Chapter 10 Thunder Beast
"Feng Shangxian, do you have a way to subdue the Thunder Beast with the strength of the Nascent Soul Late Stage?"

"There is a method, but it's not suitable for you, a monk at the third level of the Qi training period. A random blow from the thunder beast in the late stage of the Nascent Soul, I'm afraid you will have to be reimbursed for your small body."

"What about an imprisoned Thunder Beast? Unless it is attacked with magic power, it is estimated that it will be difficult for it to launch an attacking Thunder Beast."

"Then you can try."

Feng Yi was a little curious. Lan Chuchu, who possessed heaven-defying aptitude and cultivation resources, had no intention of cultivating and did not pursue longevity.What has happened to her before?
Lan Chuchu nodded and left the cave space.

According to the memories of her previous life, a Thunder Beast was imprisoned in the central area of ​​the secret realm. In her previous life, as Li Xiaohua, she was almost killed by a Thunder Beast in order to save a person. Later, that man became her husband and gave her Much love, and untold pain.

Fortunately, her love-hate relationship with that person was over in her previous life.In this life, she doesn't want to meet him again, nor does she want to have any entanglements.

The best time to enter the central area is before the secret realm is closed. At that time, the restriction in the central area has not yet been closed. That person and Li Xiaohua have just left the central area, and it is just right for him to go there.Although it will miss the time to leave the secret realm, it doesn't matter, at worst, it will be locked here for five years.

Ordinary qi-training monks might not be able to survive here for too long, but how could she be an ordinary qi-training monk?
Soon it was the day before the end of Yunjing's trial.Lan Chuchu came to the periphery of the central area.After the figures of a man and a woman left the central area in the evening, they waited for a cup of tea before stepping into the gate of the central area.

Because tomorrow is the last day of the trial, most of the disciples have rushed to the exit, and there should be no one in the central area by now.

Sure enough, Lan Chuchu's journey was very smooth. Most of the monsters in the central area were hacked to death and injured by the treasure hunting disciples before, and they couldn't escape. At dawn, Lan Chuchu had arrived in front of a house on the top of the mountain.

There was a restriction at the gate of the house, so Lan Chuchu slammed it hundreds of times with her fist, and the restriction was finally broken.Lan Chuchu looked at the fist and sighed, the effect of body training needs to be further improved!

Going all the way to the third courtyard, it is an extremely tall and magnificent building. The building is backed by a stone mountain, and the second half of the building seems to be embedded in the mountain.

Lan Chuchu used her fist to break the barrier at the door as usual, entered the building, then found a hidden passage in the corner of the building, and went underground.

After walking down thousands of steps, we finally arrived at our destination.

There was still a restriction in front of him, and Lan Chuchu still used his fists to solve it.

Entering the forbidden area, you will see an extremely wide dark hall, about several hundred feet long and wide.In the innermost part of the hall, there are two balls of white light that appear and disappear.Lan Chuchu knew that those were Thunder Beast's eyes.

Lan Chuchu entered the cave space and brought Feng Yi out.Feng Yi is worthy of being an immortal, and he knew it clearly after taking a look at it from a distance.

"This Thunder Beast seems to be trapped by a large spirit-locking array, and the mana in its body cannot be exerted. If you want to subdue it, you can't use spells, and you can only attack it with martial arts training similar to mortals. If you use After casting the spell, the Thunder Beast absorbs the spiritual power and temporarily suppresses the spirit-locking formation, becoming very powerful."

Seeing Lan Chuchu's expressionless face, as if he had already known about it, Feng Yi pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled slightly: "It seems that you already knew about this."

"That's right, I almost died in the hands of this thunder beast before."

Lan Chuchu walked near the Thunder Beast.Thunder Beast is similar to a wolf at this time, except that it has four lower limbs and three tails. It is lying lazily in the corner of the hall. There are extremely thick metal rings on the neck and six limbs, and there are several thick iron chains. Connected to the metal ring, the other end is nailed to the stone wall of the hall far away.

"Stupid Xiu, do you want to come and die?"

Thunder Beast glanced at Lan Chuchu arrogantly, then set his sights on Feng Yi.

"Whether I'm going to die or not, I also want to know." Lan Chuchu smiled slightly, "Let's make gestures, if I beat you, how about you being my spirit beast?"

"It's just you? Like an ant, you still want to be my master?" Thunder Beast looked contemptuous, and didn't even bother to look at Lan Chuchu again.

"Of course I can't do it alone, but with him, it's fine." Lan Chuchu glanced at Feng Yi.

Feng Yi smiled and nodded: "That's right. Little Thunder Beast, you've been stuck here for thousands of years. We'll rescue you, and we only need you to recognize the master and become a spirit beast. You won't suffer from this deal."

"Save me out?!"

Thunder Beast stood up immediately, with a surprise on its face!
It has tried to get out of trouble for thousands of years, but all failed.Self-help seemed hopeless.It's just that there is one person and one soul in front of him. If anyone can save him, he would rather believe that it is this soul.This person's cultivation is too weak, if he is not trapped, he may be able to kill this person's cultivation with one claw.

"If you can save me, it's not impossible to recognize the master. It's just that this person's cultivation is too weak, so I don't want such a master. If you insist on recognizing the master, you can forcefully be my master."

Thunder Beast stared at Feng Yi and said.Although Feng Yi doesn't look like a soul or a human being, his instinct tells him that he is definitely not easy to mess with.

"You can recognize Feng Yi Shangxian as the master, but it will take a few years. If he appears in front of people in his current state, he will easily attract the covetousness of high-ranking cultivators in this world, and both you and him will be in danger.

But if you recognize me as the Lord, you don't have to worry about this.If after a few years, my mind and soul are broken, you can inherit my cave space, take this Fengyi Shangxian, and find another safe place to practice. "

Lan Chuchu wasn't displeased at all because Thunder Beast looked down on her, instead she spoke calmly.

Feng Yi glanced at Lan Chuchu.He really didn't expect that this little girl looked cold-hearted, but she came to catch Thunder Beast because of his plan.

"You actually have cave space?" Thunder Beast finally took a look at Lan Chuchu.


"You can't beat me."

"How do you know if you don't try? And I didn't say that you only make one gesture. If you can't beat it today, maybe you can do it tomorrow? Not tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow."

Lan Chuchu smiled confidently.

"Then try it." Thunder Beast rolled his eyes and lay down lazily again.

Lan Chuchu jumped forward and punched Thunder Beast.The Thunder Beast lightly raised one of its front paws, and flicked it casually.Lan Chuchu retracted her fist, but another punch hit Thunder Beast's nose.

Thunder Beast was caught off guard, stood up angrily, and was about to pounce on Lan Chuchu.

Lan Chuchu jumped up suddenly and landed on Thunder Beast, grabbed the thick mane of Thunder Beast's neck with one hand, and punched Thunder Beast's forehead with the other hand.

Seeing this, Lei Beast jumped and rolled a few times, trying to push Lan Chuchu down, but failed.

The three tails of the Thunder Beast swept over again, but Lan Chuchu jumped up and rode on the Thunder Beast's neck, her legs clamped tightly around the Wolf's neck, and then wrapped an iron chain around the Thunder Beast's neck, strangling Lei beast neck.

Thunder Beast had no choice but to squat down, planning to attack Lan Chuchu with its hind legs.

At this time, Feng Yi also shouted: "Chu Chu be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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