Ruijin followed Tang Wuyou, seeing that she walked with ease.

"Fairy Wuyou, have you been here?"

Tang Wuyou followed his words.

"Yes, I have been here, so I know there is a treasure ahead, and I plan to collect it.

But you want to team up with me again, so I made the same request as before. "

Hearing what she said, Ruijin instantly understood why she made such a request before.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

"I didn't expect that I would take advantage of you."

"That's not!"

Tang Wuyou pointed to the front without shame and said:
"See, there is something I want to take in the third door in front. Then you can help me look out for it."

Ruijin looked at her with an indescribable expression, and there was a huge "three" written on the third door.

There are a total of seven gates in front, and there are already many monks wandering back and forth there.

"Are you sure it's the third gate?
If you've been here, why couldn't you take things away last time? "

Tang Wuyou glanced at him lightly.

"Trust me, there's nothing wrong with it. Wasn't that thing not cooked last time?"

Ruijin's eyes lit up

"So what exactly is that thing? A panacea?"

"Yes, a magical elixir."

Ruijin understood.

But since he teamed up with her and promised her to guard outside and let her get the treasure first, Ruijin still kept his word.

"You go, I will protect you outside."

"Thank you, you are very nice."

The corner of Ruijin's mouth twitched, and she always felt that she didn't seem to be complimenting others, but she was indeed complimenting others.

Shaking his head, he watched Tang Wuyou enter the third door.

At the same time, two monks also went in together before Ruijin could react.

Ruijin: ...What happened just now?
Tang Wuyou had long thought that someone would follow.

After all, there are people coming in and out of the seven halls.

And she saw from the holographic projection that in the third hall in the middle, that thing was still there.

No, if not, then there is something wrong with the holographic projection.

Facts have proved that after Tang Wuyou went in, he didn't see such a thing with his naked eyes.

Even when she released her consciousness, she didn't check the existence of such a thing.

This can explain why there are so many monks coming in from the third gate, but that thing still exists.

Tang Wuyou glanced at the apparently empty hall.

The other two monks searched here but found nothing.

Just going out and not going to waste time here.

It's just that they wanted to leave, but found that Tang Wuyou had no intention of leaving.

The two monks looked at each other and looked at Tang Wuyou.

"Fairy, you don't plan to go out for anything, there is nothing here."

Tang Wuyou nodded.

"Indeed, there is nothing here, and I am planning to go out, are the two fellow Taoists together?"

When Tang Wuyou spoke, he looked at the two men warily.

The two of them understood what she meant by looking at her.

Looking at each other, in order not to cause unnecessary misunderstanding, they went out first.

Seeing the two of them go out, Tang Wuyou breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he tapped against the wall, and a wooden box was pulled out from the wall.

Speaking of which, the reason why you can't see what's inside from the outside is not because behind the wall, someone laid down a formation to isolate monks from viewing.

Tang Wuyou thought it was the Absolute Spirit Stone at first, and planned to dig up the wall.

Later, it turned out that it was just an isolation formation, and the wooden box was put into the space, and the person went out directly.

As soon as she came out, Ruijin said shortly:
"Have you taken the elixir?"

"I got it, let's go and have a look at other places, by the way, I will leave this dangerous place in a while.

Are you planning to stay here and hang on? "

Ruijin nodded like pounding garlic.

"I'm definitely going to stay here and keep going.

Who knows if those people are specifically staring at the princes of our Xingyao Dynasty.

Of the three of us, two have already been dealt with, and I, the only one, must not easily go out and be dealt with by the other party.

Otherwise, wouldn't my family be extinct? "

Tang Wuyou: ...

"That doesn't mean your father can be born again."

Ruijin is speechless, maybe my father is already thinking about having more heirs
But even if it is born now, it is just a small bean sprout.

How many years will it take to grow to the level of cultivation like me.

In these years, who can guarantee that they are safe and sound?
You know, we were twelve brothers at the beginning, and there were only three left.

This shows how lucky the three of us are. "

Hearing what he said, Tang Wuyou nodded in agreement.

"It's true that it's all about luck, and it's not easy.

Then you can continue to stay here!
I'm going to help you find a treasure, and then we'll go our separate ways, and I'm going out. "

Hearing what she said, Ruijin clicked his tongue.

"Sure enough, it is a wise choice to form a team with Fairy Wuyou.

Didn't you say you've been here before?

Do you know what else is good here? "

Asked by him, Tang Wuyou really looked carefully at the holographic projection in front of him.

"Do you want elixir or ore?"

Ruijin was speechless.

"What other choice do I have?"

Tang Wuyou nodded.

"Yes, there is a choice, didn't you say it?
I've been here before, so I know the specific locations of some elixirs and ores.

You choose! "

Ruijin's eyes lit up.

"Then can I choose both?"

Tang Wuyou looked at him strangely.

Ruijin felt a little uncomfortable being watched by her.

Hehe laughed twice.

"Then what, I'm just saying, I'm not that greedy."

Tang Wuyou didn't speak, she was reviewing herself.

Reflect on yourself, since you have a holographic projection, you can clearly see things in dangerous places.

Why not take all the good stuff away?

wipe!My mind must have collapsed before.

"Come on, do you choose one, ore or elixir?"

"Can't you choose both?"

Tang Wuyou turned to look at him and nodded.


Now it was Ruijin's turn to brighten his eyes.

Next, Tang Wuyou took him to a high-level elixir.

The location of the high-level elixir must be accompanied by a high-level monster. At this time, the person in front of him can no longer be described as a high-level monster.

It should be called a demon cultivator.

"It's two overreaching human cultivators who want to snatch the red gall grass that I protect, so give your lives first!"

"That's enough, why is every demon cultivator so rampant?"

Before Ruijin finished speaking, Tang Wuyou's "Three Thousand Floating Flowers Jue" had already been used.

"It's a waste of time to ask him to waste a word."

While speaking, the formula in Tang Wuyou's hand changed, and the Flying Flower Sword turned into countless petals, each half emitting a biting cold light.

In the sun, the cold light is shining like a dream.

It was like a gust of bone-chilling wind blowing towards the demon cultivator.

The demon cultivator immediately corrected his expression, not daring to easily confront Tang Wuyou's thousands of flying flowers.

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