang Wuyou's forehead.

Reaching out to touch the center of the eyebrows, the speed of the feather is fast, but it can be too fast.

She hasn't even reacted yet!
Turning to look at the brothers and sisters helplessly, the feather drilled into her head by itself.

"Junior sister, come back soon. It's better to be told by you than to be reaped by others."

The monk named Jinhua saw that the feather actually fell into Tang You's body.

Not caring so much, he flew towards Tang Wuyou and hit him.

When he moved, Ye Qingge and the others also moved.

At the same time, they shot at the cultivator, and the five of them, together with Tang Wuyou who was standing not far away, attacked the cultivator together.

Seeing that they joined forces to deal with him, the monk was furious immediately.

"If you have the ability to come out and fight me alone, what's the point of swarming up like this.

The dignified monk doesn't even have this bit of grace. "

(End of this chapter)

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