Chapter 454 My spirit beast can handle it

Seeing this, Ruijin hurriedly sacrificed her flying sword to help.

But he didn't expect that Tang Wuyou had already exchanged hundreds of rounds with the opponent in this short period of time.

When he wanted to call Yu Feijian to help, Tang Wuyou waved the flying sword and flew back to her hand.

Ruijin was dumbfounded, is this, the fight is over?
"The inner alchemy of the demon cultivator belongs to me."

"It should be."

Ruijin nodded repeatedly, and then saw Tang Wuyou raised his hand to take away the inner alchemy of the Yaoxiu, and Yaoxiu's body instantly turned into powder.

"These demon cultivators know how to do this. I'm afraid that the cultivators will use their materials to burn their bodies before they die."

Tang Wuyou thought about the news he heard from those demon cultivators in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

"That's not the case. They have imposed restrictions in their bodies. As long as they die, their bodies will immediately turn into powder except for the inner alchemy."

Ruijin was surprised.

"It's actually a restriction. Is there such a restriction?"

"Indeed, let's go, take this elixir, and let's go to the next place."

Ruijin hurried forward to take away the elixir, and then followed Tang Wuyou to the next place where the mineral veins he needed were located.

Looking at the big mountain in front of him, Ruijin turned to look at Tang Wuyou.

"You didn't lie to me?"

Tang Wuyou nodded

"I didn't lie to you, you dig, I'll go first."

Ruijin was speechless, the good team just broke up.

After Tang Wuyou separated from him, he had no choice but to leave this dangerous place.

Instead, according to the holographic projection, go to the places where the elixir is located, and collect all the elixir.

As for the demon cultivator guarding the elixir, just deal with it easily.

It was too troublesome for her to dig the Lingshi Mine. She remembered that the senior sister had a teleportation formation.

She simply set up a movement formation at the mark with the spirit stone veins, and then moved to her own space.

Not to mention, this teleportation formation is quite thorough.

He actually moved half of the entire Lingshi vein into his own space.

Then she continued to use the teleportation formation to move the other half of the spiritual vein into the space.

After doing this, she turned around and left, and went to another place where there was a genius treasure.

Although the same level is not very useful for fit monks, she can save it for her apprentices in the future!
Looking at the camera, Tang Wuyou sighed, it's really rare.

I haven't forgotten that I once took in an apprentice, and if I say that the master is unreliable, I rank first, and no one dares to rank second.

Tang Wuyou flew around this dangerous place to search.

There is a place in the holographic projection that is really dangerous, which is the Gangfeng place where they were before.

There is also a natural formation, oh, it is not counted now, because she poached that spiritual vein away.

The mountain range, where monks were easily trapped before entering, is now unimpeded.

But the high-level elixir in it was gone, and she took it all away.

The two monks who were fighting suddenly saw a female cultivator coming from the sky, and within a moment she took away the elixir they were fighting for.

The two people who were fighting looked at each other. What if the elixir was gone?
"Who was that nun just now?

furious! "

This male cultivator also frowned looking at the direction Tang Wuyou left.

"Too outrageous!

We were the ones who fell in love with the elixir anyway, and she took it away without even saying hello. I have never seen such an arrogant person, and she is still a female cultivator! "

The monk looked at Tang Wuyou's back, stroked his chin and spoke.

The monk next to him who was fighting with him just now said angrily:
"Do you have the ability to chase her?

What are you pushing here? "

"Chasing her? Hiss! Can't she agree?"

After the monk finished speaking, the monk next to him gave him a strange look.

Then the monk turned his head and left silently.

Stay away from idiots and save your intelligence.

Tang Wuyou left here, checked through the holographic projection, and found that the man hadn't caught up.

She then used the teleportation scroll and headed towards another place where there was a genius treasure.

By the time this dangerous place is found, all the genius treasures have been searched almost.

To be exact, she was going to leave after the search was done.

"Brothers and sisters, where are you?
I have come out of this dangerous place, and I plan to go to the most dangerous place next.

Take a dangerous look at the spiritual world first. "

Qin Lan: "I'm in some trouble and I haven't come out yet. You go first and I'll be there later."

Li Mubai also said:
"I haven't come out yet. Your speed is the fastest. Go first."

Ye Qingge: "I didn't come out either."

Wu Jian: "We still have to wait for a few days."

Changhe: "I'll go. There are so many spiritual herbs and elixirs in this dangerous place of mine that I can't finish them all. I can't finish them all."

Tang Wuyou was speechless. Could it be that his speed was too fast?
It doesn't matter, since the brothers and sisters haven't come out yet, she will send it first.

It's just that this teleportation didn't directly teleport to the first dangerous place, but the normal distance of teleportation. It seems that the blessing is gone.

Without the blessing of teleportation, it would take much longer for her to go to the first dangerous place.

It seems that it can only move slowly there.

However, the holographic projection can always be used, so she is not welcome if there is something good on the way to the first dangerous place.

She is not a robber, she will only attack those unowned genius treasures.

What, you said there are demon cultivators guarding it, so the materials and treasures belong to the demon cultivators, so they can't be robbed?
If it doesn't exist, it can't be robbed, and it can't be robbed. It would be better for her to practice Buddhism.

I have to say that the holographic projection rewarded by the system this time is simply not very easy to use.

You don't need to release your spiritual consciousness all the time, and you can always pay attention to the movement around you.

You can see all the genius treasures and monks around.

At this time, she was now followed by two tails.

After casually setting up the formation, Tang Wuyou stood in the formation and looked at the two people who were slowly approaching.

"Two friends, you have been following me since you came out of the dangerous place.

Want to send me training materials?
Don't be so embarrassed, send it generously, and I will accept it. "

The two of them were a man and a woman, and they looked like Taoist couples.

The woman stood up and looked at Tang Wuyou with a sneer.

"What nonsense are you saying?

I also sent you training materials. Based on our husband and wife's observation of you, you got a lot of good things in the dangerous place.

Take the initiative to hand over those good things now, maybe we can spare your life. "

Tang Wuyou was speechless.

"Don't you have anything new in your words?
This is all such a set of sayings, won't you get tired of it? "

The two people opposite were speechless.

At the same time, he sacrificed his magic weapon.

Tang Wuyou shrugged.

"It seems that you have been hit by me, you are short of words, next time you can change your words to move people.

Maybe when the other party hears it, they will be directly moved to offer the cultivation resources with both hands, won't it save them from doing it? "

The difficult-to-repair Qi knot on the opposite side.

"That sounds nice, can you tell me a few words?"

Tang Wuyou smiled and patted the spirit animal bag.

"I don't even need to ask for this kind of thing, my spirit beast can handle it."

(End of this chapter)

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