Chapter 9 Sequelae

Fortunately, on the fifth day, Lan Chuchu finally met Liu Yuan.Liu Yuan was also safe and sound.

Lan Chuchu handed Liu Yuan a storage bag, which contained a lot of self-made talisman seals, several sets of life-saving formations, and spirit herbs looted from those corpses.There are more than 200 of these spirit herbs in total.

"Senior Brother Liu, this secret realm is too dangerous, it's best to find a safe place and protect yourself first."

"What Junior Sister Lan said is true. There are fellow disciples of my Cumulus Sect nearby. We will find them and go forward together. It will be safer."

When Liu Yuan saw Lan Chuchu, his heart was very complicated.

Lan Chuchu only had the strength of the third level in the Qi training stage, and this Yunjing was almost a walking human target.Although I know that she is excellent in talismans and formations, most of the disciples here are tenth-level Dzogchen during the Qi training period, and the huge gap in levels cannot be made up by talismans and formations alone.She gave herself so many talisman formations and spirit herbs, and she must protect her safe and sound.

Not long after, three other members of the Cumulus Sect appeared nearby.Liu Yuan seems to know them all.They quickly reached an agreement and planned to move forward together.One of the female cultivators, Shen Menghan, was Lan Chuchu's best friend in her previous life.It's just that, with different identities in this life, it might be difficult to become best friends.

The five of them acted together, and it was much safer.It's just that the harvest of spiritual grass is much less.However, these classmates are still fair, and the spirit grass will be given to Lan Chuchu.

Two days later, when passing a waterfall, as Lan Chuchu expected, Li Xiaohua also joined the team of five with her previous identity.

The atmosphere of the team immediately underwent some subtle changes.As one of the three pillars of the Cumulus Sect, Li Xiaohua is the only direct disciple of Elder Ye. He is only 14 years old and has a non-dominant personality, so he quickly gets along with everyone.Overtly and secretly, everyone has some fawning attitudes inside.

Elder Ye is the youngest and most promising monk of the Cumulus Sect. He is already a Nascent Soul monk at only over 300 years old, and he is also very handsome.It's just that he was born as a casual cultivator and only joined the Cumulus Cloud Sect in the past ten years. He is also low-key and withdrawn, and he handles things fiercely.

However, it is also possible to curry favor with the disciples of monk Nascent Soul.It would be even better if I could get a few more treasures.As a direct disciple of monk Yuanying, any magic weapon for body protection can be obtained by other ordinary disciples even if they work hard.

Two days later, a colleague drugged the wine.Lan Chuchu had memories of her previous life, so she already knew about this matter, and she also told Liu Yuan to be careful.So I'm not really worried, I just pretend to sleep on the spot.She knew that Li Xiaohua's destined husband would appear here to save the beauty.

Waking up the next day, the small team of six had parted ways, two male cultivators fought each other to death, Li Xiaohua and Shen Menghan teamed up and continued on, while Lan Chuchu and Liu Yuan teamed up to find another safe place.

It's just that Liu Yuan still seems to be ambitious, and wants to take another chance and get some spiritual herbs.According to past experience, if there are more than [-] spiritual grasses, it is very likely that they can enter the top twenty and get the qualification to enter the Miluo Cave.

Lan Chuchu was very speechless.

She immediately took out another storage bag, which contained the foundation building pill recipe, some talisman making secrets, and another exercise secret book suitable for Liu Yuan, and said coldly: "Senior brother Liu, do you want to enter Miluo?" Hole, I just want to get the Foundation Establishment Pill Recipe, as well as some exercise secrets. This storage bag already contains these things. Make good use of them, so that you can practice to the pill formation stage with peace of mind. I promised Sister Shuier, To ensure that you get out of this cloud mirror safely, Senior Brother Liu please take care of yourself and don't make it difficult for me."

Liu Yuan took the storage bag, flipped through it, and was shocked.This Junior Sister Lan, who is only on the third level of the Qi training stage, is really unfathomable, making it impossible for him to figure it out!
If it is said that the previous production of talismans and magic circles relied on the accumulation of their ancestors of the Lan family; then this foundation building alchemy formula and secrets of exercises are treasures that countless families regard as core secrets. Man, how can you get these things?
"Junior Sister Lan, where did you get these things?"

"These things are stored in my mind. When I want, I can write them out. Brother Liu, don't need to panic. When the cloud mirror trial is over, it may be the time for you and me to part. At that time, I will ask Brother Liu to represent you." I'm saying goodbye to Sister Shui'er."

"Are you leaving the sect? Where are you going?"

"I haven't decided where to go yet. But the Cumulus Sect is no longer suitable for me, so I won't go back."

The two found a secluded valley and set up a protective circle, and a thick fog completely covered the valley.

One of the two practiced, and the other kept watch, taking turns to guard.

After a few days like this, Lan Chuchu felt worse and worse.I used to have occasional faint headaches when I was highly stressed, but now there are more and more headaches, and some memories seem to be getting more and more blurred.

Could it be that the sequelae of Elder Ye's forcible soul search have already occurred?

Lan Chuchu had no good way to solve this problem, and Liu Yuan probably couldn't count on it, so he could only ask Feng Yi.

Lan Chuchu didn't want Liu Yuan to know about his cave space, so he explained to Liu Yuan that he would return by himself when the two-month trial period expired, and then set up another protective circle in the inner part of the valley , then got into the cave space.

Feng Yi inspected it and said: "It is indeed a sequela left by the soul search technique.

The soul search technique is too overbearing, if it is used on low-level monks, it will cause confusion in memory and unbearable headaches, and it will shatter the mind and soul in severe cases, and there is no possibility of reincarnation.It seems that the other party is still showing mercy to you.

However, the longer the time goes by, the more serious the sequelae will be, and it will be a matter of time before the soul is broken.

There's no particularly good way to do this.

One way is also to find a strange elixir that is only available in the upper world-the requiem grass, and refine the elixir and take it.But this kind of elixir is extremely rare and difficult to find even in the upper realm, and it is probably impossible to find it in this realm.

Another way is to go to the ghost world to practice the secret art of nourishing the soul, so as to completely cure it.However, the ghost world is very repulsive to the breath of a living person like you, and it is very dangerous to go there.If you can improve your personal strength before going, there will be some guarantees. "

"It's just, how can I get to the ghost world?" Although Lan Chuchu has more than 2000 years of memory, she has never been to the ghost world.

"Every interface has a passage leading to the ghost world. Just find the entrance. It's not difficult for me."

"The matter of the ghost world is too far away, so put it aside for now.

I promised you to take you on a tour for ten years, but at present, I don't know if I can do it due to my physical condition.Why don't I hand you over to Senior Brother Liu Yuan, and it's the same for you to travel with him. "

"If I were still a divine consciousness, it would be the same as traveling with anyone. However, now that I have such a semi-physical body, I cannot store it on objects. Unless Liu Yuan also has a cave space for me to live in, otherwise, I can only reveal it. In front of everyone, attracting countless coveted people is a dangerous move for me and Liu Yuan."

"This cave space is an extremely scarce resource in this world. Even the top cultivator who transforms spirits in this world may not be able to possess it unless he has a great chance. Brother Liu Yuan probably doesn't have this cave space."

Lan Chuchu was aware of her own situation, if it wasn't for Feng Yi's reminder, and his blow to break the seal on the ring, she might not have the chance to obtain the cave space inside the ring.Even if she reached the stage of transforming into a god in her previous life, she could not have a portable cave space of her own.

In this life, Lan Chuchu just wants to lie flat, not interested in cultivating longevity, and doesn't care about breaking her soul and ruining reincarnation. Since she can't entrust Feng Yi to others, she can only take one step at a time.

The ring space has already recognized the owner, and it is a super deep blood mark. It is impossible for Lan Chuchu to erase this blood mark of the recognition of the owner with his current three-level mana in the Qi training period.Therefore, unless she died herself, no one else could take away her ring cave.

No matter how good-hearted Lan Chuchu is, she is not the kind of person who would commit suicide to help others, and she just intends to let nature take its course.

(End of this chapter)

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