Chapter 8 Secret Survival
What is the first rule of survival in Yunjing Secret Land?
is alive.

In this place where the survival rate is only one-third, killings, deaths, and betrayals emerge in endlessly.

When Lan Chuchu woke up, her head ached a little, and she found that she was in a desert again, with no one around.

She remembered clearly that she was Li Xiaohua in her previous life, and she was in this desert when she first came here.

What a coincidence.

However, in this life, she has gone through five years of body training, her body is strong enough, and she is no longer afraid of any danger.And this storage bag full of talismans and formations.It's just a group of Qi training period monks, nothing to be afraid of.

It's just that the top priority is to find Liu Yuan and help him save his life.

Lan Chuchu took a rest first, and ate something to recover her strength.

Before the foundation was established, she still needed to rely on food and drink to survive like a mortal.During the years when the cave was under surveillance, there was a garden at the entrance of the cave, where she grew some fruits, vegetables, and grains. She relied on these for self-sufficiency for five years, and she also harvested some food, which she carried with her.

After roughly distinguishing the direction, she ran towards the south.Occasionally, low-level monsters rush over on the road, and they can deal with a single monster with bare hands, and train their actual combat skills by the way.

After walking like this for about a day, she felt that she was almost tripped, so she hurriedly jumped to the side.After looking it over carefully, I found that the culprit was actually a dead branch.

She has a slight impression of this dead branch. She also picked up such a dead branch in her previous life, but she threw it into the storage bag and completely forgot about it.Unexpectedly, in this life, I picked up this dead branch again after changing my identity.

However, after looking at it for a long time, I didn't see anything special about this dead branch.Just when she was about to put the dead branches into the storage bag, the storage ring changed.

"Why did you forget this ring?" Lan Chuchu muttered to herself.That Feng Yi's consciousness has been thrown into the storage ring for several years, and I don't know what happened, it's time to go into the ring to have a look.

Thinking of this, Lan Chuchu's eyes flickered, and when she could see clearly, she found that she was already in the cave space of the ring.

Lan Chuchu was taken aback!This, is this his own foggy cave in space?

In the cave, there are grasslands and trees, houses and rivers, blue sky and white clouds, the sun is shining brightly, and there seems to be some aura.It is clearly a holy place for cultivating immortals.

"Chuchu, long time no see!" A familiar voice came from Feng Yi.

"You, you, how did you become like this?!"

It's not that Lan Chuchu made a fuss, it's that Feng Yi's current appearance is a bit scary.

Before, he was only transformed into an image, but now he looks a little more concrete, with such a half-real and half-empty appearance, without half immortality, but looks like a human being and a ghost.If you have to say what he looks like now, it may be like a soul, but it is more specific than a soul.

Feng Yi smiled wryly. "It's not because I want to make trouble, it's really a last resort. When you threw it into this space last time, that stone just hit me, and the power of chaos in the stone was sucked into my body, and it turned out to be look like this."

"You mean, the power of chaos in the stone was absorbed by you, so you have to embody your divine consciousness into a physical body?"

Lan Chuchu didn't believe that he was hit by a stone. He probably absorbed the power of chaos in the stone by himself.

"That's right, Chuchu is really smart. It's a pity that the chaotic power of this stone is limited, and it's only a little concrete. If there are more chaotic powers that can be absorbed, it's no problem for me to create another physical body."

"It's a beautiful idea. How can the power of chaos be obtained so easily. It is already a great blessing to have this little bit. Instead of counting on the power of chaos, why not practice hard on your own."

"What Chu Chu said is true." Feng Yi said with a smile, looking like a modest gentleman. "Now that I'm like this, I can't go back to Muchili. If it weren't for Chuchu's cave space, I don't know where I should live."

"Okay, then you can live here first. It's just that it was foggy before, why is it so beautiful now?"

"It turned out to be foggy because the supporting energy of the cave space was nearly exhausted. After absorbing Chuchu's blood and the power of chaos, it can be maintained normally for a while." An ancient voice sounded in Chuchu's mind.

"A period of time, how long is it?"

"Decades, I'm afraid it's enough."

"Forget it." Lan Chuchu didn't care.After several decades, the time limit for her agreement with Feng Yi will come to an end, and it doesn't matter if there is any space in the cave.

Lan Chuchu looked at the dead branches in his hand, found a grassy area, and inserted the dead branches into the soil.This dead branch is so predestined to her, maybe some good things can grow out of it.

"Pull it out! Pull it out!" The ancient voice sounded hurriedly in Lan Chuchu's mind.

Lan Chuchu was startled, and pulled out the dead branch. "what happened?"

"Planting dead branches, I'm afraid my cave space will collapse soon!" The ancient voice was very anxious.

"Okay then." Lan Chuchu had no choice but to throw the dead branches into the storage bag she carried.

Seeing that she had nothing else to do, she left the cave space in a single thought.

The immediate priority is to find Liu Yuan as soon as possible.Fortunately, there is a whereabouts disk in the material bag given by the sect. If there are disciples from the same sect nearby, the general direction will be displayed on the disk.

Lan Chuchu walked like flying, and moved forward quickly.

Two days later, she had walked out of the desert and slowly entered the forest.It's just that there is no trace of the same sect on the whereabouts array.

"Little girl, leave your storage bag, and the uncle will let you go there!"

A stout man suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way with a knife.

"It's up to you?" Lan Chuchu sneered.She kept walking and walked straight forward.The thick man's knife slashed towards him, but Lan Chuchu's figure flashed, and he suddenly turned behind the thick man, and punched him. The thick man vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Lan Chuchu picked up the stout man's storage bag and floated away.

The body training method is really overbearing.The man in front of him must have at least the ninth level of Qi training period, otherwise he would not dare to come to this cloud mirror for trial.She can knock down the opponent with just one punch. It seems that if she is facing a monk in the Qi training period, it should be no problem to fight alone.

After walking for a long time, when passing a valley, Lan Chuchu felt that the surrounding environment seemed too quiet, and felt uneasy for a while, so he quickly took out a handful of talismans and held them in his hand, quickly spread the flags around, and returned to the center of the formation. Throw some spirit stones.

When the formation was completed, a thick fog gushed out, completely covering Lan Chuchu's figure.

The killer who was ambushing in the valley was also patient enough, so he never did anything.

Lan Chuchu didn't have the time to waste time with them, she threw out a talisman, a bunch of fireballs fell from the sky, and the valley became a sea of ​​flames.A few screams came immediately.

Another talisman, an ice cone fell from the sky, and the screams stopped abruptly.

Lan Chuchu quickly withdrew the protective formation, slapped a few protective talismans on herself, and then moved on again.

Sudden.Lan Chuchu's heart suffered a strong impact, several protective shields were all shattered, and the enchanted breastplate on her body was also shattered. If Lan Chuchu hadn't worked hard for years to train her body, her body had already formed a strong protective ability. has died.

Lan Chuchu swallowed the blood in her mouth, and threw an ice pick amulet far behind her.

When the ice pick hit the ground, Lan Chuchu had already rushed to the vicinity, threw out another explosive talisman, and let out a scream.

Lan Chuchu didn't wait for the opponent's feedback, raised her fist, and threw her fist at the screaming place.

The fist pierced through the chest, and the other party still had an incredible expression on his face.

Lan Chuchu remained expressionless, took out her handkerchief to dry her fists, picked up the storage bags of the corpses and turned around to move forward again.

In the previous life, the first time I killed someone in this cloud mirror, I was so terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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