That monk is doomed to be no match for four hands with two fists, and can't beat them with their strongest moves

It was quickly killed by everyone working together.

Just as Tang Wuyou was about to speak, he heard a prompt from the system.

【Host, you got the Kunpeng Feather, this place is about to collapse, get out of here quickly. 】

Tang Wuyou was startled, didn't he, his current situation didn't appear in the dangerous place before?

"Brother and sister, let's get out of here quickly, this place is going to collapse."

Changhe: "Let's go, what are you afraid of, we are monks and just fly away!"

Tang Wuyou: These words really make sense!

They are great monks in the combined stage, so why are they afraid of collapse?
He was speechless for a while.

The system is also speechless. If it is an ordinary collapse, will it make a sound to remind the host?

Immediately afterwards, Tang Wuyou and the others discovered the pressure coming from all directions.

"Wow, what's going on?"

Tang Wuyou reacted immediately.

"What's wrong, those restrictions and formations also collapsed."

Qin Lan's heart tightened.

"Run! It's too late, use the teleportation scroll!"

Several of them have teleportation scrolls.

Hearing that they opened their respective teleportation scrolls immediately, six rays of light instantly teleported them to six places.

When Tang Wuyou landed safely, he looked around and took a breath.

Take out the group sound transmission jade slip and send it to the brothers and sisters:

"Brothers and sisters, where are you?

I actually teleported directly to the sixth dangerous place.

Speaking of which, the distance between these two dangerous places is too close, can a teleportation scroll be used to teleport them?

This is somewhat outrageous, right? "

Qin Lan couldn't believe that the teleportation scroll he made was so powerful.

Being able to send them so far in one go.

But thinking that the place was collapsing at that time, the formation prohibits all collapse.

"It may be because of the collapsed formation and the restriction that changed the teleportation space of the teleportation scroll.

That's why we were sent to a farther place. Coincidentally, the place where I am is the third dangerous place. "


"Pfft! Cough cough cough, it is really a coincidence that the place where I am is the fifth dangerous place."

Ye Qingge was also speechless.

"I'm in the fifth dangerous place. Why do I feel that this space is so weirdly distorted, as if it is specially sending us to a different dangerous place."

Li Mubai also said:
"Sister, I think so too, because I'm in the fourth dangerous spot right now."

Wujian also said:

"Could it be that there is an invisible hand deliberately manipulating all this?

What I am in is the second dangerous place! "

Qin Lan: "Two three four five six?

That's really weird, but if we say who can control all this, is it the will of Heaven? "


"It doesn't matter, as long as it comes, it will be safe.

Let's first explore the dangerous areas where we are and grab the good stuff.

Let's go to the first dangerous place to see what's going on! "

Hearing what he said, several people also agreed.

This is the only method that can be used today.

Tang Wuyou heard the sound of the system falling down.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in to the sixth dangerous place. As a reward, the spiritual root qualifications of each system will be increased by two.

Bonus auto-positioning feature plus one. 】

Tang Wuyou's eyes lit up.

"Automatic positioning is rewarded again?

System, positioning function is used.

Quickly help me see what good things are in this secret realm. "

[Good host.

Looking for genius treasure...

The search is complete and the host is being located.

Positioning successful! 】

Tang Wuyou was overjoyed, and looked at the place where the system located.

The system only locates one place, which means that there is definitely something good in that place.

She went there immediately without delay.

"System, activate the holographic projection function to see if there is any danger around."

[Okay host, the holographic projection is activated... After activation is completed, the host can see the image of the entire secret realm. 】

Tang Wuyou was not interested in the entire secret realm, he was only interested in the surroundings of the treasure.

Other times, when she was picking up treasures, someone would jump out and harass her.

Tang Wuyou watched, there were several monks around, moving towards the place where the treasure was.

That's not okay, they must not be allowed to get it first.

The holographic projection is just a projection, and you can't do anything in it, otherwise, wouldn't it be catching up with the heavens.

Tang Wuyou used all his strength, and quickly moved towards the place with the treasure.

Just when she arrived, another person appeared nearby at the same time.

He is really the only prince left in the Xingyao Dynasty.

"Fellow Daoist Ruijin, why are you here?"

Ruijing was also surprised to see Tang Wuyou.

"Hey fellow Taoist, it's great to meet you!

Let me tell you, after the fall of my eldest brother, my third younger brother, that silly roe deer, also fell.

I suspect that there are monks from other dynasties who specifically target the princes of our Xingyao Dynasty.

Aiming to make my father never come back, so I ran to hide in the dangerous place.

As long as they don't find me, I will be safe for the time being.

Who made my father so eccentric and didn't give me a Mahayana monk to protect me? "

Tang Wuyou was dumbfounded, what this person said was true, if it wasn't for the fact that those two people were killed by themselves.

I really believe what this person says.

"Then you really know how to find a place to hide. It's good to hide here."

Ruijin was also happy to hear what she said.

"Really? I think I'm pretty smart, too.

Hiding in this dangerous place, generally no monks would come in easily.

No monk would think of it either.

By the way, why did you come here?

Didn't you go with your brothers and sisters? "

Tang Wuyou looked at him really hard to describe.

"No, my brothers and sisters and I will leave separately.

Your method is really good, then you continue to hang on, I kind of left beforehand. "

Seeing that Tang Wuyou was about to leave as she spoke, Ruijin hurriedly called her to stop.

"Then wait a minute and don't go away like this!

You see, meeting each other is fate. How about we come together? "

Tang Wuyou: ...

"Or not, I'll leave first if I have something to do."

Ruijin's eyes lit up when he looked in the direction she was going.

"Hey, you're going in that direction too, and I'm going in that direction too, shall we go together?"

Tang Wuyou was really speechless to this generation.

"Let's go together, will the treasure you encounter be yours or mine?

Otherwise, let's form a team together.

From now on, the treasure I encounter first belongs to me first.

Then when you meet the treasure, it will be yours.

how about it?
No matter what treasure you end up encountering, I'm not greedy at all. "


Ruijin agreed without even thinking about it, which is actually very fair!
"If there are two treasures, each of us will have one."


Tang Wuyou also readily agreed.

In this way, the two formed a strange combination.

They kept going in that direction, and after a short walk, they came across a palace.

Because of the holographic projection, Tang Wuyou easily avoided the monks and checkpoints.

She really wouldn't tell him that she knew where they should go.

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